Robert Bridge
September 2, 2019
© Photo: Flickr / Alan Denney Follow

The establishment gatekeepers of the mainstream media are fronting White supremacists as the scourge of the land. Yet this movement must have gone deep underground because members of this pale-faced clan are incredibly difficult to track down.

Following the trajectory of Hurricane Whitey as it makes landfall and gradually turns the once lush and verdant American landscape a lighter shade of pale, one can only wonder from where this force of noxious white power first arose. Or is it just a figment of the mainstream media’s excitable imagination?

America’s best-known White Supremacists, the Ku Klux Klan, saw its heyday in the late 19th century, before greatly declining in the late 1920s. Today, they have largely been shunned from polite society and are a mere shadow of their former whiteness, with membership estimated by the ADL at less than 3,000 nationwide. Hardly a tour de force. Meanwhile, when performing a Google search on ‘White supremacist groups,’ the very first entry is an article about – yes, you guessed it – US President Donald Trump.

This makes one question what all of the hype about racism and ‘White supremacy’ is really about. In early August, Fox News host Tucker Carlson called out the hysteria over White supremacy, saying it was “a hoax” thrust upon the American public to “divide the country and keep a hold on power.” The question was appropriate, yet arguably badly timed as it came just after the El Paso shooting, which so saw yet another deranged loner off his meds pen a ‘white power’ manifesto before going on a shooting spree. The media wasted no time finding connections between passages in the killer’s screed, for example, his use of the phrase “Hispanic invasion” in describing the migrants from Latin America ascending on the US border, and Donald Trump’s past warnings regarding the influx of illegals. In that sense, Carlson was right to speak his mind.

“If you were to assemble a list, a hierarchy of concerns, of problems this country faces, where would white supremacy be on the list,” he asked. “Right up there with Russia, probably.”

“This is a hoax. Just like the Russia hoax. It’s a conspiracy theory used to divide the country and keep a hold on power. That’s exactly what’s going on.”

This leads to an interesting aspect about America’s so-called race problem, specifically with regards to ‘White supremacy.’ When it is discussed in the media, the emphasis is not on conspicuous incidences of racial prejudice or violence, apart from the occasional and very horrific cases of mass shootings, but rather on what some activists imagine to be cases of racist behavior. This has opened the door to some very wild interpretations.

For example, did you know that if you practice yoga you are quite possibly a closet White Supremacist? In a report entitled, Yoga and the Roots of Cultural Appropriation, Michigan State University professor Shreena Gandhi, White people are perpetuating “white supremacy and colonialism

“This modern day trend of cultural appropriation of yoga is a continuation of white supremacy and colonialism, maintaining the pattern of white people consuming the stuff of culture that is convenient and portable, while ignoring the well-being and liberation of the Indian people,” Professor Gandhi wrote together with Lillie Wolff, a self-described “white Jewish organizer, facilitator and healer”.

Ironically, Gandi and Wolff fail to mention that millions of newly minted American citizens from foreign lands could be accused, although probably never will be, of the very same charges of “cultural appropriation” and “consuming the stuff of culture that is convenient and portable” by voluntarily deciding to live in the United States, which has welcomed with opened arms people and races of all colors and creeds. Indeed, the fact that so many foreigners continue to flock to America in droves makes all this talk about racism and White supremacists with a weakness for yoga a bit fantastic. But I digress.

If yoga isn’t necessarily your cup of tea, then perhaps you are a serial milk drinker. Then you too could be a foaming at the mouth White supremacist, reveling in your lactose tolerance that is sometimes lacking among African Americans. Thus, America’s budding White supremacists are taking great pleasure drinking cow’s milk, using it as some sort of ‘white identity’ message, or so goes the disjointed argument in a New York Times’ article entitled, ‘Why White Supremacists Are Chugging Milk (and Why Geneticists Are Alarmed). After consuming this story the reader would almost think that local bars across the land are serving up cold white milk to patrons instead of beer.

But perhaps you are not a yoga practitioner or a regular consumer of white milk, but just an exceptionally bright white kid. Well, sorry, that ‘privilege’ now also comes with some very heavy strings attached, if delusional New York Mayor Bill De Blasio gets his way, the New York Times reported.

De Blasio envisions getting rid of public school programs for talented children, as they are filled “mostly with white and Asian children,” which of course carries ugly overtones of racism.

“If the mayor adopts the recommendations, elementary and middle schools would no longer be able to admit students based solely or largely on standardized exams or other academic prerequisites, and high schools would have diversity requirements.”

In other words, the incentive for bright kids to do well in school is now threatened with extinction.

