Editor's Сhoice
October 26, 2024
© Photo: Public domain

One can’t help wondering what the endgame is in all this Hitler talk. Harris and her allies are playing with Trump’s life. Surely they know that.


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Did you hear? Hitler’s back! Kamala Harris stood outside her official residence and solemnly warned a national television audience on Wednesday that Donald Trump had reportedly admired Nazi generals, and see, see—he’s a fascist! Later in the evening, she said outright on CNN that Donald Trump is a fascist.


She based this claim on reporting in The Atlantic, a liberal magazine who also quoted a former top Trump White House staffer saying that Trump disparaged a dead U.S. soldier of Hispanic descent, using racist language. Inconveniently, the dead soldier’s sister tweeted that it was a lie, and that earlier in the day, she had cast an early vote for, yes, Donald Trump.

Hitler may be back, but then, he never really went away, not for the Democrats and the liberal media when confronted by a Republican president or presidential candidate. When George W. Bush was president, they called him “Bushitler.” The mild, milquetoast Mitt Romney? Hitler (or at least Hitler-ish). The list of Republican figures the American Left has tarred with the Hitler or Nazi brush is as long as it is absurd. Nobody who isn’t already deeply in the Democratic tank takes it seriously anymore. It has become any irritating ideological tic, like progressives accusing anybody who dissents from their radical identity politics dogma ‘racist,’ or some other type of bigot.

Europeans are quite used to this. Any politician of the Right who challenges even slightly the settled establishment status quo gets the Hitler treatment. As Renaud Camus observed in a 2007 essay, “The Second Career of Adolf Hitler”:

When used in this way as an absolute weapon of language, as its supreme fulmination, the atomic bomb of maledictions, Hitler served to once and for all condemn or silence anything a person might say, or believed he might say, or thought he might at least insinuate should it have any connection, however slight, to Hitler, to anything he did, anything he wrote, anything he thought. In this domain, however, accusation equals condemnation. Suspicion equals guilt. And, for the potential target, risk equals ruin.

Thus did Hitler, though long dead, continue to labor effectively in European politics by demonizing anyone smeared with his legacy, no matter how ridiculous the accusation. Camus, whose essay was published last year in English in the collection Enemy of the Disaster, went on to say that the dreaded H-word paralyzed European masses by compelling them to think of themselves as fascist collaborators simply for noticing certain things about their societies and cultures. Hitler and his cancerous ideology may have been consigned to history’s dustbin by the victorious Allied armies, but generations of political “doctors” have continued to blast the patient with radiation and chemotherapy, to assure that the tumors do not return. Said Camus:

The trouble is that, in following this regimen, these over-zealous practitioners have left the patient more than three-quarters dead, for in their glee to extract they have removed all vital functions, instinct for survival, and desire for life.

He means that Europeans have become so terrified of being Hitler that they are afraid to stand up for themselves in the face of uncontrolled migration and other tangible threats that threaten to destroy their culture and civilization.

Americans have never been vulnerable in this way, in part because the imputation of Hitlerism to U.S. politicians has always been manifestly crazy. The American version would be something like the “Second Career of Jim Crow,” a pejorative 19th century term for black Americans given to segregationist laws of the American South. The accusation ‘racist’ has been slung around so promiscuously by Democrats and progressives at anyone of the Right who objects to their ever more radical racial ideology that it has lost its force. When one can see on social media black activists accusing whites of racism for saying “good morning,” you can be sure that the slur is all but meaningless.

It is not that racism has been eliminated from public life, to be sure. It is just that the less actual racism there is, the more the Left has felt the need to accuse its opponents of it—and Trump has endured these slurs more than most. Of course, the Left has so broadened its definition of racism to include things like criticism of mass migration, the term has lost salience. In fact, Trump is now on track to perform better with Latino and black voters than any Republican since the 1960s.

How to explain non-whites supporting Trump? Well, there’s always the old Marxist concept of ‘false consciousness’—the idea that people who don’t vote in their class interest are deluded. Barack Obama recently chided black men who won’t vote for Kamala Harris, suggesting that they are sexist. This ignores the fact that black workers made a lot more money under Trump’s presidency, but their wage gains have stalled under Biden.

