Stephen Karganovic
October 31, 2024
© Photo: Public domain

It seems that peasants everywhere are waking up. The strategic geniuses are losing their magic touch.

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In Greek, “Oxi” means “no.” October 28 is celebrated in Greece and Cyprus as “Oxi Day.” On that date in 1940 Mussolini’s plenipotentiaries presented an ultimatum to the Greek Government to allow Axis troops to occupy its territory. The Greek Prime Minister at the time, Metaxas, replied to the brazen demand with a single word, “Oxi.” The rest is, as they say, history.

Now it is the people of Georgia and Moldova, in elections and a referendum held last week, who have sent an essentially identical message to the arrogant hegemons of our day. Both Georgia and Moldova were earmarked to serve as sacrificial lambs in the collective West’s relentless war against Russia. For Georgia, a particularly self-destructive role had been envisioned. Its government was expected by the collective West to commit an act of national suicide arguably even more catastrophic than that of Germany and the associated vassal states of the European Union.

Facing an obvious military debacle in Ukraine, Western strategic thinkers came up with the brilliant idea of mending the situation by using Georgia to open a second front against Russia. The Georgian army, which in 2008 was trounced by Russian armed forces when the last attempt was made to use it in a similar hare-brained scheme, was to be thrust into battle once again as cannon fodder for the benefit of foreign interests.

The strategic thinkers had overlooked an important detail that cast a long shadow over the feasibility of their scheme. In 2008 it was their stooge Saakashvili who was running Georgia. Today, the situation is fundamentally different. Whilst their puppet, French-born EU citizen Salome Zourabichvili, is President, Georgia is governed by sovereignist patriots whose litmus test for judging policies is what is best for their country. Such a policy standard, of course, is utterly abhorrent to the globalist mindset.

The elections in Georgia have gone terribly wrong from their point of view. The ruling sovereignist party, Georgia Dream, won with 54% of the vote. The result was duly certified by the electoral commission.

The seriousness with which the current Georgian government views non-interference in its sovereign affairs was demonstrated not long ago. Anticipating last weekend’s elections, Prime Minister Garibashvili proposed, and by a comfortable margin Parliament approved, a law mandating transparency in the financing of foreign sponsored “NGOs,” of which about 20,000 are said to be active in Georgia. Forthwith, the foreign sponsored cabal whose machinations the transparency law was designed to make public lost their nerve. President Zourabichvili, a foreign citizen herself and former French Foreign Ministry functionary whose spoken Georgian is no better than Zelensky’s Ukrainian, is herself a prime candidate for the law’s rigorous application. Foolishly, she gave the game away by refusing to exercise the presidential duty of signing the duly passed foreign agent transparency legislation so that it could go into effect. That unladylike attempt at obstruction, however, came to naught. The law was signed in her stead by the president of the Georgian Parliament.

As expected, the foreign sponsored elements which the transparency law was passed to expose and whose marching orders are to drag Georgia into the EU and ultimately into NATO, are not giving up. They are resorting to a full-scale colour revolution scenario in the hope of overturning their electoral defeat and plunging Georgia into a military confrontation with Russia to relieve the collective West’s crumbling Ukrainian front. On Monday 28 October, adhering minutely to the Gene Sharp playbook, mass protests were scheduled in Tbilisi to contest the electoral outcome.

Reflecting its fury at being defeated in Georgia and determined to go va banque to reverse the unfavourable election result, the collective West recklessly decided to activate its highest ranking asset in Georgia, Salome Zourabichvili herself. The President of Georgia has thus taken charge of the operation to undermine the electoral process in her own country, where technically she is the head of state and chief law enforcement officer. Is more evidence needed for the urgency in Georgia of the recently passed foreign agents legislation? Whilst frankly admitting that “there is no proof” of Russian interference, Zourabichvili (nomen omen, Anglophone readers will be tempted to say) has placed herself and her office at the forefront of civil disorders that might fizzle out, as in Venezuela, or they could destabilise Georgia, installing eventually a client regime prepared to instigate a suicidal war with Russia, which is exactly what these foreign-incited upheavals have been set in motion to accomplish.

