Tag: Sports

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This summer’s Paris Olympics risks descending into a French farce
This summer’s Paris Olympics risks descending into a French farce
July 10, 2024

Circuses like the Olympics and the World Cup are, in essence, intangible brands that muscle gullible Third World countries like France, Brazil and South Africa to pay fortunes to host their jamborees.

Air Force base hosted charity golf tournament for Ukrainian neo-Nazis
July 4, 2024

Three weeks before Trump and Biden sparred over their respective golf games at last Thursday’s presidential debate, “The Courses at Andrews” Air Force Base hosted a charity golf tournament for wounded Ukrainian veterans of the neo-Nazi Azov movement.

Air Force base hosted charity golf tournament for Ukrainian neo-Nazis
Editor's Сhoice
Bring back the real Olympians
Bring back the real Olympians
June 28, 2024

All those athletes competing in Paris for the Small States of Europe should remember that they are but bit players in a NATO funded charade Macron, Zelensky and Sloppy Pants Biden have degraded beyond recovery or repair.

Russian culture sits safely on the shoulders of our gentle giants
June 26, 2024

What are Russians to do, when bums like Lebrecht are bad mouthing them to any and all venues that will platform them?

Russian culture sits safely on the shoulders of our gentle giants
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Western media ignites war on China in sports
Editor's Сhoice
Western media ignites war on China in sports
June 16, 2024

Western accusations of doping by Chinese swimmers threaten to exacerbate China-US tensions, undermine the World Anti Doping Agency (WADA) and seriously harm the upcoming Paris Olympics.

China’s swimmers are aquatic Kamila Valievas and their students are Mata Haris
May 2, 2024

Though those Chinese students MI5 expels might miss out on Paris 2024, they can look forward to happier and less paranoid meets in Russia, China and allied countries in the years ahead.

China’s swimmers are aquatic Kamila Valievas and their students are Mata Haris
The 2024 Olympics in Paris, echoes of Berlin 1936
The 2024 Olympics in Paris, echoes of Berlin 1936
April 23, 2024

The U.S. and its allies have arrogated a political prerogative to exclude Russia in a way that would have been unimaginable with the USSR.

Balls, boycotts and bullets: Israel at play
April 19, 2024

Although a sporting minnow, Israel certainly punches above its weight when it comes to tying its enemies up in legal knots, Declan Hayes writes.

Balls, boycotts and bullets: Israel at play