Trump does not buy into the primary lie intended as the glue which holds this entire EU geo-political structure together.
Europe won’t even be left with a baguette to dip in that soup or a Napoleonic onion to flavour it with, when Trump comes back to demand his alimony from the Democrats’ European fifth columnists.
The high-level talks in Saudi Arabia last week between senior Russian and American officials have tantalizing potential to end the conflict in Ukraine.
President Trump, not held back by dissenters in his own party, appears strongly placed to agree a deal with President Putin.
New elections in Ukraine could pave the way for a government that prioritizes the interests of its people. But that is probably a utopia in the current circumstances.
In the media, it seems that only the USA and Russia are talking, but behind the scenes and away from the cameras there are many more players involved.
Although non-issues like Israel and Ireland’s fake neutrality can be raised, the main non-economic bone of contention is that America does not need barking dogs or quarrelsome leprechauns telling them what to do.
This was never meant to be Yalta. Although Yalta 2.0 may eventually happen.