In Moldova, a similar sequence of events has unfolded. A week before the Georgia vote, a constitutional referendum was held there to ascertain the position of the citizens on Moldova’s membership in the European Union. The referendum was important to that country’s pro-Western client regime as a stepping stone to eventual NATO membership, which is what generally follows EU accession. Extreme precautions were taken to rig the voting process whilst vociferously claiming, as in Georgia, that it was Russia that was interfering to swerve Moldova from its “European path.” However, as political analyst Marko Gasic has argued, the stereotype charge of Russian interference in Moldova is uncorroborated by a shred of evidence.

Underlining the fundamental dishonesty of the proceedings, Moldovan citizens living in Russia, estimated to number several hundred thousand, were barred from taking part in the referendum whilst those living in the European Union were allowed to do so. All the legerdemain notwithstanding however the result was a political disaster for the referendum’s sponsors. It was a mathematical “victory” of sorts but by virtue of its thinness a moral and political defeat for the pro-EU forces. With all votes counted, the official data recorded 50.46% “Yes” and 49.54% “No” votes. Even impoverished Moldovans are no longer buying into the “European” fable.

It seems that peasants everywhere are waking up. The strategic geniuses are losing their magic touch and once again confirming Andrei Martyanov’s unflattering assessment of their incompetence and diminished brainpower.

In Georgia and Moldova, it’s “Οχι” for NATO and the EU

It seems that peasants everywhere are waking up. The strategic geniuses are losing their magic touch.

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In Greek, “Oxi” means “no.” October 28 is celebrated in Greece and Cyprus as “Oxi Day.” On that date in 1940 Mussolini’s plenipotentiaries presented an ultimatum to the Greek Government to allow Axis troops to occupy its territory. The Greek Prime Minister at the time, Metaxas, replied to the brazen demand with a single word, “Oxi.” The rest is, as they say, history.

Now it is the people of Georgia and Moldova, in elections and a referendum held last week, who have sent an essentially identical message to the arrogant hegemons of our day. Both Georgia and Moldova were earmarked to serve as sacrificial lambs in the collective West’s relentless war against Russia. For Georgia, a particularly self-destructive role had been envisioned. Its government was expected by the collective West to commit an act of national suicide arguably even more catastrophic than that of Germany and the associated vassal states of the European Union.

Facing an obvious military debacle in Ukraine, Western strategic thinkers came up with the brilliant idea of mending the situation by using Georgia to open a second front against Russia. The Georgian army, which in 2008 was trounced by Russian armed forces when the last attempt was made to use it in a similar hare-brained scheme, was to be thrust into battle once again as cannon fodder for the benefit of foreign interests.

The strategic thinkers had overlooked an important detail that cast a long shadow over the feasibility of their scheme. In 2008 it was their stooge Saakashvili who was running Georgia. Today, the situation is fundamentally different. Whilst their puppet, French-born EU citizen Salome Zourabichvili, is President, Georgia is governed by sovereignist patriots whose litmus test for judging policies is what is best for their country. Such a policy standard, of course, is utterly abhorrent to the globalist mindset.

The elections in Georgia have gone terribly wrong from their point of view. The ruling sovereignist party, Georgia Dream, won with 54% of the vote. The result was duly certified by the electoral commission.

The seriousness with which the current Georgian government views non-interference in its sovereign affairs was demonstrated not long ago. Anticipating last weekend’s elections, Prime Minister Garibashvili proposed, and by a comfortable margin Parliament approved, a law mandating transparency in the financing of foreign sponsored “NGOs,” of which about 20,000 are said to be active in Georgia. Forthwith, the foreign sponsored cabal whose machinations the transparency law was designed to make public lost their nerve. President Zourabichvili, a foreign citizen herself and former French Foreign Ministry functionary whose spoken Georgian is no better than Zelensky’s Ukrainian, is herself a prime candidate for the law’s rigorous application. Foolishly, she gave the game away by refusing to exercise the presidential duty of signing the duly passed foreign agent transparency legislation so that it could go into effect. That unladylike attempt at obstruction, however, came to naught. The law was signed in her stead by the president of the Georgian Parliament.

