Declan Hayes
June 24, 2024
© Photo: Public domain

Hitler’s Germany, Mussolini’s Italy and Zelensky’s Ukraine all show us that people will either believe any bullshit they are presented with, or play along with it for one grimy reason or another.

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Consider this Wikipedia entry for today’s Russo-Ukraine war, where it lists the commanders and leaders of “both” sides. Forget Putin, Shoigu, Gerasimov and the others captaining Team Russia. Will anybody seriously argue that Zelensky, Poroshenko and the other bums being listed as captains of the Ukrainian side are skippers of their own ship? Who, in their right minds, would want to fight for Ukraine with that cross-dressing idiot at the helm? I, for one, would not.

This is not to dismiss Zelensky out of hand for the crotch-writhing nobody that he is, but to ask why NATO has left the fate of millions of Ukrainians in the hands of such a desultory bum. Though Zelensky, like Charlie Chaplin doppelgänger Adolf Hitler before him, is far too easy to laugh at, Zelensky is also a ruthless dictator, not only by the letter of the law but by his deeds as well. Fail to click your heels and give a Nazi salute and it is the meat grinder or Gonzo Lira’s fate for you.

Lira’s is an interesting case as Zelensky’s Western cheerleaders are still dancing on the grave of this Chilean-American dumpling almost six months after Zelensky offed him. Much the same goes for Irish MEPs Clare Daly and Mick Wallace, who both lost their seats in the recent European elections. There are a very large number of outwardly well-adjusted people, who take perverse delights in such events and, though their significance pales in comparison to those manning the Borderlands’ ramparts, these freaks will remain a source of wonder for psychiatrists and students of sociopathy for very many generations to come.

If war was a simple accounting ledger problem, where the stronger side prevailed, it would be much simpler to keep count. But because lunatics like Zelensky, Hitler and Mussolini complicate things to the nth degree, the psychiatrist’s couch, rather than the accountant’s abacus, is a surer tool of analysis.

Before returning to the Kiev Kaiser, look back to those earlier dictators, who inspired him. Why did Mussolini invade Egypt and Greece, and thereby fatally throw Operation Barbarossa behind schedule? Why did no one tell the cannoli kid his thugs were going to have their asses handed to them in Egypt and in Greece as well? Who did he think he was, Caesar or Napoleon? Although every well-stocked lunatic asylum always houses a Napoleon or two, few of them get to lead Italy and fewer still of them get to lead Italy to disaster.

Consider Hitler, Mussolini’s German mate. This is the geezer, who declared war on the United States, when his troops were bogged down in the battle for Moscow. When we watch Hitler make that declaration, we can clearly see the jaws of the German generals, who were already overwhelmed with the Balkans and Barbarossa, drop. Though they could see the writing on the wall even then, none of them dared call for a stop to their roller coaster of doom.

The surest way to explain the fortunes of Hitler, Mussolini and Zelensky is by psychiatry, and by the Pied Piper madnesses of people and of crowds who get caught up in the sociopathic fantasies of their Charlie Chaplin leaders.

Consider the Fall of France and the delirious welcome that awaited Hitler’s legions when they returned triumphantly to glittering Berlin. Compare Berlin in summer 1940 to Berlin’s hangover in summer 1945 and wonder what had happened to their dreams of conquest in the interim.

In my earlier piece using the South Armagh IRA on how to write history, I made a deliberate point of referencing Robert Stuart’s excellent work on NATO’s false flag chemical attacks in Syria. When we try to google up this reference, we see that Stuart’s work has been overtaken in the rankings by NATO’s ill-founded criticisms of it. This means that the casual browser will be hoodwinked by NATO’s version of those events and that Stuart will be labeled a kook, and those like Daly and Wallace, who approach matters with an open mind, will get the full menagerie of NATO’s corgis barking at their heels.

This slide into the abyss is wonderfully displayed in the movie Cabaret, the screen version of Christopher Usherwood’s Goodbye to Berlin, which is set in the Weimar Republic’s dying days. Part of its brilliance is that it portrays the changing attitudes of ordinary Germans towards the Jews and the hidings folk like Isherwood get for not seeing the Jews through the eyes of Germany’s emerging Nazis masters.

