Matthew Ehret
June 19, 2019
© Photo:

On Saturday June 8, a Memorial event occurred in New York City celebrating the life of an American personality whose name is widely respected throughout Eurasia yet whose important accomplishments have remained hidden from the minds of most American and European citizens.

Lyndon LaRouche died on February 12, 2019 and his passing at the age of 96 has caused many people to take a deeper look at this fascinating personality who ran for the presidency eight times, led international political, scientific and artistic organizations for decades, has spent years in jail as an American political prisoner and has advised many government officials since 1976. Just a handful of those statesmen who have sought LaRouche’s council and who have adopted key elements of his policy proposals over the years includes India’s PM Indira Gandhi, Guyana’s Foreign Minister Fred Wills, Mexico’s President Lopez Portillo, and American President Ronald Reagan. [A timeline of these incredible relationships can be accessed here].

His policy for a New Silk Road program for international development, which has now become Russia and China’s joint initiative dates back to 1992 and which he and his wife have promoted through countless conferences, speeches and writings ever since.

50 Years of Character Assassination

It is unfortunate that upon hearing the name of Lyndon LaRouche, many minds immediately jump to thoughtless slanders embedded in the collective zeitgeist shaped by 50 years of mainstream media repetition. These slanders circulate such accusations of “anti-Semite”, “neo-fascist cult leader”, “conspiracy theorist” and ironically “conspirator against the US government” (the later accusation having landed him and dozens of his colleagues into federal prison in 1988 during the height of LaRouche’s presidential race against former CIA director George Bush Sr). In opposition to such gossip, former US Attorney General Ramsay Clark said of the Government’s attack on LaRouche that he had never seen a “broader range of deliberate and systematic misconduct and abuse of power over a longer period of time in an effort to destroy a political movement and leader, than any other federal prosecution in my time or to my knowledge.”

[Click here to watch Ramsey Clark’s full testimony during LaRouche’s trial]

It should be recalled that Clark was a friend of both Bobby Kennedy and Martin Luther King Jr., not to mention a long-standing critic of the FBI/CIA takeover of the functions of the US government. For such an insider to describe LaRouche’s case in such terms is no small deal.

One of the leading figures who directed the “systemic misconduct” to destroy LaRouche’s political movement during those years was none other than Special Prosecutor Robert Mueller who went onto greater celebrity as CIA director during 911 (covering up the CIA-British-Saudi role in the operation), and the modern witch hunter of President Donald Trump. One of the current targets of Mueller’s witch hunt is long time Trump confidante Roger Stone who played a role within the republican party for 45 years and who described  LaRouche’s role in mediating a strategic defense doctrine between the Russians and Ronald Reagan at a Schiller Institute conference last year when he said:

“I first became acquainted with Dr. Lyndon LaRouche back in 1979 when he was a candidate for the Democratic nomination for President and played a very important backstage role in the election of our last outsider President Ronald Reagan. I have great admiration for Helga Zepp-LaRouche, who is with you today. I think these people are doing an extraordinary job to try to forge greater understanding of the international issues that would bring my country—the United States—and Russia, China, and virtually every country on the globe into some kind of harmony, so that we can all live in both peace and prosperity.”

In spite of receiving a 15 year sentence in maximum security prison LaRouche continued to fight against the City of London-penetration into America by running for the presidency from jail in 1992 and writing prolifically on the science of physical economy, philosophy, science, art and statecraft. His 1991 Science of Christian Economy and Other Prison Writings contain some of the richest epistemological concepts that would surprise many thinkers today.

While LaRouche was entering prison, former Guyanese Foreign Minister Fred Wills who had survived five assassination attempts while leading the fight for a new just economic order in 1977 said of his friend in 1988: “The chief of our strengths is the creative leadership, and the fertile intellects of Lyndon and Helga LaRouche. We have, in the Schiller Institute, the formal embodiment of the soul of the human genius.”

By the time of this speech, Wills was living in Virginia and acting as a board member of the Schiller Institute.