Similarly, it never seems to occur to liberal ideologues that racial minority voters are actual people, with complex motivations, instead of ciphers who prize racial identity above all. Trump has a startling 37% support among Latino voters. As The New York Times explained:

More than one-third of Hispanic voters say they support both building a wall along the U.S.-Mexico border and deporting immigrants who are living in the United States illegally. A vast majority of that support comes from Trump voters, but 9 percent of Harris voters also say the same. Support for such policies came largely from Latinos born in the United States.

Furthermore, Trump’s support among blacks and Hispanics is heavily weighted among men, as among white voters. Full-throated Democratic backing for policies like transgender rights, especially pushing sex changes for children and minors, undoubtedly trigger male voters. It is hard to see male voters of any race being unmoved by Kamala Harris’s endorsement of taxpayer-funded sex change surgeries for prisoners, including illegal migrants.

Yet it’s the Hitler slur that is most popular among the anti-Trump media—which is to say, the media, period. Never mind that the most liberal cities and states have also been the site of rabid anti-Semitic demonstrations without precedent in modern American times. As in Europe, these ugly manifestations have come at pro-Palestinian, anti-Israeli marches, which doesn’t square with the left-wing model of the way the world works. Scurrilous accusations that Trump is a Hitler sympathizer draw far more media attention than the undeniable fact that America’s most elite liberal universities have become hotbeds of open Jew-hatred.

The billionaire Jewish investor Bill Ackman, a longtime donor and supporter of Democratic candidates, became politically engaged after the October 7 massacres in Israel resulted in anti-Semitic activism at Harvard, his alma mater. Ackman’s experiences gradually red-pilled him on the Left, convincing him that the DEI (diversity, equity, and inclusion) ideology that had conquered his party and most American institutions was tearing the nation apart.

“If you want to undermine another country, convince people that the country is evil,” he said in an interview this week at Triggernometry. If DEI and wokeness is not stopped, he added, “that leads to civil war, perhaps; the end point is grim.”

Ackman said that until very recently, if you objected in any way to DEI in elite circles, you were denounced as racist (the Second Career of Jim Crow—see?). For the investor, who has endorsed Donald Trump for president, a turning point came when he actually investigated the media narrative that as president, Trump has said that neo-Nazis marching in Charlottesville, Virginia in 2017 included “very fine people.” It wasn’t true.

“That’s the moment when you realize, oh my God, I really have been misled by the media,” he said.

Ackman’s Triggernometry interview appeared Wednesday night on X. He praised Elon Musk for turning X into a platform for people to talk openly about controversial issues, without fear of censorship, as happened routinely under its previous left-wing owners. Musk is working to make Jim Crow jobless.

Naturally, they’re going after Musk as a racist and—surprise!—a crypto-fascist. The cover story on a recent issue of Spiegel, the leading German newsmagazine, links Musk to Trump, and calls the tech mogul “Public Enemy No. 2”. In the text of the article, we read this gem:

The former Krupp director Alfred Hugenberg bought a media empire in the 1920s to use in the election campaign: “Make the right wing strong for me!” In 1933, Adolf Hitler appointed him Reich Minister of Economics. Today, the conservative is seen as a stepping stone for the dictator.
Hugenberg, Hitler? Does that overestimate Musk’s historical role?

Hey, just asking questions.

Musk responded by accusing Spiegel (and other mainstream media outlets) of trying to get both Trump and him assassinated. The magazine called the charge “absurd.”

Nevertheless, one can’t help wondering what the endgame is in all this Hitler talk. If Trump really is Hitler, then why shouldn’t someone shoot him? Knowing what Hitler did with power, if you could go back in time, wouldn’t you shoot him before he became Reich Chancellor? Trump has faced (at least) two attempts to kill him already this campaign season. Harris and her allies are playing with his life. They surely know that.

With momentum in these waning days of the 2024 campaign swinging towards Trump, Team Kamala are trying to squeeze just a little more dishonest labor out of the dead dictator. With some on the political left showing clear signs of derangement—this clip of a Harris supporter cursing out her neighbor over a Trump sign went viral yesterday.

And the McDonalds where Trump appeared last weekend has hired security after violent threats—America feels like a country on the verge of a nervous breakdown. The vice president’s repulsive stunt outside her residence seemed less like a cri de coeur for democracy, and more like a signal. God forbid there is lurking somewhere in the autumnal fever swamps of the Left a third receiver.

