Sonja van den Ende
June 29, 2024
© Photo: Public domain

Russia has been the U.S. target for regime change for many years, due to its awesome natural wealth and resistance to U.S. hegemony.

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Recently, two U.S. senators, Lindsey Graham and Richard Blumenthal, introduced a bill to designate Russia as a state sponsor of terrorism.

“We will push for a vote, and the best thing we can do, I think, to shape the future is to label Putin as a terrorist leader, because that’s what he is,” said Graham.

Graham can be compared to a (rather stupid) criminal cowboy. There are many senators with the same criminal mentality in the U.S. government. Graham is Republican, Blumenthal is a Democrat. It doesn’t matter who rules the U.S., both political parties are on the warpath and both are under the influence of the U.S. deep state (lobbies like the arms industry, military complex, etc.). Elections are a farce, just like in Europe.

The U.S. together with its partners in the European Union and NATO, have instigated and prolonged all kinds of illegal wars for many years, with the reckless supply of weapons and money.

Recent wars include Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria and the bombing of Libya into the stone age, and now it is Russia’s turn. Since the start of the Special Military Operation in Ukraine in February 2022 (even before that going back to 2014), Russia has been the target of the entire West.

European leaders have recently become even more radical than Uncle Sam and are using threatening war language – rabid rhetoric we have not heard since the Second World War.

Now that Ukraine cannot win on the battlefield, the U.S. and the West are turning to other means, as they always do, namely terrorism. We see a pattern here over several decades. The worst manifestation perhaps were the bloody wars that culminated in terrorism in Syria and Iraq, where the U.S. and EU/NATO sponsored and still sponsor terrorism.

ISIS or Daesh was created by the U.S. The deceased senator (a Republican) John McCain was one of the godfathers of ISIS, whose murderers were trained at the U.S. Camp Bucca in Iraq.

The same John McCain was in Kiev during the unfolding Maidan coup in December 2013 and told thousands of NeoNazi chanting demonstrators that Americans support their resistance to closer ties with Russia. The coup was executed in February 2014.

Other senators and government officials from the U.S. and Europe were also present for the Kiev coup, such as Chris Murphy and Victoria Nuland from the U.S. From Europe, the Dutchman Hans van Baalen, the former Belgian Prime Minister Guy Verhofstad (now EU MEP) and other EU delegates were present and supported the neo-Nazi groups wreaking violence on the Maidan square, killing police officers and sacking public buildings.

I must emphasize that the Western coup backers were from all kinds of political parties in the EU and the U.S., making no differentiation between conservatives and liberals, social democrats or Republicans and Democrats. All belong to the de facto Western War Party serving U.S.-led Western imperialism.

Victoria Nuland (now retired from the CIA-riddled U.S. State Department) followed in the footsteps of John McCain and emerged as the greatest Russia hater in the U.S. It was she who threatened Russian President Vladimir Putin with “nasty surprises” only weeks before the terrorist attack in March this year on the Crocus City Hall shopping-theater complex just outside Moscow where 144 people were killed by a team of gunmen.

The embassies (U.S. and EU) issued warnings for their fellow countrymen not to go to events or busy places in the near future, so they knew something was coming – because they planned it themselves.

Nuland has spoken vulgarly over the years. We all know her “fuck the EU” comment. But at her so-called farewell speech in February this year, she literally said: “The war in Ukraine is not to help Ukraine, but to thwart Russia.” Also revealing was Nuland’s explanation of the background of the war. Nothing about saving Ukraine, but all about her aversion to Russia.

“We wanted a partner that was focused on the West, that wanted to be European. But that was not what Putin brought,” she said. So, in other words, Putin has to go and Russia needs a regime change that is pro-West, in other words a puppet regime.

The U.S. (and the West) only had to activate the terrorists who launched the attack on the Crocus City Hall complex on March 22.

The same terrorist modus operandi was seen in Donbass after the CIA-backed 2014 coup in Kiev. The ethnic Russian population of Donbass was being shelled and murdered by NeoNazi paramilitaries armed and trained by NATO – with the knowledge of the West.

I witnessed the murderous attacks in Donetsk city and other places, where U.S.-supplied HIMARS artillery were shot at the civilian population by Ukrainian forces and terrorist battalions like Azov and Aidar. The same thing happened in Syria and Iraq and still does.