A Leading Figure in Science

Upon his early release from prison in 1994, LaRouche entered a world very different from the one that had existed upon his entry. The Soviet Union had dissolved, and a new world order of unipolarism had been unleashed by those deep state forces who worked so hard to railroad him into prison.

Trying to make sense of the Soviet breakdown, many leading members of the Russian intelligentsia had spent years studying the writings of LaRouche, who had distinguished himself as uniquely forecasting the collapse 6 years before it occurred for reasons outlined in his international magazine Executive Intelligence Review. Another important review which was widely circulated in Russia was Fusion: The Magazine of the Fusion Energy Foundation which brought together leading physicists from around the world in opposition to the “political/mathematicization of the sciences” that had been underway for much of the 20th century. “Fusion”, which had become America’s 2nd most subscribed to science magazine by 1987 was shut down and bankrupted through the FBI’s crackdown on LaRouche.

Weeks after his release, LaRouche was invited to speak to dozens of Russian scientific academies, members of parliament and the Ministry of Economy. It also included LaRouche’s entry into Russia’s Universal Ecological Academy for his contributions to the field of physical economy and it was during this time that he was brought to the attention of Sergei Glazyev (today a leading advisor to President Putin). Glazyev went onto collaborate with LaRouche over the subsequent decades and recently wrote of his deceased friend:

“LaRouche forecast the inevitable onset of a global financial crisis, many years before it arrived. LaRouche’s famous curve [Triple Curve/Typical Collapse Function], depicting the growing gap between the volume of real output and that of financial speculation, was a serious warning for all economists who were really thinking. It turned out that not only in Russia, but also in the U.S.A., no one is a prophet in his own country. Instead of being recognized, LaRouche was persecuted by the American financial oligarchy, who imprisoned him on false charges.”

The Cultural Battleground

Over the years, international political and cultural movements have arisen to represent LaRouche’s policy for a new economic system driven by 1) scientific and technological progress, 2) a defense of national sovereignty and 3) cultural/educational reforms focused upon the replication of great discoveries. These later reforms can be classified as the Platonic-Humanist approach to the mind as a “Fire to be kindled with poetic inspiration” in opposition to the Aristotelian-Oligarchical view of the mind as “a vessel to be filled with crystalized definitions and recipes of behaviour”. In 1978, LaRouche published his first thorough study on this battle between two modes of thought titled “Secrets Known Only to the Inner Elites”.

In France, three-time presidential candidate Jacques Cheminade has represented LaRouche’s ideas for over four decades as the head of the Solidarité & Progrès Party. Cheminade said of his friend: “Lyndon LaRouche has always been a fighter against physical and mental serfdom; and now the fight against mental serfdom is key, together with the fight against oppression, exclusion, and exploitation in the social and economic realm”.

Cheminade and other international collaborators have defended LaRouche’s view of the necessary re-unification of the arts and sciences under the higher field of a science of physical economy (aka: “the art of maintaining the successful survival of the human species”). Cheminade and LaRouche have maintained that without this re-unification of the two aspects of the human soul (Beauty and Reason), then no true emancipation of humanity could ever become sustainable.

It is only by grasping this cultural fight which gave purpose and meaning to LaRouche’s mission that one can properly understand why the June 8 New York Memorial was primarily a musical one.

Memorial Honoring the Life of Lyndon LaRouche Held in New York City

On Saturday June 8, a Memorial event occurred in New York City celebrating the life of an American personality whose name is widely respected throughout Eurasia yet whose important accomplishments have remained hidden from the minds of most American and European citizens.

Lyndon LaRouche died on February 12, 2019 and his passing at the age of 96 has caused many people to take a deeper look at this fascinating personality who ran for the presidency eight times, led international political, scientific and artistic organizations for decades, has spent years in jail as an American political prisoner and has advised many government officials since 1976. Just a handful of those statesmen who have sought LaRouche’s council and who have adopted key elements of his policy proposals over the years includes India’s PM Indira Gandhi, Guyana’s Foreign Minister Fred Wills, Mexico’s President Lopez Portillo, and American President Ronald Reagan. [A timeline of these incredible relationships can be accessed here].