Original article: The European Conservative

The views of individual contributors do not necessarily represent those of the Strategic Culture Foundation.
Kamala Harris hires Hitler in his “second career”

One can’t help wondering what the endgame is in all this Hitler talk. Harris and her allies are playing with Trump’s life. Surely they know that.


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Contact us: info@strategic-culture.su

Did you hear? Hitler’s back! Kamala Harris stood outside her official residence and solemnly warned a national television audience on Wednesday that Donald Trump had reportedly admired Nazi generals, and see, see—he’s a fascist! Later in the evening, she said outright on CNN that Donald Trump is a fascist.


She based this claim on reporting in The Atlantic, a liberal magazine who also quoted a former top Trump White House staffer saying that Trump disparaged a dead U.S. soldier of Hispanic descent, using racist language. Inconveniently, the dead soldier’s sister tweeted that it was a lie, and that earlier in the day, she had cast an early vote for, yes, Donald Trump.

Hitler may be back, but then, he never really went away, not for the Democrats and the liberal media when confronted by a Republican president or presidential candidate. When George W. Bush was president, they called him “Bushitler.” The mild, milquetoast Mitt Romney? Hitler (or at least Hitler-ish). The list of Republican figures the American Left has tarred with the Hitler or Nazi brush is as long as it is absurd. Nobody who isn’t already deeply in the Democratic tank takes it seriously anymore. It has become any irritating ideological tic, like progressives accusing anybody who dissents from their radical identity politics dogma ‘racist,’ or some other type of bigot.

Europeans are quite used to this. Any politician of the Right who challenges even slightly the settled establishment status quo gets the Hitler treatment. As Renaud Camus observed in a 2007 essay, “The Second Career of Adolf Hitler”:

When used in this way as an absolute weapon of language, as its supreme fulmination, the atomic bomb of maledictions, Hitler served to once and for all condemn or silence anything a person might say, or believed he might say, or thought he might at least insinuate should it have any connection, however slight, to Hitler, to anything he did, anything he wrote, anything he thought. In this domain, however, accusation equals condemnation. Suspicion equals guilt. And, for the potential target, risk equals ruin.

Thus did Hitler, though long dead, continue to labor effectively in European politics by demonizing anyone smeared with his legacy, no matter how ridiculous the accusation. Camus, whose essay was published last year in English in the collection Enemy of the Disaster, went on to say that the dreaded H-word paralyzed European masses by compelling them to think of themselves as fascist collaborators simply for noticing certain things about their societies and cultures. Hitler and his cancerous ideology may have been consigned to history’s dustbin by the victorious Allied armies, but generations of political “doctors” have continued to blast the patient with radiation and chemotherapy, to assure that the tumors do not return. Said Camus:

The trouble is that, in following this regimen, these over-zealous practitioners have left the patient more than three-quarters dead, for in their glee to extract they have removed all vital functions, instinct for survival, and desire for life.

He means that Europeans have become so terrified of being Hitler that they are afraid to stand up for themselves in the face of uncontrolled migration and other tangible threats that threaten to destroy their culture and civilization.

Americans have never been vulnerable in this way, in part because the imputation of Hitlerism to U.S. politicians has always been manifestly crazy. The American version would be something like the “Second Career of Jim Crow,” a pejorative 19th century term for black Americans given to segregationist laws of the American South. The accusation ‘racist’ has been slung around so promiscuously by Democrats and progressives at anyone of the Right who objects to their ever more radical racial ideology that it has lost its force. When one can see on social media black activists accusing whites of racism for saying “good morning,” you can be sure that the slur is all but meaningless.

It is not that racism has been eliminated from public life, to be sure. It is just that the less actual racism there is, the more the Left has felt the need to accuse its opponents of it—and Trump has endured these slurs more than most. Of course, the Left has so broadened its definition of racism to include things like criticism of mass migration, the term has lost salience. In fact, Trump is now on track to perform better with Latino and black voters than any Republican since the 1960s.

How to explain non-whites supporting Trump? Well, there’s always the old Marxist concept of ‘false consciousness’—the idea that people who don’t vote in their class interest are deluded. Barack Obama recently chided black men who won’t vote for Kamala Harris, suggesting that they are sexist. This ignores the fact that black workers made a lot more money under Trump’s presidency, but their wage gains have stalled under Biden.