For me personally, it is abundantly clear, especially during the terrorist attack on Crocus City Hall, that the U.S. and its allies are using exactly the same tactics, which they have been doing for years. Using radicalized groups, be it Islamist or Nazi groups, against the civilian population of the country and committing terrorist attacks.

This time, however, I think they made a big mistake with the announcement by the U.S. embassy (and EU embassies) that something was going to happen in a busy place around Moscow two weeks or so before the attack on Crocus City Hall. Moreover, when the dastardly massacre happened, the Western governments immediately asserted categorically that the culprits were an obscure terror group, ISIS-K.

ISIS-K is a group (subgroup under Daesh) that consists largely of radicalized Afghans many of whom fought in Syria and Iraq. We now know that many terrorists under Daesh are on the payroll of the U.S. and the West. For example, the Netherlands sponsored 22 jihadist groups during the Syrian war, all of which were part of Daesh. So now that the West is omnipresent in Ukraine and several ISIS-affiliated battalions are fighting there, it would be logistically feasible for them to organize attacks in Russia.

Recently two terrorist attacks took place, one in Crimea, which was minimally reported in the West, and the other in Dagestan which received all the attention in the West. Why the differing Western media coverage?

As a result of an attack by a U.S.-supplied ATACMS missile on the beach of Sevastopol, Crimea, five civilians were killed and 127 were injured. It could not be more clear that the attack is directly traced to the U.S. Before the missiles were fired, an American reconnaissance UAV RQ-4B Global Hawk was in the airspace above the Black Sea. In addition, the missile warheads were filled with cluster munitions, prohibited by international law.

Previously, there were political debates in the U.S. and Europe about long-range missiles that could hit Russia. That has now happened because Crimea is Russian and this is a direct escalation from the West. We know it was American missiles that killed and injured Russian civilians.

The Western media (and politicians) were quick to condemn the terrorist attack in Dagestan, with major headlines in the media. ISIS-K purportedly carried out an attack in Dagestan, Russia, where a priest was murdered and a synagogue was attacked. The head of the Republic of Dagestan, Sergei Melikov, said there may have been “sleeper cells” and suggested the attacks may have had foreign help.

Who could this foreign help be? Of course, he was referring to the West, who, as I already wrote, have taken over Ukraine and are the actual founders of ISIS.

The more prominent Western coverage of the Dagestan attacks is a diversionary maneuver by the West from the events in Crimea, where it is so clear that America is behind the killing of Russian citizens. In Crimea, the Western aggressors cannot hide behind ISIS-K or other groups. They actually committed terrorism themselves.

When it comes to financing terrorism for instance, at a meeting of the EU Council, the foreign ministers of 27 member nations approved the decision to transfer €1.4 billion in profits from frozen Russian assets to the so-called European Peace Facility for military aid to Ukraine. They call arms deliveries “weapons for peace”. With this, the European Union finances terrorism against Russia with stolen money from Russia.

The U.S. also spends a lot on terrorism, which it also calls “weapons of peace” for Ukraine. Of the total U.S. expenditure of $175 billion in aid, $107 billion will go to the government of Ukraine. Weapons and equipment are provided through the Ukraine Security Assistance Initiative, the Presidential Drawdown Authority and the Foreign Military Financing Program.

The U.S. and its Western imperialist partners have a long and sordid track record when it comes to instrumental terrorism. Since the end of the Second World War, they have become the main sponsor of international terrorism. Of course, the West fulsomely denies this and instead calls its enemies “sponsors of terrorism”, which in reality often means countries that resist the U.S. and Europe and no longer accept the neo-colonialist rules-based order.

Russia has been the U.S. target for regime change for many years, due to its awesome natural wealth and resistance to U.S. hegemony. Recently, the American criminal cowboy Lindsey Graham misspoke to say, “Russia should not get its hands on the wealth of Ukraine.” In other words, the wealth of Ukraine belongs to the West.

Tragically, we may see many more terrorist attacks in Russia, sponsored by the U.S. and its European minions.

