Tag: Zionism

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…E o Senhor deu a Abraão as terras de Elon Moreh…
…E o Senhor deu a Abraão as terras de Elon Moreh…
January 18, 2025

Habitantes do colonato de Elon Moreh tinham sido convidados para presenciar os acontecimentos. Alguns aplaudiram e exclamaram: “Belo espectáculo”.

When fundamentalist Protestants influenced atheist Jews
January 12, 2025

The Protestant world is imitating the Jewish world. After all, the Zionist project only achieved demographic density with the support of religious Jews.

When fundamentalist Protestants influenced atheist Jews
Quando os protestantes fundamentalistas influenciaram os judeus ateus
Quando os protestantes fundamentalistas influenciaram os judeus ateus
January 9, 2025

Unindo história e racismo, então, os sionistas usaram a Bíblia para defender a tese de que a Palestina era o seu lar nacional, do qual foram expulsos na Antiguidade.

Lecciones de Siria y Líbano: la resistencia es la única garantía de la soberanía
December 19, 2024

Las acciones de Israel tras el colapso de Siria pusieron de manifiesto un calculado impulso sionista hacia la expansión y la dominación regionales. Sin resistencia a las agresiones desenfrenadas de Tel Aviv, la soberanía de todos los Estados de Asia occidental se verá amenazada por la ocupación económica, militar y política.

Lecciones de Siria y Líbano: la resistencia es la única garantía de la soberanía
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CNN’s reporting reaches new level of farce. What should its new CEO do?
CNN’s reporting reaches new level of farce. What should its new CEO do?
December 19, 2024

Where was the tipping point for CNN which now no longer has any credibility as a decent news outlet on the world stage, it once had in the early days?

Trump and Israel can’t wait to start bombing Iran
December 18, 2024

Both Israel and the incoming Trump administration are reportedly eager to start bombing Iran ASAP now that Assad’s out of the way.

Trump and Israel can’t wait to start bombing Iran
Editor's Сhoice
EEUU e Israel destruyeron Siria y lo llamaron paz
EEUU e Israel destruyeron Siria y lo llamaron paz
December 17, 2024

La ambición de Netanyahu de transformar la región mediante la guerra, que se remonta a casi tres décadas, se está desarrollando ante nuestros ojos.

Trump’s pro-Israel dream team: Patel nomination caps hawkish cabinet
December 9, 2024

On November 30, Donald Trump nominated Kash Patel to serve as FBI director. A staunch MAGA activist and loyalist with significant standing in Trump’s orbit, Patel aligns closely with the president-elect on both domestic and foreign policy matters. Indeed, he appears to struggle to pinpoint areas of disagreement with Trump’s agenda.

Trump’s pro-Israel dream team: Patel nomination caps hawkish cabinet
Editor's Сhoice