How much longer can he keep the farce up that Ukraine is a real contender in the war and has a reasonable chance of winning?
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Ukraine’s President Zelensky probably didn’t have much of a Christmas nor new year celebrations. What’s there to celebrate? After coming back from Washington just a couple of weeks before with a cheque of just 200 million dollars, rather than the 50 bn which he was hoping for, he must have done some hard thinking over the Christmas period. How much longer has he got as president? How much longer can he keep the farce up that Ukraine is a real contender in the war and has a reasonable chance of winning? In Ukraine itself, few believe the war can be won under the present circumstances of being desperately low on both military kit and soldiers. Even his own commander in chief often despairs of the situation and criticizes his boss, with a number of now ex advisors who are happy to run down Zelensky. “Deluded” is the word which keeps coming up. They claim he is the only one who believes now that the war is still a viable option and that victory is still something which can be aimed for.
And so it comes as no surprise that he turns to his only friends left in the world to help him: western media. This press pack has invested so much in a narrative which supports Ukraine and demonises Russia without even a glance at the facts that it shouldn’t have been a surprise to see The Economist – the high-brow economics magazine which is so pro-EU that Brussels uses it as a mouthpiece for its own failed policies – stepping up to the mark. And then there was the follow-up interview from Britain’s own arse wipe tabloid The Sun, whose journalist didn’t disappoint with so many NATO talking points in his copy that you might be mistaken in believing that it was written by NATO’s own press people. Where, for the love of God, do they find journalists like Jerome Starkey who, bless, probably believes that 600,000 people have died in Ukraine, “with most of them being Russian soldiers”. Hilarious.
But the Economist piece, which allowed Zelensky to continue the theme of Putin being a savage leader who, red in tooth and claw, was a madman who was going to invade European countries and eat all our children was hard to take seriously. Apart from anything else, it clashes with Joe Biden’s own line which is that Putin is down and out and has “lost” the Ukraine war. Can they have it both ways? Does this suggest that Zelensky’s media team are no longer even communicating with the White House?
In many ways, the Economist piece which made Zelensky look more and more ridiculous, with his name calling of Putin (“animal”) just portrayed the Ukrainian president as a dead man walking. Putin has never shown any interest at all in invading nor attacking western Europe but that doesn’t stop Zelensky keeping this false claim alive and repeated in the interview with The Sun. Neither NATO nor its servile western call centre journalists need bother with facts when they indulge themselves with these kindergarten fantasies.
The reality for Zelensky is that the war can never be won by his own army and that now he must be looking at ways to keep the party alive, just to stay in power for one more year, if possible. We are no longer looking at a wartime leader leading from the front, more now a corrupt despot who will now obsess over his new challenge: political survival. The much-awaited aid package hoped for in January, if it comes, will be a sticking plaster for the gaping wound. In reality his only hope for survival is to keep his cabal well-fed with the riches they are able to siphon off the war racket. As these amounts reduce in time, the reality that they decide to increase the amount of military kit they send to Libya for fast cash will only accelerate Zelensky’s downfall, or push him faster towards a peace deal with Putin so that the new cow to be milked is no longer western arms, but EU restructuring aid. But the new aid package which Biden is trying to secure is not expected to be anything like the 50bn which got held hostage by U.S. senators hell-bent on securing America’s borders. It’s hard to see how Zelensky can keep this farce going, but we can be sure that it will be western journalists who will help him with his own nefarious PR campaign and the lies that it defecates towards a gullible western audience who presumably are happy to read articles about the war which only refer to Russian losses but omit to mention Ukraine’s.