His policy for a New Silk Road program for international development, which has now become Russia and China’s joint initiative dates back to 1992 and which he and his wife have promoted through countless conferences, speeches and writings ever since.

50 Years of Character Assassination

It is unfortunate that upon hearing the name of Lyndon LaRouche, many minds immediately jump to thoughtless slanders embedded in the collective zeitgeist shaped by 50 years of mainstream media repetition. These slanders circulate such accusations of “anti-Semite”, “neo-fascist cult leader”, “conspiracy theorist” and ironically “conspirator against the US government” (the later accusation having landed him and dozens of his colleagues into federal prison in 1988 during the height of LaRouche’s presidential race against former CIA director George Bush Sr). In opposition to such gossip, former US Attorney General Ramsay Clark said of the Government’s attack on LaRouche that he had never seen a “broader range of deliberate and systematic misconduct and abuse of power over a longer period of time in an effort to destroy a political movement and leader, than any other federal prosecution in my time or to my knowledge.”

[Click here to watch Ramsey Clark’s full testimony during LaRouche’s trial]

It should be recalled that Clark was a friend of both Bobby Kennedy and Martin Luther King Jr., not to mention a long-standing critic of the FBI/CIA takeover of the functions of the US government. For such an insider to describe LaRouche’s case in such terms is no small deal.

One of the leading figures who directed the “systemic misconduct” to destroy LaRouche’s political movement during those years was none other than Special Prosecutor Robert Mueller who went onto greater celebrity as CIA director during 911 (covering up the CIA-British-Saudi role in the operation), and the modern witch hunter of President Donald Trump. One of the current targets of Mueller’s witch hunt is long time Trump confidante Roger Stone who played a role within the republican party for 45 years and who described  LaRouche’s role in mediating a strategic defense doctrine between the Russians and Ronald Reagan at a Schiller Institute conference last year when he said:

“I first became acquainted with Dr. Lyndon LaRouche back in 1979 when he was a candidate for the Democratic nomination for President and played a very important backstage role in the election of our last outsider President Ronald Reagan. I have great admiration for Helga Zepp-LaRouche, who is with you today. I think these people are doing an extraordinary job to try to forge greater understanding of the international issues that would bring my country—the United States—and Russia, China, and virtually every country on the globe into some kind of harmony, so that we can all live in both peace and prosperity.”

In spite of receiving a 15 year sentence in maximum security prison LaRouche continued to fight against the City of London-penetration into America by running for the presidency from jail in 1992 and writing prolifically on the science of physical economy, philosophy, science, art and statecraft. His 1991 Science of Christian Economy and Other Prison Writings contain some of the richest epistemological concepts that would surprise many thinkers today.

While LaRouche was entering prison, former Guyanese Foreign Minister Fred Wills who had survived five assassination attempts while leading the fight for a new just economic order in 1977 said of his friend in 1988: “The chief of our strengths is the creative leadership, and the fertile intellects of Lyndon and Helga LaRouche. We have, in the Schiller Institute, the formal embodiment of the soul of the human genius.”

By the time of this speech, Wills was living in Virginia and acting as a board member of the Schiller Institute.

A Leading Figure in Science

Upon his early release from prison in 1994, LaRouche entered a world very different from the one that had existed upon his entry. The Soviet Union had dissolved, and a new world order of unipolarism had been unleashed by those deep state forces who worked so hard to railroad him into prison.

Trying to make sense of the Soviet breakdown, many leading members of the Russian intelligentsia had spent years studying the writings of LaRouche, who had distinguished himself as uniquely forecasting the collapse 6 years before it occurred for reasons outlined in his international magazine Executive Intelligence Review. Another important review which was widely circulated in Russia was Fusion: The Magazine of the Fusion Energy Foundation which brought together leading physicists from around the world in opposition to the “political/mathematicization of the sciences” that had been underway for much of the 20th century. “Fusion”, which had become America’s 2nd most subscribed to science magazine by 1987 was shut down and bankrupted through the FBI’s crackdown on LaRouche.