The Nazis were, as our Israeli friends would put it, establishing new facts on the ground and anyone, who disagreed, could expect an all expenses paid trip to a concentration camp until they accepted the new Nazi reality. In that regard, it should be noted that most Communists, who ended up in Nazi concentration camps, later went on to fight in the Wehrmacht, just as, at war’s end, East Germany’s army was led by former generals of that same Wehrmacht.

Though such are the facts, if facts were all they were cracked up to be, then telephone books would be best sellers and the forensic evidence of Stuart and countless others would get a fair hearing. But that is not how it works. Instead, we have Simon Harris, Ireland’s unelected leader, rant about all those little Ukrainian children the blackguard Putin abducted from the Borderlands’ killing fields.

Harris exclaims that “We estimate that around 20,000 children have been snatched from their families, from their communities, their country and been moved to Russia or occupied territories within Ukraine.” Leaving aside that my previous articles previous debunked those politically motivated allegations, as Harris and his regime have absolutely no way of estimating if any children were abducted, he is either spoofing once again, or being used as a ventriloquist’s dummy for Genocide Joe, von der Leyen or some similar creep on the make. This is, after all, the same moron who, as Minister for Health, claimed that COVID 19 was the 19th iteration of that infection. Just so you understand that, Harris, as Irish Minister for Health, had not a clue why Covid19 was so named and he got a pass for that from Ireland’s compliant media, whose uninformed hacks, if they could be bothered, are probably keeping him in the dark on Ukraine as well.

But Harris, like the utterly corrupt Ursula von der Leyen and all of NATO’s other shills, is not paid to know or tell the truth. His job is to rave and rant against Putin, Assad, Xi and whoever else is in NATO’s bad books. That is fair enough and it pays well but there is a downside, the sort of downside displayed in Der Untergang (Downfall), the truly brilliant German movie about Hitler’s last days in his Berlin bunker.

Consider this scene where Hitler, Goebbels and their long suffering secretaries sit down to dinner with the famous test pilot Hanna Reitsch and Robert Ritter von Greim, who have flown into Berlin to rescue the madman from the Russkies, who are by then only a couple of blocks away. One of the most amazing things about that scene is that both Reitsch and von Greim, who was there and then promoted to head of the Luftwaffe, believed Hitler’s bullshit that he was about to turn the tide of the war.

Von Greim’s delusions were not to outlive Hitler by very long. When he surrendered to the Americans on 8th May, he declared “I am the head of the Luftwaffe, but I have no Luftwaffe”. Luftwaffe (and Jewish) Field Marshal Erhard Milch had a similarly bumpy landing when he surrendered to Britain’s sticky-fingered Commandos. Milch has the singular honour of being history’s only field marshal to be beaten black and blue, with his own field marshal’s baton, whilst in the formal act of surrendering. Though the commandos robbed him and his retinue as well, that is pretty much what British soldiers do and is, for our purposes, secondary to the fact that Milch’s earlier Zelensky-like dreams of a 1,000 year Reich had come to a shuddering and grimy end with that ignominious beating.

And, as Derek S. Zumbro’s Battle for the Ruhr: The German Army’s Final defeat in the West explains, the brilliant field marshal Walter Model had a no less shabby end; Winrich Behr and Günther Reichhelm, Model’s close staff officers, explained to the author why, deprived of his army and being eaten alive by mosquitoes, this brilliant general blew his own brains out.

Although Model’s assertion that “German Field Marshals don’t surrender” may have had some validity to it, Ukrainian can can dancers should be made surrender. Zelensky is not fit to lead a troupe of Moulin Rouge can can dancers, never mind a country like Ukraine, and Harris and those other NATO shills, who lie otherwise, should likewise be held to account in the same ways that Hitler’s cheerleaders were.

Although there are many similarities between Hitler’s Reich and Zelensky’s rump Reich, amongst the most important are their false expectations for the future and the rampant corruption at their heart. Cabaret’s brilliant Tomorrow belongs to me tavern scene captures the seething resentment and unrealistic dreams of conquest to a tee and the fate of Henriette von Shirach, the daughter of Heinrich Hoffmann, Hitler’s photographer, more than amply captures the corruption. That both Hoffmann and his daughter could accumulate such mind-boggling wealth is beyond the imagination of any of us not familiar with how scams like Zelensky’s work.