As expected, the foreign sponsored elements which the transparency law was passed to expose and whose marching orders are to drag Georgia into the EU and ultimately into NATO, are not giving up. They are resorting to a full-scale colour revolution scenario in the hope of overturning their electoral defeat and plunging Georgia into a military confrontation with Russia to relieve the collective West’s crumbling Ukrainian front. On Monday 28 October, adhering minutely to the Gene Sharp playbook, mass protests were scheduled in Tbilisi to contest the electoral outcome.

Reflecting its fury at being defeated in Georgia and determined to go va banque to reverse the unfavourable election result, the collective West recklessly decided to activate its highest ranking asset in Georgia, Salome Zourabichvili herself. The President of Georgia has thus taken charge of the operation to undermine the electoral process in her own country, where technically she is the head of state and chief law enforcement officer. Is more evidence needed for the urgency in Georgia of the recently passed foreign agents legislation? Whilst frankly admitting that “there is no proof” of Russian interference, Zourabichvili (nomen omen, Anglophone readers will be tempted to say) has placed herself and her office at the forefront of civil disorders that might fizzle out, as in Venezuela, or they could destabilise Georgia, installing eventually a client regime prepared to instigate a suicidal war with Russia, which is exactly what these foreign-incited upheavals have been set in motion to accomplish.

In Moldova, a similar sequence of events has unfolded. A week before the Georgia vote, a constitutional referendum was held there to ascertain the position of the citizens on Moldova’s membership in the European Union. The referendum was important to that country’s pro-Western client regime as a stepping stone to eventual NATO membership, which is what generally follows EU accession. Extreme precautions were taken to rig the voting process whilst vociferously claiming, as in Georgia, that it was Russia that was interfering to swerve Moldova from its “European path.” However, as political analyst Marko Gasic has argued, the stereotype charge of Russian interference in Moldova is uncorroborated by a shred of evidence.

Underlining the fundamental dishonesty of the proceedings, Moldovan citizens living in Russia, estimated to number several hundred thousand, were barred from taking part in the referendum whilst those living in the European Union were allowed to do so. All the legerdemain notwithstanding however the result was a political disaster for the referendum’s sponsors. It was a mathematical “victory” of sorts but by virtue of its thinness a moral and political defeat for the pro-EU forces. With all votes counted, the official data recorded 50.46% “Yes” and 49.54% “No” votes. Even impoverished Moldovans are no longer buying into the “European” fable.

It seems that peasants everywhere are waking up. The strategic geniuses are losing their magic touch and once again confirming Andrei Martyanov’s unflattering assessment of their incompetence and diminished brainpower.

It seems that peasants everywhere are waking up. The strategic geniuses are losing their magic touch.

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In Greek, “Oxi” means “no.” October 28 is celebrated in Greece and Cyprus as “Oxi Day.” On that date in 1940 Mussolini’s plenipotentiaries presented an ultimatum to the Greek Government to allow Axis troops to occupy its territory. The Greek Prime Minister at the time, Metaxas, replied to the brazen demand with a single word, “Oxi.” The rest is, as they say, history.

Now it is the people of Georgia and Moldova, in elections and a referendum held last week, who have sent an essentially identical message to the arrogant hegemons of our day. Both Georgia and Moldova were earmarked to serve as sacrificial lambs in the collective West’s relentless war against Russia. For Georgia, a particularly self-destructive role had been envisioned. Its government was expected by the collective West to commit an act of national suicide arguably even more catastrophic than that of Germany and the associated vassal states of the European Union.

Facing an obvious military debacle in Ukraine, Western strategic thinkers came up with the brilliant idea of mending the situation by using Georgia to open a second front against Russia. The Georgian army, which in 2008 was trounced by Russian armed forces when the last attempt was made to use it in a similar hare-brained scheme, was to be thrust into battle once again as cannon fodder for the benefit of foreign interests.

