Tag: Mohammad Javad Zarif

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Iran’s ‘Only Crime Is We Decided Not to Fold’
Editor's Сhoice
Iran’s ‘Only Crime Is We Decided Not to Fold’
November 20, 2019

Iran’s only crime, Zarif said, “is that we decided to be our own boss. And that crime – we are proud of it. And we will continue to be.

Instead of Threats, Trump Can Easily Defuse Iran Crisis He Created
September 22, 2019

Trita Parsi, Executive Vice President of the Quincy Institute and the author of “Losing an Enemy: Obama, Iran, and the Triumph of Diplomacy.”

Instead of Threats, Trump Can Easily Defuse Iran Crisis He Created
Editor's Сhoice
Locked and Loaded’ for War on Iran?
Editor's Сhoice
Locked and Loaded’ for War on Iran?
September 19, 2019

Foreign Minister Mohammad Zarif says of Pompeo’s charge, that the U.S. has simply replaced a policy of “maximum pressure” with a policy of “maximum deceit.”

‘The New Normal’: Trump’s ‘China Bind’ Can Be Iran’s Opportunity
September 9, 2019

There is consensus amongst the Washington foreign policy élite that all factions in Iran understand that – ultimately – a deal with Washington on the nuclear issue must ensue. It somehow is inevitable.

‘The New Normal’: Trump’s ‘China Bind’ Can Be Iran’s Opportunity
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Washington’s Utterly Failed Diplomacy
Washington’s Utterly Failed Diplomacy
August 9, 2019

Can American citizens rein in their errant, irrational regime? Time will tell. But one thing seems for sure, world peace is continually endangered by the regime in Washington which is operating in its own realm of fantasy and criminal megalomania.

Pompeo ‘Happy’ to Pontificate in Tehran, Revealing US Tyranny of Arrogance
August 3, 2019

Imagine the spectacle. US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo sitting in Tehran and telling the Iranian people via a state media interview how “evil” their government is. No wonder tensions with Iran are reaching a flashpoint when Washington is so arrogant and delusional.

Pompeo ‘Happy’ to Pontificate in Tehran, Revealing US Tyranny of Arrogance
False Flag Alert in Crucial Week to Save Iran Nuclear Deal
False Flag Alert in Crucial Week to Save Iran Nuclear Deal
May 15, 2018

There is a real danger that a false flag “atrocity” will be carried out this week by the US and its client regimes in order to incriminate Iran and blow up the international nuclear accord.

Final Iran Deal Reached: Russia’s Perspective Circumstances
July 19, 2015

The final deal has been reached after three weeks of continuous efforts as the negotiation process developed in Vienna. Five United Nations Security Council permanent members, Germany and Iran concluded a final agreement. The 100-page document contains technical and legal details. This is an event of global importance, a bright example of great powers’ cooperation – something that has happened so seldom recently…

Final Iran Deal Reached: Russia’s Perspective Circumstances