Tag: YouTube

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A monetização do YouTube causa problemas para a soberania brasileira
A monetização do YouTube causa problemas para a soberania brasileira
June 30, 2024

O mero fato de os brasileiros despenderem tanta energia com rede social achando que isso é política já é um atraso para o país.

YouTube’s monetization jeopardizes Brazilian sovereignty
June 29, 2024

The sheer fact that Brazilians dispend so much energy on social media, thinking that it is politics, is, in itself, a delay for the country.

YouTube’s monetization jeopardizes Brazilian sovereignty
A duel of French YouTubers
Editor's Сhoice
A duel of French YouTubers
June 25, 2024

For several weeks now, France’s two most famous YouTubers, known as Squeezie and Tibo InShape, have been locked in a fierce virtual war. Behind the duel between these two men lie two trends that divide French youth: progressivism versus identity. 

Las conexiones de Youtube con el lobby pro-israelí detrás de la eliminación de la infame canción de Lowkey: ‘Terrorista’
November 14, 2023

En un giro impactante de los acontecimientos, YouTube eliminó abruptamente el video musical oficial de “Terrorist?”, un himno que encabezó las listas del rapero activista y colaborador de MintPress News Lowkey.

Las conexiones de Youtube con el lobby pro-israelí detrás de la eliminación de la infame canción de Lowkey: ‘Terrorista’
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Scott Ritter Scrubbed From Youtube
Scott Ritter Scrubbed From Youtube
August 14, 2023

Scott Ritter will survive. But over 400,000 Ukrainian soldiers have not survived the carnage that is a direct result of YouTube’s censorship of omission and commission.

Ineptly, YouTube Tries to Pick Up Where Dr. Goebbels Left Off
November 27, 2021

By what right does a private corporation presume to dictate to its users what they may or may not think or post?

Ineptly, YouTube Tries to Pick Up Where Dr. Goebbels Left Off
YouTube Financially Deplatforms Swath of Indie Media Accounts
Editor's Сhoice
YouTube Financially Deplatforms Swath of Indie Media Accounts
February 5, 2021

The Google-owned video sharing platform YouTube has demonetized numerous independent media accounts, a jarring escalation in the steadily intensifying campaign against alternative news outlets online.

Yet Another Major Escalation In Establishment Internet Censorship
December 14, 2020

YouTube, whose corporate owner Google is arguably the most powerful company on earth, is now deleting user videos which claim the US election was fraudulent.

Yet Another Major Escalation In Establishment Internet Censorship
Editor's Сhoice