Thus, neo-Pentecostalism provided the ingredients for evangelicals to live in a holy war against their neighbors. Their victory, however, consisted of being wealthy.
The rise of another leader who espouses a similar philosophy would be intolerably disruptive to the globalist agenda.
In the absence of a genuine center-left, these discontented masses are turning to far-right figures and parties as a solution.
Unless convincing evidence of foreign interference emerges coincidental similarities with classical colour revolution methods should not be given excessive credence.
Although NATO’s entitled Philistines might feel like scoffing at the Chinese and the Hungarians over their attempts to scale Everest, the laugh is very much on them.
There can be no talk of letting the (oxymoron of) British justice take its course or of “learning from our mistakes”.
It is no surprise that the followers of new Christianity serve as pawns for atheists who want to plot a clash of civilizations, or for Jews who want to commit genocide in the Middle East with impunity.
From Renaissance Florence, one of the – few – peaks of humanity, now living in memory, tread carefully across this flame-filled 2025.