Losing Ukraine proxy war, the U.S. and NATO accomplices play terror card against Russia

Russia has been the U.S. target for regime change for many years, due to its awesome natural wealth and resistance to U.S. hegemony.

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Recently, two U.S. senators, Lindsey Graham and Richard Blumenthal, introduced a bill to designate Russia as a state sponsor of terrorism.

“We will push for a vote, and the best thing we can do, I think, to shape the future is to label Putin as a terrorist leader, because that’s what he is,” said Graham.

Graham can be compared to a (rather stupid) criminal cowboy. There are many senators with the same criminal mentality in the U.S. government. Graham is Republican, Blumenthal is a Democrat. It doesn’t matter who rules the U.S., both political parties are on the warpath and both are under the influence of the U.S. deep state (lobbies like the arms industry, military complex, etc.). Elections are a farce, just like in Europe.

The U.S. together with its partners in the European Union and NATO, have instigated and prolonged all kinds of illegal wars for many years, with the reckless supply of weapons and money.

Recent wars include Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria and the bombing of Libya into the stone age, and now it is Russia’s turn. Since the start of the Special Military Operation in Ukraine in February 2022 (even before that going back to 2014), Russia has been the target of the entire West.

European leaders have recently become even more radical than Uncle Sam and are using threatening war language – rabid rhetoric we have not heard since the Second World War.

Now that Ukraine cannot win on the battlefield, the U.S. and the West are turning to other means, as they always do, namely terrorism. We see a pattern here over several decades. The worst manifestation perhaps were the bloody wars that culminated in terrorism in Syria and Iraq, where the U.S. and EU/NATO sponsored and still sponsor terrorism.

ISIS or Daesh was created by the U.S. The deceased senator (a Republican) John McCain was one of the godfathers of ISIS, whose murderers were trained at the U.S. Camp Bucca in Iraq.

The same John McCain was in Kiev during the unfolding Maidan coup in December 2013 and told thousands of NeoNazi chanting demonstrators that Americans support their resistance to closer ties with Russia. The coup was executed in February 2014.

Other senators and government officials from the U.S. and Europe were also present for the Kiev coup, such as Chris Murphy and Victoria Nuland from the U.S. From Europe, the Dutchman Hans van Baalen, the former Belgian Prime Minister Guy Verhofstad (now EU MEP) and other EU delegates were present and supported the neo-Nazi groups wreaking violence on the Maidan square, killing police officers and sacking public buildings.

I must emphasize that the Western coup backers were from all kinds of political parties in the EU and the U.S., making no differentiation between conservatives and liberals, social democrats or Republicans and Democrats. All belong to the de facto Western War Party serving U.S.-led Western imperialism.

Victoria Nuland (now retired from the CIA-riddled U.S. State Department) followed in the footsteps of John McCain and emerged as the greatest Russia hater in the U.S. It was she who threatened Russian President Vladimir Putin with “nasty surprises” only weeks before the terrorist attack in March this year on the Crocus City Hall shopping-theater complex just outside Moscow where 144 people were killed by a team of gunmen.

The embassies (U.S. and EU) issued warnings for their fellow countrymen not to go to events or busy places in the near future, so they knew something was coming – because they planned it themselves.

Nuland has spoken vulgarly over the years. We all know her “fuck the EU” comment. But at her so-called farewell speech in February this year, she literally said: “The war in Ukraine is not to help Ukraine, but to thwart Russia.” Also revealing was Nuland’s explanation of the background of the war. Nothing about saving Ukraine, but all about her aversion to Russia.

“We wanted a partner that was focused on the West, that wanted to be European. But that was not what Putin brought,” she said. So, in other words, Putin has to go and Russia needs a regime change that is pro-West, in other words a puppet regime.

The U.S. (and the West) only had to activate the terrorists who launched the attack on the Crocus City Hall complex on March 22.

The same terrorist modus operandi was seen in Donbass after the CIA-backed 2014 coup in Kiev. The ethnic Russian population of Donbass was being shelled and murdered by NeoNazi paramilitaries armed and trained by NATO – with the knowledge of the West.

I witnessed the murderous attacks in Donetsk city and other places, where U.S.-supplied HIMARS artillery were shot at the civilian population by Ukrainian forces and terrorist battalions like Azov and Aidar. The same thing happened in Syria and Iraq and still does.