Perhaps what White folks should do in order to avoid any criticism or suspicion is to just stay around the neighborhood and walk the dog. Oh wait, sorry, that mundane activity is also suspect to recrimination since White dog owners use their leashed pets to “stake out territory,” you know, like modern day Christopher Columbus’s while fraternizing with other “white owners excluding minorities.”

Soon I suspect it will even be considered unfashionable to have white teeth.

So what is the motivation behind all of this incredible nonsense with regards to racism? Part of it is certainly an effort to bolster the claim that Trump supporters are nothing more than a clan of White supremacists since much of this racist propaganda was unheard of prior to 2016. With the conspiracy theory of ‘Russiagate’ completely debunked, the Liberal mainstream media, with all of its attention on the 2020 presidential election, must conflate Trump with yet another loathsome creature, and who better than the racist?

At the same time, all this fake news about rising racism and milk-drinking White supremacists intent on walking their dogs helps to obfuscate the real problem in America which is the great class divide. As the titans of tech continue to hoard fantastic amounts of wealth, oftentimes, as with the case of Amazon and others, without paying any tax on the loot, average Americas are struggling under a mountain of inescapable debt on their homes, cars and most especially college tuition loans, which largely funded impressionable students – with heavy interest rates – to subscribe to the myth of racism in America.

The Liberal social justice warriors, intent on characterizing every White person as a racist or supremacist, are acting in accordance to the designs of the establishment elite, who rely on these misguided activists to focus the narrative far away from the most critical topic in the United States, which is not racism, but rather the great class divide.

Media Race-Baiting Americans With ‘White supremacy’ Conspiracy Theories to Hide Class Strife

The establishment gatekeepers of the mainstream media are fronting White supremacists as the scourge of the land. Yet this movement must have gone deep underground because members of this pale-faced clan are incredibly difficult to track down.

Following the trajectory of Hurricane Whitey as it makes landfall and gradually turns the once lush and verdant American landscape a lighter shade of pale, one can only wonder from where this force of noxious white power first arose. Or is it just a figment of the mainstream media’s excitable imagination?

America’s best-known White Supremacists, the Ku Klux Klan, saw its heyday in the late 19th century, before greatly declining in the late 1920s. Today, they have largely been shunned from polite society and are a mere shadow of their former whiteness, with membership estimated by the ADL at less than 3,000 nationwide. Hardly a tour de force. Meanwhile, when performing a Google search on ‘White supremacist groups,’ the very first entry is an article about – yes, you guessed it – US President Donald Trump.

This makes one question what all of the hype about racism and ‘White supremacy’ is really about. In early August, Fox News host Tucker Carlson called out the hysteria over White supremacy, saying it was “a hoax” thrust upon the American public to “divide the country and keep a hold on power.” The question was appropriate, yet arguably badly timed as it came just after the El Paso shooting, which so saw yet another deranged loner off his meds pen a ‘white power’ manifesto before going on a shooting spree. The media wasted no time finding connections between passages in the killer’s screed, for example, his use of the phrase “Hispanic invasion” in describing the migrants from Latin America ascending on the US border, and Donald Trump’s past warnings regarding the influx of illegals. In that sense, Carlson was right to speak his mind.

“If you were to assemble a list, a hierarchy of concerns, of problems this country faces, where would white supremacy be on the list,” he asked. “Right up there with Russia, probably.”

“This is a hoax. Just like the Russia hoax. It’s a conspiracy theory used to divide the country and keep a hold on power. That’s exactly what’s going on.”

This leads to an interesting aspect about America’s so-called race problem, specifically with regards to ‘White supremacy.’ When it is discussed in the media, the emphasis is not on conspicuous incidences of racial prejudice or violence, apart from the occasional and very horrific cases of mass shootings, but rather on what some activists imagine to be cases of racist behavior. This has opened the door to some very wild interpretations.

For example, did you know that if you practice yoga you are quite possibly a closet White Supremacist? In a report entitled, Yoga and the Roots of Cultural Appropriation, Michigan State University professor Shreena Gandhi, White people are perpetuating “white supremacy and colonialism

“This modern day trend of cultural appropriation of yoga is a continuation of white supremacy and colonialism, maintaining the pattern of white people consuming the stuff of culture that is convenient and portable, while ignoring the well-being and liberation of the Indian people,” Professor Gandhi wrote together with Lillie Wolff, a self-described “white Jewish organizer, facilitator and healer”.

Ironically, Gandi and Wolff fail to mention that millions of newly minted American citizens from foreign lands could be accused, although probably never will be, of the very same charges of “cultural appropriation” and “consuming the stuff of culture that is convenient and portable” by voluntarily deciding to live in the United States, which has welcomed with opened arms people and races of all colors and creeds. Indeed, the fact that so many foreigners continue to flock to America in droves makes all this talk about racism and White supremacists with a weakness for yoga a bit fantastic. But I digress.