The strategic thinkers had overlooked an important detail that cast a long shadow over the feasibility of their scheme. In 2008 it was their stooge Saakashvili who was running Georgia. Today, the situation is fundamentally different. Whilst their puppet, French-born EU citizen Salome Zourabichvili, is President, Georgia is governed by sovereignist patriots whose litmus test for judging policies is what is best for their country. Such a policy standard, of course, is utterly abhorrent to the globalist mindset.

The elections in Georgia have gone terribly wrong from their point of view. The ruling sovereignist party, Georgia Dream, won with 54% of the vote. The result was duly certified by the electoral commission.

The seriousness with which the current Georgian government views non-interference in its sovereign affairs was demonstrated not long ago. Anticipating last weekend’s elections, Prime Minister Garibashvili proposed, and by a comfortable margin Parliament approved, a law mandating transparency in the financing of foreign sponsored “NGOs,” of which about 20,000 are said to be active in Georgia. Forthwith, the foreign sponsored cabal whose machinations the transparency law was designed to make public lost their nerve. President Zourabichvili, a foreign citizen herself and former French Foreign Ministry functionary whose spoken Georgian is no better than Zelensky’s Ukrainian, is herself a prime candidate for the law’s rigorous application. Foolishly, she gave the game away by refusing to exercise the presidential duty of signing the duly passed foreign agent transparency legislation so that it could go into effect. That unladylike attempt at obstruction, however, came to naught. The law was signed in her stead by the president of the Georgian Parliament.

As expected, the foreign sponsored elements which the transparency law was passed to expose and whose marching orders are to drag Georgia into the EU and ultimately into NATO, are not giving up. They are resorting to a full-scale colour revolution scenario in the hope of overturning their electoral defeat and plunging Georgia into a military confrontation with Russia to relieve the collective West’s crumbling Ukrainian front. On Monday 28 October, adhering minutely to the Gene Sharp playbook, mass protests were scheduled in Tbilisi to contest the electoral outcome.

Reflecting its fury at being defeated in Georgia and determined to go va banque to reverse the unfavourable election result, the collective West recklessly decided to activate its highest ranking asset in Georgia, Salome Zourabichvili herself. The President of Georgia has thus taken charge of the operation to undermine the electoral process in her own country, where technically she is the head of state and chief law enforcement officer. Is more evidence needed for the urgency in Georgia of the recently passed foreign agents legislation? Whilst frankly admitting that “there is no proof” of Russian interference, Zourabichvili (nomen omen, Anglophone readers will be tempted to say) has placed herself and her office at the forefront of civil disorders that might fizzle out, as in Venezuela, or they could destabilise Georgia, installing eventually a client regime prepared to instigate a suicidal war with Russia, which is exactly what these foreign-incited upheavals have been set in motion to accomplish.

In Moldova, a similar sequence of events has unfolded. A week before the Georgia vote, a constitutional referendum was held there to ascertain the position of the citizens on Moldova’s membership in the European Union. The referendum was important to that country’s pro-Western client regime as a stepping stone to eventual NATO membership, which is what generally follows EU accession. Extreme precautions were taken to rig the voting process whilst vociferously claiming, as in Georgia, that it was Russia that was interfering to swerve Moldova from its “European path.” However, as political analyst Marko Gasic has argued, the stereotype charge of Russian interference in Moldova is uncorroborated by a shred of evidence.

Underlining the fundamental dishonesty of the proceedings, Moldovan citizens living in Russia, estimated to number several hundred thousand, were barred from taking part in the referendum whilst those living in the European Union were allowed to do so. All the legerdemain notwithstanding however the result was a political disaster for the referendum’s sponsors. It was a mathematical “victory” of sorts but by virtue of its thinness a moral and political defeat for the pro-EU forces. With all votes counted, the official data recorded 50.46% “Yes” and 49.54% “No” votes. Even impoverished Moldovans are no longer buying into the “European” fable.

It seems that peasants everywhere are waking up. The strategic geniuses are losing their magic touch and once again confirming Andrei Martyanov’s unflattering assessment of their incompetence and diminished brainpower.

The views of individual contributors do not necessarily represent those of the Strategic Culture Foundation.

See also

March 9, 2025

See also

March 9, 2025
The views of individual contributors do not necessarily represent those of the Strategic Culture Foundation.