Tag: White House

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Being a “black woman” not enough to avoid nuclear war
Being a “black woman” not enough to avoid nuclear war
July 24, 2024

Liberal left endorsement of Kamala Harris shows how Democrats prioritize the woke agenda over world peace.

Biden drama reveals ruling class with power, but no authority
July 23, 2024

Ruling class mandarins on both sides of the Atlantic are hollowing out the institutions of liberal democratic governance.

Biden drama reveals ruling class with power, but no authority
Editor's Сhoice
Ser uma “mulher negra” não é suficiente para evitar uma guerra nuclear
Ser uma “mulher negra” não é suficiente para evitar uma guerra nuclear
July 23, 2024

Endosso da esquerda liberal à Kamala Harris mostra como os Democratas priorizam a agenda woke à paz mundial.

O anarcocapitalismo e os judeus dos EUA
July 20, 2024

Qualquer que seja o traço cultural que atrele judaísmo a anarcocapitalismo, esse é um traço que se manifestou ou surgiu nos EUA, entre asquenazitas de origem europeia oriental.

O anarcocapitalismo e os judeus dos EUA
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“Assassination Attempt” — the whodunit prequel to “Contemporary America: Civil War”
“Assassination Attempt” — the whodunit prequel to “Contemporary America: Civil War”
July 19, 2024

History dictates that many troubled killers, whether Lee Harvey Oswald, Timothy McVeigh, or even Charles Manson, often, surely coincidentally, had links to the CIA and the security state.

Could Trump’s election end NATO’s proxy war in Ukraine against Russia?
July 19, 2024

A comprehensive solution to ending U.S. aggression and militarism is not a change of personnel at the White House.

Could Trump’s election end NATO’s proxy war in Ukraine against Russia?
Iwo Jima 2.0: ¿Qué historia cuenta esta foto?
Iwo Jima 2.0: ¿Qué historia cuenta esta foto?
July 18, 2024

Si el Estado Profundo no puede influir en el resultado de las elecciones de noviembre, puede encontrar Seis Maneras a partir del domingo para anularlas.

Three possible fates for the U.S. in a multipolar world
July 16, 2024

Preserving hegemony is no longer a possibility for Washington, Lucas Leiroz writes.

Three possible fates for the U.S. in a multipolar world