For me personally, it is abundantly clear, especially during the terrorist attack on Crocus City Hall, that the U.S. and its allies are using exactly the same tactics, which they have been doing for years. Using radicalized groups, be it Islamist or Nazi groups, against the civilian population of the country and committing terrorist attacks.

This time, however, I think they made a big mistake with the announcement by the U.S. embassy (and EU embassies) that something was going to happen in a busy place around Moscow two weeks or so before the attack on Crocus City Hall. Moreover, when the dastardly massacre happened, the Western governments immediately asserted categorically that the culprits were an obscure terror group, ISIS-K.

ISIS-K is a group (subgroup under Daesh) that consists largely of radicalized Afghans many of whom fought in Syria and Iraq. We now know that many terrorists under Daesh are on the payroll of the U.S. and the West. For example, the Netherlands sponsored 22 jihadist groups during the Syrian war, all of which were part of Daesh. So now that the West is omnipresent in Ukraine and several ISIS-affiliated battalions are fighting there, it would be logistically feasible for them to organize attacks in Russia.

Recently two terrorist attacks took place, one in Crimea, which was minimally reported in the West, and the other in Dagestan which received all the attention in the West. Why the differing Western media coverage?

As a result of an attack by a U.S.-supplied ATACMS missile on the beach of Sevastopol, Crimea, five civilians were killed and 127 were injured. It could not be more clear that the attack is directly traced to the U.S. Before the missiles were fired, an American reconnaissance UAV RQ-4B Global Hawk was in the airspace above the Black Sea. In addition, the missile warheads were filled with cluster munitions, prohibited by international law.

Previously, there were political debates in the U.S. and Europe about long-range missiles that could hit Russia. That has now happened because Crimea is Russian and this is a direct escalation from the West. We know it was American missiles that killed and injured Russian civilians.

The Western media (and politicians) were quick to condemn the terrorist attack in Dagestan, with major headlines in the media. ISIS-K purportedly carried out an attack in Dagestan, Russia, where a priest was murdered and a synagogue was attacked. The head of the Republic of Dagestan, Sergei Melikov, said there may have been “sleeper cells” and suggested the attacks may have had foreign help.

Who could this foreign help be? Of course, he was referring to the West, who, as I already wrote, have taken over Ukraine and are the actual founders of ISIS.

The more prominent Western coverage of the Dagestan attacks is a diversionary maneuver by the West from the events in Crimea, where it is so clear that America is behind the killing of Russian citizens. In Crimea, the Western aggressors cannot hide behind ISIS-K or other groups. They actually committed terrorism themselves.

When it comes to financing terrorism for instance, at a meeting of the EU Council, the foreign ministers of 27 member nations approved the decision to transfer €1.4 billion in profits from frozen Russian assets to the so-called European Peace Facility for military aid to Ukraine. They call arms deliveries “weapons for peace”. With this, the European Union finances terrorism against Russia with stolen money from Russia.

The U.S. also spends a lot on terrorism, which it also calls “weapons of peace” for Ukraine. Of the total U.S. expenditure of $175 billion in aid, $107 billion will go to the government of Ukraine. Weapons and equipment are provided through the Ukraine Security Assistance Initiative, the Presidential Drawdown Authority and the Foreign Military Financing Program.

The U.S. and its Western imperialist partners have a long and sordid track record when it comes to instrumental terrorism. Since the end of the Second World War, they have become the main sponsor of international terrorism. Of course, the West fulsomely denies this and instead calls its enemies “sponsors of terrorism”, which in reality often means countries that resist the U.S. and Europe and no longer accept the neo-colonialist rules-based order.

Russia has been the U.S. target for regime change for many years, due to its awesome natural wealth and resistance to U.S. hegemony. Recently, the American criminal cowboy Lindsey Graham misspoke to say, “Russia should not get its hands on the wealth of Ukraine.” In other words, the wealth of Ukraine belongs to the West.

Tragically, we may see many more terrorist attacks in Russia, sponsored by the U.S. and its European minions.

Russia has been the U.S. target for regime change for many years, due to its awesome natural wealth and resistance to U.S. hegemony.