If yoga isn’t necessarily your cup of tea, then perhaps you are a serial milk drinker. Then you too could be a foaming at the mouth White supremacist, reveling in your lactose tolerance that is sometimes lacking among African Americans. Thus, America’s budding White supremacists are taking great pleasure drinking cow’s milk, using it as some sort of ‘white identity’ message, or so goes the disjointed argument in a New York Times’ article entitled, ‘Why White Supremacists Are Chugging Milk (and Why Geneticists Are Alarmed). After consuming this story the reader would almost think that local bars across the land are serving up cold white milk to patrons instead of beer.

But perhaps you are not a yoga practitioner or a regular consumer of white milk, but just an exceptionally bright white kid. Well, sorry, that ‘privilege’ now also comes with some very heavy strings attached, if delusional New York Mayor Bill De Blasio gets his way, the New York Times reported.

De Blasio envisions getting rid of public school programs for talented children, as they are filled “mostly with white and Asian children,” which of course carries ugly overtones of racism.

“If the mayor adopts the recommendations, elementary and middle schools would no longer be able to admit students based solely or largely on standardized exams or other academic prerequisites, and high schools would have diversity requirements.”

In other words, the incentive for bright kids to do well in school is now threatened with extinction.

Perhaps what White folks should do in order to avoid any criticism or suspicion is to just stay around the neighborhood and walk the dog. Oh wait, sorry, that mundane activity is also suspect to recrimination since White dog owners use their leashed pets to “stake out territory,” you know, like modern day Christopher Columbus’s while fraternizing with other “white owners excluding minorities.”

Soon I suspect it will even be considered unfashionable to have white teeth.

So what is the motivation behind all of this incredible nonsense with regards to racism? Part of it is certainly an effort to bolster the claim that Trump supporters are nothing more than a clan of White supremacists since much of this racist propaganda was unheard of prior to 2016. With the conspiracy theory of ‘Russiagate’ completely debunked, the Liberal mainstream media, with all of its attention on the 2020 presidential election, must conflate Trump with yet another loathsome creature, and who better than the racist?

At the same time, all this fake news about rising racism and milk-drinking White supremacists intent on walking their dogs helps to obfuscate the real problem in America which is the great class divide. As the titans of tech continue to hoard fantastic amounts of wealth, oftentimes, as with the case of Amazon and others, without paying any tax on the loot, average Americas are struggling under a mountain of inescapable debt on their homes, cars and most especially college tuition loans, which largely funded impressionable students – with heavy interest rates – to subscribe to the myth of racism in America.

The Liberal social justice warriors, intent on characterizing every White person as a racist or supremacist, are acting in accordance to the designs of the establishment elite, who rely on these misguided activists to focus the narrative far away from the most critical topic in the United States, which is not racism, but rather the great class divide.

The establishment gatekeepers of the mainstream media are fronting White supremacists as the scourge of the land. Yet this movement must have gone deep underground because members of this pale-faced clan are incredibly difficult to track down.

Following the trajectory of Hurricane Whitey as it makes landfall and gradually turns the once lush and verdant American landscape a lighter shade of pale, one can only wonder from where this force of noxious white power first arose. Or is it just a figment of the mainstream media’s excitable imagination?

America’s best-known White Supremacists, the Ku Klux Klan, saw its heyday in the late 19th century, before greatly declining in the late 1920s. Today, they have largely been shunned from polite society and are a mere shadow of their former whiteness, with membership estimated by the ADL at less than 3,000 nationwide. Hardly a tour de force. Meanwhile, when performing a Google search on ‘White supremacist groups,’ the very first entry is an article about – yes, you guessed it – US President Donald Trump.

This makes one question what all of the hype about racism and ‘White supremacy’ is really about. In early August, Fox News host Tucker Carlson called out the hysteria over White supremacy, saying it was “a hoax” thrust upon the American public to “divide the country and keep a hold on power.” The question was appropriate, yet arguably badly timed as it came just after the El Paso shooting, which so saw yet another deranged loner off his meds pen a ‘white power’ manifesto before going on a shooting spree. The media wasted no time finding connections between passages in the killer’s screed, for example, his use of the phrase “Hispanic invasion” in describing the migrants from Latin America ascending on the US border, and Donald Trump’s past warnings regarding the influx of illegals. In that sense, Carlson was right to speak his mind.

“If you were to assemble a list, a hierarchy of concerns, of problems this country faces, where would white supremacy be on the list,” he asked. “Right up there with Russia, probably.”