Similarly, it never seems to occur to liberal ideologues that racial minority voters are actual people, with complex motivations, instead of ciphers who prize racial identity above all. Trump has a startling 37% support among Latino voters. As The New York Times explained:

More than one-third of Hispanic voters say they support both building a wall along the U.S.-Mexico border and deporting immigrants who are living in the United States illegally. A vast majority of that support comes from Trump voters, but 9 percent of Harris voters also say the same. Support for such policies came largely from Latinos born in the United States.

Furthermore, Trump’s support among blacks and Hispanics is heavily weighted among men, as among white voters. Full-throated Democratic backing for policies like transgender rights, especially pushing sex changes for children and minors, undoubtedly trigger male voters. It is hard to see male voters of any race being unmoved by Kamala Harris’s endorsement of taxpayer-funded sex change surgeries for prisoners, including illegal migrants.

Yet it’s the Hitler slur that is most popular among the anti-Trump media—which is to say, the media, period. Never mind that the most liberal cities and states have also been the site of rabid anti-Semitic demonstrations without precedent in modern American times. As in Europe, these ugly manifestations have come at pro-Palestinian, anti-Israeli marches, which doesn’t square with the left-wing model of the way the world works. Scurrilous accusations that Trump is a Hitler sympathizer draw far more media attention than the undeniable fact that America’s most elite liberal universities have become hotbeds of open Jew-hatred.

The billionaire Jewish investor Bill Ackman, a longtime donor and supporter of Democratic candidates, became politically engaged after the October 7 massacres in Israel resulted in anti-Semitic activism at Harvard, his alma mater. Ackman’s experiences gradually red-pilled him on the Left, convincing him that the DEI (diversity, equity, and inclusion) ideology that had conquered his party and most American institutions was tearing the nation apart.

“If you want to undermine another country, convince people that the country is evil,” he said in an interview this week at Triggernometry. If DEI and wokeness is not stopped, he added, “that leads to civil war, perhaps; the end point is grim.”

Ackman said that until very recently, if you objected in any way to DEI in elite circles, you were denounced as racist (the Second Career of Jim Crow—see?). For the investor, who has endorsed Donald Trump for president, a turning point came when he actually investigated the media narrative that as president, Trump has said that neo-Nazis marching in Charlottesville, Virginia in 2017 included “very fine people.” It wasn’t true.

“That’s the moment when you realize, oh my God, I really have been misled by the media,” he said.

Ackman’s Triggernometry interview appeared Wednesday night on X. He praised Elon Musk for turning X into a platform for people to talk openly about controversial issues, without fear of censorship, as happened routinely under its previous left-wing owners. Musk is working to make Jim Crow jobless.

Naturally, they’re going after Musk as a racist and—surprise!—a crypto-fascist. The cover story on a recent issue of Spiegel, the leading German newsmagazine, links Musk to Trump, and calls the tech mogul “Public Enemy No. 2”. In the text of the article, we read this gem:

The former Krupp director Alfred Hugenberg bought a media empire in the 1920s to use in the election campaign: “Make the right wing strong for me!” In 1933, Adolf Hitler appointed him Reich Minister of Economics. Today, the conservative is seen as a stepping stone for the dictator.
Hugenberg, Hitler? Does that overestimate Musk’s historical role?

Hey, just asking questions.

Musk responded by accusing Spiegel (and other mainstream media outlets) of trying to get both Trump and him assassinated. The magazine called the charge “absurd.”

Nevertheless, one can’t help wondering what the endgame is in all this Hitler talk. If Trump really is Hitler, then why shouldn’t someone shoot him? Knowing what Hitler did with power, if you could go back in time, wouldn’t you shoot him before he became Reich Chancellor? Trump has faced (at least) two attempts to kill him already this campaign season. Harris and her allies are playing with his life. They surely know that.

With momentum in these waning days of the 2024 campaign swinging towards Trump, Team Kamala are trying to squeeze just a little more dishonest labor out of the dead dictator. With some on the political left showing clear signs of derangement—this clip of a Harris supporter cursing out her neighbor over a Trump sign went viral yesterday.

And the McDonalds where Trump appeared last weekend has hired security after violent threats—America feels like a country on the verge of a nervous breakdown. The vice president’s repulsive stunt outside her residence seemed less like a cri de coeur for democracy, and more like a signal. God forbid there is lurking somewhere in the autumnal fever swamps of the Left a third receiver.

Original article: The European Conservative