Weeks after his release, LaRouche was invited to speak to dozens of Russian scientific academies, members of parliament and the Ministry of Economy. It also included LaRouche’s entry into Russia’s Universal Ecological Academy for his contributions to the field of physical economy and it was during this time that he was brought to the attention of Sergei Glazyev (today a leading advisor to President Putin). Glazyev went onto collaborate with LaRouche over the subsequent decades and recently wrote of his deceased friend:

“LaRouche forecast the inevitable onset of a global financial crisis, many years before it arrived. LaRouche’s famous curve [Triple Curve/Typical Collapse Function], depicting the growing gap between the volume of real output and that of financial speculation, was a serious warning for all economists who were really thinking. It turned out that not only in Russia, but also in the U.S.A., no one is a prophet in his own country. Instead of being recognized, LaRouche was persecuted by the American financial oligarchy, who imprisoned him on false charges.”

The Cultural Battleground

Over the years, international political and cultural movements have arisen to represent LaRouche’s policy for a new economic system driven by 1) scientific and technological progress, 2) a defense of national sovereignty and 3) cultural/educational reforms focused upon the replication of great discoveries. These later reforms can be classified as the Platonic-Humanist approach to the mind as a “Fire to be kindled with poetic inspiration” in opposition to the Aristotelian-Oligarchical view of the mind as “a vessel to be filled with crystalized definitions and recipes of behaviour”. In 1978, LaRouche published his first thorough study on this battle between two modes of thought titled “Secrets Known Only to the Inner Elites”.

In France, three-time presidential candidate Jacques Cheminade has represented LaRouche’s ideas for over four decades as the head of the Solidarité & Progrès Party. Cheminade said of his friend: “Lyndon LaRouche has always been a fighter against physical and mental serfdom; and now the fight against mental serfdom is key, together with the fight against oppression, exclusion, and exploitation in the social and economic realm”.

Cheminade and other international collaborators have defended LaRouche’s view of the necessary re-unification of the arts and sciences under the higher field of a science of physical economy (aka: “the art of maintaining the successful survival of the human species”). Cheminade and LaRouche have maintained that without this re-unification of the two aspects of the human soul (Beauty and Reason), then no true emancipation of humanity could ever become sustainable.

It is only by grasping this cultural fight which gave purpose and meaning to LaRouche’s mission that one can properly understand why the June 8 New York Memorial was primarily a musical one.

The Memorial in Brief

While opening remarks were given by Helga Zepp-LaRouche (head of the Schiller Institute), and LaRouchePac representative Dennis Speed, the event was driven by musical offerings ranging from African American spirituals such as When I was Sinkin’ Down, and I don’t Feel in No Ways Tired to pieces by Bach, Mozart, Beethoven, Schumann and Brahms. Throughout the event selections of LaRouche’s speeches ranging over many years were played for an international audience and which can be heard in full here.

It is appropriate to end with a selection of Helga’s remarks at the end of the Memorial:

“The creativity per se would be the highest value in society, and all would experience the intellectual joy of a new international Renaissance.  And we, who worked with Lyn, had the privilege of getting a taste of what it means to live in the world of ideas.  If Lyn would have become President, the whole United States, and the world, this Renaissance spirit would have become the intellectually hegemonic power.  The United States is very fortunate to have such a person, with such a beautiful mind and such a prophetic vision.

Lyn and I had a meeting once with a bishop of Rome, and he said “Lyn is a man of providence”, and I absolutely agree: Because Lyn’s life and his life’s work is in absolute tune with the intention of Creation.  It’s a tragedy for the people of the United States, and the rest of the world, that the evil powers of the present, were able to derail this effort, at least temporarily.  And a breakthrough for all of humanity will be associated with Lyn’s ideas.

But Lyn’s vision of a fully developed world becoming a reality in the form of the World Land-Bridge is now happening: Of a new form of international relations among nations, of a dialogue of classical cultures replacing confrontation, and of the vision of an international cooperation of colonizing the Moon and a joint Mars mission.  His enemies, who are the enemies of humanity and the happiness of the people, may prevail in the short term.  But they’re already haunted by the Erinyes.  They may have been able to cover up their crimes for a short while, but there is this higher power of natural law, which will bring their crimes to the light of day.