“This is a hoax. Just like the Russia hoax. It’s a conspiracy theory used to divide the country and keep a hold on power. That’s exactly what’s going on.”

This leads to an interesting aspect about America’s so-called race problem, specifically with regards to ‘White supremacy.’ When it is discussed in the media, the emphasis is not on conspicuous incidences of racial prejudice or violence, apart from the occasional and very horrific cases of mass shootings, but rather on what some activists imagine to be cases of racist behavior. This has opened the door to some very wild interpretations.

For example, did you know that if you practice yoga you are quite possibly a closet White Supremacist? In a report entitled, Yoga and the Roots of Cultural Appropriation, Michigan State University professor Shreena Gandhi, White people are perpetuating “white supremacy and colonialism

“This modern day trend of cultural appropriation of yoga is a continuation of white supremacy and colonialism, maintaining the pattern of white people consuming the stuff of culture that is convenient and portable, while ignoring the well-being and liberation of the Indian people,” Professor Gandhi wrote together with Lillie Wolff, a self-described “white Jewish organizer, facilitator and healer”.

Ironically, Gandi and Wolff fail to mention that millions of newly minted American citizens from foreign lands could be accused, although probably never will be, of the very same charges of “cultural appropriation” and “consuming the stuff of culture that is convenient and portable” by voluntarily deciding to live in the United States, which has welcomed with opened arms people and races of all colors and creeds. Indeed, the fact that so many foreigners continue to flock to America in droves makes all this talk about racism and White supremacists with a weakness for yoga a bit fantastic. But I digress.

If yoga isn’t necessarily your cup of tea, then perhaps you are a serial milk drinker. Then you too could be a foaming at the mouth White supremacist, reveling in your lactose tolerance that is sometimes lacking among African Americans. Thus, America’s budding White supremacists are taking great pleasure drinking cow’s milk, using it as some sort of ‘white identity’ message, or so goes the disjointed argument in a New York Times’ article entitled, ‘Why White Supremacists Are Chugging Milk (and Why Geneticists Are Alarmed). After consuming this story the reader would almost think that local bars across the land are serving up cold white milk to patrons instead of beer.

But perhaps you are not a yoga practitioner or a regular consumer of white milk, but just an exceptionally bright white kid. Well, sorry, that ‘privilege’ now also comes with some very heavy strings attached, if delusional New York Mayor Bill De Blasio gets his way, the New York Times reported.

De Blasio envisions getting rid of public school programs for talented children, as they are filled “mostly with white and Asian children,” which of course carries ugly overtones of racism.

“If the mayor adopts the recommendations, elementary and middle schools would no longer be able to admit students based solely or largely on standardized exams or other academic prerequisites, and high schools would have diversity requirements.”

In other words, the incentive for bright kids to do well in school is now threatened with extinction.

Perhaps what White folks should do in order to avoid any criticism or suspicion is to just stay around the neighborhood and walk the dog. Oh wait, sorry, that mundane activity is also suspect to recrimination since White dog owners use their leashed pets to “stake out territory,” you know, like modern day Christopher Columbus’s while fraternizing with other “white owners excluding minorities.”

Soon I suspect it will even be considered unfashionable to have white teeth.

So what is the motivation behind all of this incredible nonsense with regards to racism? Part of it is certainly an effort to bolster the claim that Trump supporters are nothing more than a clan of White supremacists since much of this racist propaganda was unheard of prior to 2016. With the conspiracy theory of ‘Russiagate’ completely debunked, the Liberal mainstream media, with all of its attention on the 2020 presidential election, must conflate Trump with yet another loathsome creature, and who better than the racist?

At the same time, all this fake news about rising racism and milk-drinking White supremacists intent on walking their dogs helps to obfuscate the real problem in America which is the great class divide. As the titans of tech continue to hoard fantastic amounts of wealth, oftentimes, as with the case of Amazon and others, without paying any tax on the loot, average Americas are struggling under a mountain of inescapable debt on their homes, cars and most especially college tuition loans, which largely funded impressionable students – with heavy interest rates – to subscribe to the myth of racism in America.

The Liberal social justice warriors, intent on characterizing every White person as a racist or supremacist, are acting in accordance to the designs of the establishment elite, who rely on these misguided activists to focus the narrative far away from the most critical topic in the United States, which is not racism, but rather the great class divide.

The views of individual contributors do not necessarily represent those of the Strategic Culture Foundation.

See also

February 22, 2025
February 20, 2025
February 16, 2025
January 29, 2025
January 25, 2025

See also

February 22, 2025
February 20, 2025
February 16, 2025
January 29, 2025
January 25, 2025
The views of individual contributors do not necessarily represent those of the Strategic Culture Foundation.