But most people don’t care. Like all those German bit actors before us, we are caught up in the moment and those moments, like NATO’s millions of nameless victims, pass by in a blink. The high and mighty flock to lay gold, frankincense and myrrh at the feet of Zelensky, like he is the Second Coming of Christ, rather than the g string wearing Führer of the Borderlands that he is.

The European Conservative tells us we lack guts because our culture is in decay and the High Command of the British Army, who are as mad as March hares, believe the Chinese Secret Service have their badge caps bugged.

The Book of Giants is an apocryphal book, which explains why God had to whack all the sinners as well as all those animals, who were too slow to book their passage to safety on Noah’s Ark. Compared to the whack jobs of today’s British Army and the wholesale fraud that is going on in Zelensky’s Reich, the Book of Giants is a model of common sense.

As, of course, is the Harry Potter series, as long as no one takes all its childish buffoonery on board. But Hitler’s Germany, Mussolini’s Italy and Zelensky’s Ukraine all show us that people will either believe any bullshit they are presented with, or play along with it for one grimy reason or another.

And, though in some alternative universe, that might be fine and dandy, in this universe, the cost in lost lives does not warrant indulging their psychoses. I don’t know if Zelensky will end up, as Mussolini did, dangling upside down at the end of a rope in a Kiev brothel or, as many presume, he will flee abroad to one or other of his American mansions, but I do know this: lunatics like Mussolini and Zelensky belong either at the end of a rope or in padded cell in a secure lunatic asylum, along with all the other would-be Napoleons and Caesars, who pass themselves off as NATO leaders. Give me Harry Potter, the Book of Giants or any other telephone book any day to the sociopathic nightmare NATO has scripted for its millions of victims in Ukraine, in Gaza and everywhere else NATO has placed its cloven hoof.


The views of individual contributors do not necessarily represent those of the Strategic Culture Foundation.
Fakes, frauds and false memory syndromes from the halls of Montezuma to the shores of the Azov Sea

Hitler’s Germany, Mussolini’s Italy and Zelensky’s Ukraine all show us that people will either believe any bullshit they are presented with, or play along with it for one grimy reason or another.

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Consider this Wikipedia entry for today’s Russo-Ukraine war, where it lists the commanders and leaders of “both” sides. Forget Putin, Shoigu, Gerasimov and the others captaining Team Russia. Will anybody seriously argue that Zelensky, Poroshenko and the other bums being listed as captains of the Ukrainian side are skippers of their own ship? Who, in their right minds, would want to fight for Ukraine with that cross-dressing idiot at the helm? I, for one, would not.

This is not to dismiss Zelensky out of hand for the crotch-writhing nobody that he is, but to ask why NATO has left the fate of millions of Ukrainians in the hands of such a desultory bum. Though Zelensky, like Charlie Chaplin doppelgänger Adolf Hitler before him, is far too easy to laugh at, Zelensky is also a ruthless dictator, not only by the letter of the law but by his deeds as well. Fail to click your heels and give a Nazi salute and it is the meat grinder or Gonzo Lira’s fate for you.

Lira’s is an interesting case as Zelensky’s Western cheerleaders are still dancing on the grave of this Chilean-American dumpling almost six months after Zelensky offed him. Much the same goes for Irish MEPs Clare Daly and Mick Wallace, who both lost their seats in the recent European elections. There are a very large number of outwardly well-adjusted people, who take perverse delights in such events and, though their significance pales in comparison to those manning the Borderlands’ ramparts, these freaks will remain a source of wonder for psychiatrists and students of sociopathy for very many generations to come.

If war was a simple accounting ledger problem, where the stronger side prevailed, it would be much simpler to keep count. But because lunatics like Zelensky, Hitler and Mussolini complicate things to the nth degree, the psychiatrist’s couch, rather than the accountant’s abacus, is a surer tool of analysis.