Lyn, on the contrary, has earned eternal life.  His life is in the simultaneity of eternity.  His mind and ideas transcend all places and times.  Lyn is now in a real like that shown in the School of Athens:  He is with Socrates and Plato, with Confucius, Kepler, Leibniz, Bach, Beethoven, Einstein, and Vernadsky, and all the best minds of all times, and all cultures.”

On Saturday June 8, a Memorial event occurred in New York City celebrating the life of an American personality whose name is widely respected throughout Eurasia yet whose important accomplishments have remained hidden from the minds of most American and European citizens.

Lyndon LaRouche died on February 12, 2019 and his passing at the age of 96 has caused many people to take a deeper look at this fascinating personality who ran for the presidency eight times, led international political, scientific and artistic organizations for decades, has spent years in jail as an American political prisoner and has advised many government officials since 1976. Just a handful of those statesmen who have sought LaRouche’s council and who have adopted key elements of his policy proposals over the years includes India’s PM Indira Gandhi, Guyana’s Foreign Minister Fred Wills, Mexico’s President Lopez Portillo, and American President Ronald Reagan. [A timeline of these incredible relationships can be accessed here].

His policy for a New Silk Road program for international development, which has now become Russia and China’s joint initiative dates back to 1992 and which he and his wife have promoted through countless conferences, speeches and writings ever since.

50 Years of Character Assassination

It is unfortunate that upon hearing the name of Lyndon LaRouche, many minds immediately jump to thoughtless slanders embedded in the collective zeitgeist shaped by 50 years of mainstream media repetition. These slanders circulate such accusations of “anti-Semite”, “neo-fascist cult leader”, “conspiracy theorist” and ironically “conspirator against the US government” (the later accusation having landed him and dozens of his colleagues into federal prison in 1988 during the height of LaRouche’s presidential race against former CIA director George Bush Sr). In opposition to such gossip, former US Attorney General Ramsay Clark said of the Government’s attack on LaRouche that he had never seen a “broader range of deliberate and systematic misconduct and abuse of power over a longer period of time in an effort to destroy a political movement and leader, than any other federal prosecution in my time or to my knowledge.”

[Click here to watch Ramsey Clark’s full testimony during LaRouche’s trial]

It should be recalled that Clark was a friend of both Bobby Kennedy and Martin Luther King Jr., not to mention a long-standing critic of the FBI/CIA takeover of the functions of the US government. For such an insider to describe LaRouche’s case in such terms is no small deal.

One of the leading figures who directed the “systemic misconduct” to destroy LaRouche’s political movement during those years was none other than Special Prosecutor Robert Mueller who went onto greater celebrity as CIA director during 911 (covering up the CIA-British-Saudi role in the operation), and the modern witch hunter of President Donald Trump. One of the current targets of Mueller’s witch hunt is long time Trump confidante Roger Stone who played a role within the republican party for 45 years and who described  LaRouche’s role in mediating a strategic defense doctrine between the Russians and Ronald Reagan at a Schiller Institute conference last year when he said:

“I first became acquainted with Dr. Lyndon LaRouche back in 1979 when he was a candidate for the Democratic nomination for President and played a very important backstage role in the election of our last outsider President Ronald Reagan. I have great admiration for Helga Zepp-LaRouche, who is with you today. I think these people are doing an extraordinary job to try to forge greater understanding of the international issues that would bring my country—the United States—and Russia, China, and virtually every country on the globe into some kind of harmony, so that we can all live in both peace and prosperity.”

In spite of receiving a 15 year sentence in maximum security prison LaRouche continued to fight against the City of London-penetration into America by running for the presidency from jail in 1992 and writing prolifically on the science of physical economy, philosophy, science, art and statecraft. His 1991 Science of Christian Economy and Other Prison Writings contain some of the richest epistemological concepts that would surprise many thinkers today.