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Recently, two U.S. senators, Lindsey Graham and Richard Blumenthal, introduced a bill to designate Russia as a state sponsor of terrorism.

“We will push for a vote, and the best thing we can do, I think, to shape the future is to label Putin as a terrorist leader, because that’s what he is,” said Graham.

Graham can be compared to a (rather stupid) criminal cowboy. There are many senators with the same criminal mentality in the U.S. government. Graham is Republican, Blumenthal is a Democrat. It doesn’t matter who rules the U.S., both political parties are on the warpath and both are under the influence of the U.S. deep state (lobbies like the arms industry, military complex, etc.). Elections are a farce, just like in Europe.

The U.S. together with its partners in the European Union and NATO, have instigated and prolonged all kinds of illegal wars for many years, with the reckless supply of weapons and money.

Recent wars include Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria and the bombing of Libya into the stone age, and now it is Russia’s turn. Since the start of the Special Military Operation in Ukraine in February 2022 (even before that going back to 2014), Russia has been the target of the entire West.

European leaders have recently become even more radical than Uncle Sam and are using threatening war language – rabid rhetoric we have not heard since the Second World War.

Now that Ukraine cannot win on the battlefield, the U.S. and the West are turning to other means, as they always do, namely terrorism. We see a pattern here over several decades. The worst manifestation perhaps were the bloody wars that culminated in terrorism in Syria and Iraq, where the U.S. and EU/NATO sponsored and still sponsor terrorism.

ISIS or Daesh was created by the U.S. The deceased senator (a Republican) John McCain was one of the godfathers of ISIS, whose murderers were trained at the U.S. Camp Bucca in Iraq.

The same John McCain was in Kiev during the unfolding Maidan coup in December 2013 and told thousands of NeoNazi chanting demonstrators that Americans support their resistance to closer ties with Russia. The coup was executed in February 2014.

Other senators and government officials from the U.S. and Europe were also present for the Kiev coup, such as Chris Murphy and Victoria Nuland from the U.S. From Europe, the Dutchman Hans van Baalen, the former Belgian Prime Minister Guy Verhofstad (now EU MEP) and other EU delegates were present and supported the neo-Nazi groups wreaking violence on the Maidan square, killing police officers and sacking public buildings.

I must emphasize that the Western coup backers were from all kinds of political parties in the EU and the U.S., making no differentiation between conservatives and liberals, social democrats or Republicans and Democrats. All belong to the de facto Western War Party serving U.S.-led Western imperialism.

Victoria Nuland (now retired from the CIA-riddled U.S. State Department) followed in the footsteps of John McCain and emerged as the greatest Russia hater in the U.S. It was she who threatened Russian President Vladimir Putin with “nasty surprises” only weeks before the terrorist attack in March this year on the Crocus City Hall shopping-theater complex just outside Moscow where 144 people were killed by a team of gunmen.

The embassies (U.S. and EU) issued warnings for their fellow countrymen not to go to events or busy places in the near future, so they knew something was coming – because they planned it themselves.

Nuland has spoken vulgarly over the years. We all know her “fuck the EU” comment. But at her so-called farewell speech in February this year, she literally said: “The war in Ukraine is not to help Ukraine, but to thwart Russia.” Also revealing was Nuland’s explanation of the background of the war. Nothing about saving Ukraine, but all about her aversion to Russia.

“We wanted a partner that was focused on the West, that wanted to be European. But that was not what Putin brought,” she said. So, in other words, Putin has to go and Russia needs a regime change that is pro-West, in other words a puppet regime.

The U.S. (and the West) only had to activate the terrorists who launched the attack on the Crocus City Hall complex on March 22.

The same terrorist modus operandi was seen in Donbass after the CIA-backed 2014 coup in Kiev. The ethnic Russian population of Donbass was being shelled and murdered by NeoNazi paramilitaries armed and trained by NATO – with the knowledge of the West.

I witnessed the murderous attacks in Donetsk city and other places, where U.S.-supplied HIMARS artillery were shot at the civilian population by Ukrainian forces and terrorist battalions like Azov and Aidar. The same thing happened in Syria and Iraq and still does.