Before returning to the Kiev Kaiser, look back to those earlier dictators, who inspired him. Why did Mussolini invade Egypt and Greece, and thereby fatally throw Operation Barbarossa behind schedule? Why did no one tell the cannoli kid his thugs were going to have their asses handed to them in Egypt and in Greece as well? Who did he think he was, Caesar or Napoleon? Although every well-stocked lunatic asylum always houses a Napoleon or two, few of them get to lead Italy and fewer still of them get to lead Italy to disaster.

Consider Hitler, Mussolini’s German mate. This is the geezer, who declared war on the United States, when his troops were bogged down in the battle for Moscow. When we watch Hitler make that declaration, we can clearly see the jaws of the German generals, who were already overwhelmed with the Balkans and Barbarossa, drop. Though they could see the writing on the wall even then, none of them dared call for a stop to their roller coaster of doom.

The surest way to explain the fortunes of Hitler, Mussolini and Zelensky is by psychiatry, and by the Pied Piper madnesses of people and of crowds who get caught up in the sociopathic fantasies of their Charlie Chaplin leaders.

Consider the Fall of France and the delirious welcome that awaited Hitler’s legions when they returned triumphantly to glittering Berlin. Compare Berlin in summer 1940 to Berlin’s hangover in summer 1945 and wonder what had happened to their dreams of conquest in the interim.

In my earlier piece using the South Armagh IRA on how to write history, I made a deliberate point of referencing Robert Stuart’s excellent work on NATO’s false flag chemical attacks in Syria. When we try to google up this reference, we see that Stuart’s work has been overtaken in the rankings by NATO’s ill-founded criticisms of it. This means that the casual browser will be hoodwinked by NATO’s version of those events and that Stuart will be labeled a kook, and those like Daly and Wallace, who approach matters with an open mind, will get the full menagerie of NATO’s corgis barking at their heels.

This slide into the abyss is wonderfully displayed in the movie Cabaret, the screen version of Christopher Usherwood’s Goodbye to Berlin, which is set in the Weimar Republic’s dying days. Part of its brilliance is that it portrays the changing attitudes of ordinary Germans towards the Jews and the hidings folk like Isherwood get for not seeing the Jews through the eyes of Germany’s emerging Nazis masters.

The Nazis were, as our Israeli friends would put it, establishing new facts on the ground and anyone, who disagreed, could expect an all expenses paid trip to a concentration camp until they accepted the new Nazi reality. In that regard, it should be noted that most Communists, who ended up in Nazi concentration camps, later went on to fight in the Wehrmacht, just as, at war’s end, East Germany’s army was led by former generals of that same Wehrmacht.

Though such are the facts, if facts were all they were cracked up to be, then telephone books would be best sellers and the forensic evidence of Stuart and countless others would get a fair hearing. But that is not how it works. Instead, we have Simon Harris, Ireland’s unelected leader, rant about all those little Ukrainian children the blackguard Putin abducted from the Borderlands’ killing fields.

Harris exclaims that “We estimate that around 20,000 children have been snatched from their families, from their communities, their country and been moved to Russia or occupied territories within Ukraine.” Leaving aside that my previous articles previous debunked those politically motivated allegations, as Harris and his regime have absolutely no way of estimating if any children were abducted, he is either spoofing once again, or being used as a ventriloquist’s dummy for Genocide Joe, von der Leyen or some similar creep on the make. This is, after all, the same moron who, as Minister for Health, claimed that COVID 19 was the 19th iteration of that infection. Just so you understand that, Harris, as Irish Minister for Health, had not a clue why Covid19 was so named and he got a pass for that from Ireland’s compliant media, whose uninformed hacks, if they could be bothered, are probably keeping him in the dark on Ukraine as well.

But Harris, like the utterly corrupt Ursula von der Leyen and all of NATO’s other shills, is not paid to know or tell the truth. His job is to rave and rant against Putin, Assad, Xi and whoever else is in NATO’s bad books. That is fair enough and it pays well but there is a downside, the sort of downside displayed in Der Untergang (Downfall), the truly brilliant German movie about Hitler’s last days in his Berlin bunker.