While LaRouche was entering prison, former Guyanese Foreign Minister Fred Wills who had survived five assassination attempts while leading the fight for a new just economic order in 1977 said of his friend in 1988: “The chief of our strengths is the creative leadership, and the fertile intellects of Lyndon and Helga LaRouche. We have, in the Schiller Institute, the formal embodiment of the soul of the human genius.”

By the time of this speech, Wills was living in Virginia and acting as a board member of the Schiller Institute.

A Leading Figure in Science

Upon his early release from prison in 1994, LaRouche entered a world very different from the one that had existed upon his entry. The Soviet Union had dissolved, and a new world order of unipolarism had been unleashed by those deep state forces who worked so hard to railroad him into prison.

Trying to make sense of the Soviet breakdown, many leading members of the Russian intelligentsia had spent years studying the writings of LaRouche, who had distinguished himself as uniquely forecasting the collapse 6 years before it occurred for reasons outlined in his international magazine Executive Intelligence Review. Another important review which was widely circulated in Russia was Fusion: The Magazine of the Fusion Energy Foundation which brought together leading physicists from around the world in opposition to the “political/mathematicization of the sciences” that had been underway for much of the 20th century. “Fusion”, which had become America’s 2nd most subscribed to science magazine by 1987 was shut down and bankrupted through the FBI’s crackdown on LaRouche.

Weeks after his release, LaRouche was invited to speak to dozens of Russian scientific academies, members of parliament and the Ministry of Economy. It also included LaRouche’s entry into Russia’s Universal Ecological Academy for his contributions to the field of physical economy and it was during this time that he was brought to the attention of Sergei Glazyev (today a leading advisor to President Putin). Glazyev went onto collaborate with LaRouche over the subsequent decades and recently wrote of his deceased friend:

“LaRouche forecast the inevitable onset of a global financial crisis, many years before it arrived. LaRouche’s famous curve [Triple Curve/Typical Collapse Function], depicting the growing gap between the volume of real output and that of financial speculation, was a serious warning for all economists who were really thinking. It turned out that not only in Russia, but also in the U.S.A., no one is a prophet in his own country. Instead of being recognized, LaRouche was persecuted by the American financial oligarchy, who imprisoned him on false charges.”

The Cultural Battleground

Over the years, international political and cultural movements have arisen to represent LaRouche’s policy for a new economic system driven by 1) scientific and technological progress, 2) a defense of national sovereignty and 3) cultural/educational reforms focused upon the replication of great discoveries. These later reforms can be classified as the Platonic-Humanist approach to the mind as a “Fire to be kindled with poetic inspiration” in opposition to the Aristotelian-Oligarchical view of the mind as “a vessel to be filled with crystalized definitions and recipes of behaviour”. In 1978, LaRouche published his first thorough study on this battle between two modes of thought titled “Secrets Known Only to the Inner Elites”.

In France, three-time presidential candidate Jacques Cheminade has represented LaRouche’s ideas for over four decades as the head of the Solidarité & Progrès Party. Cheminade said of his friend: “Lyndon LaRouche has always been a fighter against physical and mental serfdom; and now the fight against mental serfdom is key, together with the fight against oppression, exclusion, and exploitation in the social and economic realm”.

Cheminade and other international collaborators have defended LaRouche’s view of the necessary re-unification of the arts and sciences under the higher field of a science of physical economy (aka: “the art of maintaining the successful survival of the human species”). Cheminade and LaRouche have maintained that without this re-unification of the two aspects of the human soul (Beauty and Reason), then no true emancipation of humanity could ever become sustainable.

It is only by grasping this cultural fight which gave purpose and meaning to LaRouche’s mission that one can properly understand why the June 8 New York Memorial was primarily a musical one.

The Memorial in Brief

While opening remarks were given by Helga Zepp-LaRouche (head of the Schiller Institute), and LaRouchePac representative Dennis Speed, the event was driven by musical offerings ranging from African American spirituals such as When I was Sinkin’ Down, and I don’t Feel in No Ways Tired to pieces by Bach, Mozart, Beethoven, Schumann and Brahms. Throughout the event selections of LaRouche’s speeches ranging over many years were played for an international audience and which can be heard in full here.

