Russia and the world should salute them and wish them and all teenagers and toddlers like them well in their thwarted dreams.
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The recent decision by UEFA to re-admit Russia’s under 17 male and female football teams to their competitions has set the cat amongst NATO’s footballing pigeons. Should these young Russians be allowed to compete, a large number of countries have vowed to withdraw their teams in protest, thus doing their own players the same sort of injustice that UEFA was previously forced to mete out to Russia’s young hopefuls by denying them the right to compete.
Because I work on the principle that it is not so much winning as just taking part that matters, I would be happy to see Russia, but more so, Ukraine take part. The advantage of Ukraine taking part is that it would afford their young male players the chance to desert and take refuge in one of the countries they have been drawn against.
I hold that position because British warlord Ben Wallace is insisting that Ukrainian warlord Vladimir Zelensky extend the draft to literally throw fresh new blood into the meat grinders of their Eastern front. As Kiev’s draft now extends to 60 year-olds, that fresh blood can only be found by robbing Ukraine’s schools and football academies of anyone who is not fleet footed enough to flee for their lives across Ukraine’s Western borders.
Before moving on to Ukraine’s “Western friends”, let’s first recall that former Ukrainian President Poroshenko wanted Ukraine’s Russian speaking children confined to basements so his army could repeatedly bombard them. Then there is former Ukrainian Parliamentarian Iryna Farion, who brags here how she teaches her 3-year-old grandson to beat up Russian-speaking children in kindergartens. “Moscovites (Russians) must be annihilated”, she says, “When a child tells my grandson “privet” (hello in Russian), my grandson has to teach him, with his little fist, the Ukrainian language.” Farion also despises Ukraine’s Hungarian minority, whom she compares here to dogs and devils for not learning the language of Stepan Bandera. All that is not a very good look for this self serving former member of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, whose little grandson will probably get his little head bashed in when he throws his little fists at the first beefed up little 3 year old who says privet to him, and who will probably end up strapped to a lamppost by Farion’s thugs with his pants pulled down around his little ankles as a result. Whatever about Farion, the smarter grandmothers will be telling their grandchildren to escape before NATO also offers them up on its Eastern pyre.
Although one must expect such bile from toxic toads like Farion and Zelensky, one has to wonder why they have such widespread support from those who represent NATO’s footballers. Raheny Utd is one of Ireland’s top women’s teams and several of their former members, one of whom has been nominated for the Ballon d’Or, participated in their recent World Cup, having formerly been trained at Bohemians FC by one of my friends. Raheny now train literally outside my door in a public park. I can see them from where I type and I know as a fact that not one of them wants to be part of a political boycott of Russia or anyone else. Like their Russian counterparts, seen here after beating China, they just want to kick ball, have fun, form friendships and see where their dreams take them.
Russia’s under 17 footballers are not that different. Although this toxic Sky News report argues that Russia’s under 17 players “are likely to be linked to academies of elite clubs owned in some cases by oligarchs – not grassroots players” and that “adults would also benefit as coaches”, that is simply NATO’s uninformed bile at work.
Here is a recent report of the Irish under 17s beating Russia 2-0. If you check the backgrounds of Evan Ferguson, Calum Kavanagh, Sinclair Armstrong, Dan Rose, Oisin Hand and Gavin O’Brien, amongst others, you will see that most of them, Ferguson excepted, have enjoyed only modest success as professional footballers. If you were to look into these links here, here and here, you will appreciate that, though there are very good people involved in under aged football in Russia, they still have a very long way to go and West Ham, Manchester Utd and Southampton will not be picking up the phone to them any day soon.
I mention those three English football teams as Manchester Utd had a glorious under age and senior team, thanks to the class of 92, who all began in their under 17 side together before graduating to take the English Premier League by storm. Though David Gill, who never kicked a ball in his life, is one of the former Utd backroom staff who voted against Russia’s inclusion, Utd fans revile him, not least because he stopped others emulating Beckham and his class of 92 buddies. More to the point is that the Class of 92 were statistical long-shots and those who trained and nurtured them have much to be proud of.
I mention West Ham as not only were three of their players at the centre of England’s 1966 World Cup winning side but, as interviews here and here with Harry Redknapp show, they had a great youth development wing as, of course, had Southampton FC.
But youth development, as any footballer will tell you, is a very expensive exercise that has been all but obliterated by the transfer market and the ability of English and other clubs to poach players from anywhere in the world. Because of that, the chances of most Russian or other under 17s hitting the big time is extremely small and here is an excellent academic study confirming that well known (except to NATO’s propagandists) point.
Before moving on to NATO’s arguments for excluding Russian teenagers from participating in their competitions, let me just say that my line of argument so far is fully consistent with my previous articles on sport, some of which can be found here, here, here, here, here, here and here.
Here is a list of NATO aligned football associations that continue to gang up on Russia to support Poroshenko, Farion and Zelensky. As The Football Association of Ireland (FAI) has been involved in numerous scandals, don’t hold your breath waiting for a cogent argument from those jokers as to why toddlers who speak Russian should be punched in the face or why teenagers should be debarred from kicking ball.
Here is Irish state controlled media detailing how the FAI and similar bodies voted to boycott Russia’s teenage footballers. Note that no official steps up to the plate and claims responsibility for blackballing Russia’s children but that they all hide behind innocuous, anonymous statements. Why can these football officials not state, in their own names and in their own words, whether they support punching three year old Russian speakers in the face, tying them to lampposts and making them cower from artillery bombardments in rat infested cellars?
Though these hypocritical weasels would refer us to the court of public opinion, which excludes me and the young women who kick ball outside my front door, what they really mean is NATO’s mass media, much of which is not based in Europe, which will hunt these weasels down if they do not support punching toddlers in the mush.
NATO’s New York Times sensationally reports that this decision to stop terrorising Russia’s teenage footballers is another Munich moment with Ukraine, which straps children to lampposts and punches toddlers in the mush, having another of its periodic moral outrages over this “collusion with Putin”. Although the NYT tries to take the moral high ground of the disinterested observer, they know that this is a preliminary to banning Russia from the Olympics and similar more high prestige events which, to the NYT and all of NATO are, as my previous articles attested, but opportunities to control the global political narrative.
NATO’s Washington Post, meanwhile, argues, very badly as it happens, that UEFA has lost its moral integrity by not continuing to punish Russia’s teenage footballers (and, presumably, punch Russian speaking toddlers in the mush). As the Washington Post also alludes to the Olympics and the very strange case of the Women’s World Cup where the victorious Spanish team declined the customary celebrations in favour of a political agenda, one has to feel that NATO have yet bigger plans afoot to control the global sporting narrative and the soft political power that might spring from it.
There are, as I see it, two distinct camps in this important squabble. On the one side are those like me and the Raheny Utd women kicking ball outside of my window who want sporting competitions to proceed in as friendly a manner as is possible. In the other corner stands NATO’s pathetic hirelings, who want to hold the reins of power in sport as they do in much else and who are as oblivious to Russians or any other teenagers having their dreams destroyed as they are to Russian speaking toddlers or, for that matter, Syrian, Palestinian, Armenian, Eritrean or Libyan toddlers, having their faces kicked in as these weasels are devoid of any semblance of a moral compass. Even if Russia’s teenagers once again find themselves boycotted in the name of beating up Russian and Hungarian toddlers and strapping them to lampposts, they can walk very tall indeed because of their role in highlighting this blatant NATO hypocrisy and because of that and much else, Russia and the world should salute them and wish them and all teenagers and toddlers like them well in their thwarted dreams.