Tag: War
t is no longer easy to tell what the Ukraine War was for. Very early on, U.S. goals got grafted onto Ukrainian goals, and the hybrid braid became hard to disentangle. “This is a war that is in many ways… bigger than Ukraine,” the State Department announced in the first weeks of the war. But, whatever those goals, few of them remain: There will be no NATO membership for Ukraine, there will be no recovery of all of its territory, and there will be no weakening of Russia.
Today, Russians want to defend their country – because they believe in their leaders – while Westerners and Ukrainians are disappointed and want to surrender.
At least Trump is willing to give peace a chance with Russia over Ukraine, Peter Kuznick says.
Se acerca el Año Nuevo 2025 y como costumbre general se asocia esa llegada con renovadas esperanzas e ilusiones. Pero a veces son los pronósticos sombríos los que sustituyen las esperanzas, tal es el caso de Ucrania y en particular de su gobierno nazifascista.