Consider this scene where Hitler, Goebbels and their long suffering secretaries sit down to dinner with the famous test pilot Hanna Reitsch and Robert Ritter von Greim, who have flown into Berlin to rescue the madman from the Russkies, who are by then only a couple of blocks away. One of the most amazing things about that scene is that both Reitsch and von Greim, who was there and then promoted to head of the Luftwaffe, believed Hitler’s bullshit that he was about to turn the tide of the war.

Von Greim’s delusions were not to outlive Hitler by very long. When he surrendered to the Americans on 8th May, he declared “I am the head of the Luftwaffe, but I have no Luftwaffe”. Luftwaffe (and Jewish) Field Marshal Erhard Milch had a similarly bumpy landing when he surrendered to Britain’s sticky-fingered Commandos. Milch has the singular honour of being history’s only field marshal to be beaten black and blue, with his own field marshal’s baton, whilst in the formal act of surrendering. Though the commandos robbed him and his retinue as well, that is pretty much what British soldiers do and is, for our purposes, secondary to the fact that Milch’s earlier Zelensky-like dreams of a 1,000 year Reich had come to a shuddering and grimy end with that ignominious beating.

And, as Derek S. Zumbro’s Battle for the Ruhr: The German Army’s Final defeat in the West explains, the brilliant field marshal Walter Model had a no less shabby end; Winrich Behr and Günther Reichhelm, Model’s close staff officers, explained to the author why, deprived of his army and being eaten alive by mosquitoes, this brilliant general blew his own brains out.

Although Model’s assertion that “German Field Marshals don’t surrender” may have had some validity to it, Ukrainian can can dancers should be made surrender. Zelensky is not fit to lead a troupe of Moulin Rouge can can dancers, never mind a country like Ukraine, and Harris and those other NATO shills, who lie otherwise, should likewise be held to account in the same ways that Hitler’s cheerleaders were.

Although there are many similarities between Hitler’s Reich and Zelensky’s rump Reich, amongst the most important are their false expectations for the future and the rampant corruption at their heart. Cabaret’s brilliant Tomorrow belongs to me tavern scene captures the seething resentment and unrealistic dreams of conquest to a tee and the fate of Henriette von Shirach, the daughter of Heinrich Hoffmann, Hitler’s photographer, more than amply captures the corruption. That both Hoffmann and his daughter could accumulate such mind-boggling wealth is beyond the imagination of any of us not familiar with how scams like Zelensky’s work.

But most people don’t care. Like all those German bit actors before us, we are caught up in the moment and those moments, like NATO’s millions of nameless victims, pass by in a blink. The high and mighty flock to lay gold, frankincense and myrrh at the feet of Zelensky, like he is the Second Coming of Christ, rather than the g string wearing Führer of the Borderlands that he is.

The European Conservative tells us we lack guts because our culture is in decay and the High Command of the British Army, who are as mad as March hares, believe the Chinese Secret Service have their badge caps bugged.

The Book of Giants is an apocryphal book, which explains why God had to whack all the sinners as well as all those animals, who were too slow to book their passage to safety on Noah’s Ark. Compared to the whack jobs of today’s British Army and the wholesale fraud that is going on in Zelensky’s Reich, the Book of Giants is a model of common sense.

As, of course, is the Harry Potter series, as long as no one takes all its childish buffoonery on board. But Hitler’s Germany, Mussolini’s Italy and Zelensky’s Ukraine all show us that people will either believe any bullshit they are presented with, or play along with it for one grimy reason or another.

And, though in some alternative universe, that might be fine and dandy, in this universe, the cost in lost lives does not warrant indulging their psychoses. I don’t know if Zelensky will end up, as Mussolini did, dangling upside down at the end of a rope in a Kiev brothel or, as many presume, he will flee abroad to one or other of his American mansions, but I do know this: lunatics like Mussolini and Zelensky belong either at the end of a rope or in padded cell in a secure lunatic asylum, along with all the other would-be Napoleons and Caesars, who pass themselves off as NATO leaders. Give me Harry Potter, the Book of Giants or any other telephone book any day to the sociopathic nightmare NATO has scripted for its millions of victims in Ukraine, in Gaza and everywhere else NATO has placed its cloven hoof.