For me personally, it is abundantly clear, especially during the terrorist attack on Crocus City Hall, that the U.S. and its allies are using exactly the same tactics, which they have been doing for years. Using radicalized groups, be it Islamist or Nazi groups, against the civilian population of the country and committing terrorist attacks.

This time, however, I think they made a big mistake with the announcement by the U.S. embassy (and EU embassies) that something was going to happen in a busy place around Moscow two weeks or so before the attack on Crocus City Hall. Moreover, when the dastardly massacre happened, the Western governments immediately asserted categorically that the culprits were an obscure terror group, ISIS-K.

ISIS-K is a group (subgroup under Daesh) that consists largely of radicalized Afghans many of whom fought in Syria and Iraq. We now know that many terrorists under Daesh are on the payroll of the U.S. and the West. For example, the Netherlands sponsored 22 jihadist groups during the Syrian war, all of which were part of Daesh. So now that the West is omnipresent in Ukraine and several ISIS-affiliated battalions are fighting there, it would be logistically feasible for them to organize attacks in Russia.

Recently two terrorist attacks took place, one in Crimea, which was minimally reported in the West, and the other in Dagestan which received all the attention in the West. Why the differing Western media coverage?

As a result of an attack by a U.S.-supplied ATACMS missile on the beach of Sevastopol, Crimea, five civilians were killed and 127 were injured. It could not be more clear that the attack is directly traced to the U.S. Before the missiles were fired, an American reconnaissance UAV RQ-4B Global Hawk was in the airspace above the Black Sea. In addition, the missile warheads were filled with cluster munitions, prohibited by international law.

Previously, there were political debates in the U.S. and Europe about long-range missiles that could hit Russia. That has now happened because Crimea is Russian and this is a direct escalation from the West. We know it was American missiles that killed and injured Russian civilians.

The Western media (and politicians) were quick to condemn the terrorist attack in Dagestan, with major headlines in the media. ISIS-K purportedly carried out an attack in Dagestan, Russia, where a priest was murdered and a synagogue was attacked. The head of the Republic of Dagestan, Sergei Melikov, said there may have been “sleeper cells” and suggested the attacks may have had foreign help.

Who could this foreign help be? Of course, he was referring to the West, who, as I already wrote, have taken over Ukraine and are the actual founders of ISIS.

The more prominent Western coverage of the Dagestan attacks is a diversionary maneuver by the West from the events in Crimea, where it is so clear that America is behind the killing of Russian citizens. In Crimea, the Western aggressors cannot hide behind ISIS-K or other groups. They actually committed terrorism themselves.

When it comes to financing terrorism for instance, at a meeting of the EU Council, the foreign ministers of 27 member nations approved the decision to transfer €1.4 billion in profits from frozen Russian assets to the so-called European Peace Facility for military aid to Ukraine. They call arms deliveries “weapons for peace”. With this, the European Union finances terrorism against Russia with stolen money from Russia.

The U.S. also spends a lot on terrorism, which it also calls “weapons of peace” for Ukraine. Of the total U.S. expenditure of $175 billion in aid, $107 billion will go to the government of Ukraine. Weapons and equipment are provided through the Ukraine Security Assistance Initiative, the Presidential Drawdown Authority and the Foreign Military Financing Program.

The U.S. and its Western imperialist partners have a long and sordid track record when it comes to instrumental terrorism. Since the end of the Second World War, they have become the main sponsor of international terrorism. Of course, the West fulsomely denies this and instead calls its enemies “sponsors of terrorism”, which in reality often means countries that resist the U.S. and Europe and no longer accept the neo-colonialist rules-based order.

Russia has been the U.S. target for regime change for many years, due to its awesome natural wealth and resistance to U.S. hegemony. Recently, the American criminal cowboy Lindsey Graham misspoke to say, “Russia should not get its hands on the wealth of Ukraine.” In other words, the wealth of Ukraine belongs to the West.

Tragically, we may see many more terrorist attacks in Russia, sponsored by the U.S. and its European minions.

The views of individual contributors do not necessarily represent those of the Strategic Culture Foundation.

See also

September 20, 2024
October 2, 2024
October 11, 2024

See also

September 20, 2024
October 2, 2024
October 11, 2024
The views of individual contributors do not necessarily represent those of the Strategic Culture Foundation.