It is appropriate to end with a selection of Helga’s remarks at the end of the Memorial:

“The creativity per se would be the highest value in society, and all would experience the intellectual joy of a new international Renaissance.  And we, who worked with Lyn, had the privilege of getting a taste of what it means to live in the world of ideas.  If Lyn would have become President, the whole United States, and the world, this Renaissance spirit would have become the intellectually hegemonic power.  The United States is very fortunate to have such a person, with such a beautiful mind and such a prophetic vision.

Lyn and I had a meeting once with a bishop of Rome, and he said “Lyn is a man of providence”, and I absolutely agree: Because Lyn’s life and his life’s work is in absolute tune with the intention of Creation.  It’s a tragedy for the people of the United States, and the rest of the world, that the evil powers of the present, were able to derail this effort, at least temporarily.  And a breakthrough for all of humanity will be associated with Lyn’s ideas.

But Lyn’s vision of a fully developed world becoming a reality in the form of the World Land-Bridge is now happening: Of a new form of international relations among nations, of a dialogue of classical cultures replacing confrontation, and of the vision of an international cooperation of colonizing the Moon and a joint Mars mission.  His enemies, who are the enemies of humanity and the happiness of the people, may prevail in the short term.  But they’re already haunted by the Erinyes.  They may have been able to cover up their crimes for a short while, but there is this higher power of natural law, which will bring their crimes to the light of day.

Lyn, on the contrary, has earned eternal life.  His life is in the simultaneity of eternity.  His mind and ideas transcend all places and times.  Lyn is now in a real like that shown in the School of Athens:  He is with Socrates and Plato, with Confucius, Kepler, Leibniz, Bach, Beethoven, Einstein, and Vernadsky, and all the best minds of all times, and all cultures.”

The views of individual contributors do not necessarily represent those of the Strategic Culture Foundation.

See also

The Memorial in Brief

While opening remarks were given by Helga Zepp-LaRouche (head of the Schiller Institute), and LaRouchePac representative Dennis Speed, the event was driven by musical offerings ranging from African American spirituals such as When I was Sinkin’ Down, and I don’t Feel in No Ways Tired to pieces by Bach, Mozart, Beethoven, Schumann and Brahms. Throughout the event selections of LaRouche’s speeches ranging over many years were played for an international audience and which can be heard in full here.

It is appropriate to end with a selection of Helga’s remarks at the end of the Memorial:

“The creativity per se would be the highest value in society, and all would experience the intellectual joy of a new international Renaissance.  And we, who worked with Lyn, had the privilege of getting a taste of what it means to live in the world of ideas.  If Lyn would have become President, the whole United States, and the world, this Renaissance spirit would have become the intellectually hegemonic power.  The United States is very fortunate to have such a person, with such a beautiful mind and such a prophetic vision.

Lyn and I had a meeting once with a bishop of Rome, and he said “Lyn is a man of providence”, and I absolutely agree: Because Lyn’s life and his life’s work is in absolute tune with the intention of Creation.  It’s a tragedy for the people of the United States, and the rest of the world, that the evil powers of the present, were able to derail this effort, at least temporarily.  And a breakthrough for all of humanity will be associated with Lyn’s ideas.

But Lyn’s vision of a fully developed world becoming a reality in the form of the World Land-Bridge is now happening: Of a new form of international relations among nations, of a dialogue of classical cultures replacing confrontation, and of the vision of an international cooperation of colonizing the Moon and a joint Mars mission.  His enemies, who are the enemies of humanity and the happiness of the people, may prevail in the short term.  But they’re already haunted by the Erinyes.  They may have been able to cover up their crimes for a short while, but there is this higher power of natural law, which will bring their crimes to the light of day.

Lyn, on the contrary, has earned eternal life.  His life is in the simultaneity of eternity.  His mind and ideas transcend all places and times.  Lyn is now in a real like that shown in the School of Athens:  He is with Socrates and Plato, with Confucius, Kepler, Leibniz, Bach, Beethoven, Einstein, and Vernadsky, and all the best minds of all times, and all cultures.”

The views of individual contributors do not necessarily represent those of the Strategic Culture Foundation.