Tag: Ukraine

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Acerca das dissonâncias cognitivas dos “europeus”: a Ucrânia é só um pretexto
Acerca das dissonâncias cognitivas dos “europeus”: a Ucrânia é só um pretexto
February 24, 2025

Em Portugal, como na maior parte dos países do Ocidente Coletivo, os mais recentes desenvolvimentos diplomáticos a respeito do conflito ucraniano deixaram apoplético um setor muitíssimo importante da opinião pública, de facto aquele segmento que tem tido mais protagonismo quer nos círculos políticos decisores, quer ao nível dos media. Entre nós há, claro, toda uma enorme coorte de Christoph “Cry Baby” Heusgen em potência.

Is Trump risking his life with Russia and Ukraine?
February 24, 2025

If you want to get a sense of what President Kennedy was up against with his Peace Speech at American University a few months before he was taken out, just look at the reaction to President Trump’s friendly overtures toward Russia in the last few days. The mainstream media is up in arms over Trump’s actions. Multiply that reaction by about 1,000 and you’ll get a sense of what Kennedy was facing with his attempt to move America in a similar direction.

Is Trump risking his life with Russia and Ukraine?
Editor's Сhoice
Fire the Washington war party
Editor's Сhoice
Fire the Washington war party
February 24, 2025

President Donald Trump gets a lot of things wrong. Chief among them is his crazy plan to ethnically cleanse two million Palestinians from the smoking ruins of Gaza. But he also gets some very important things very right.

Ukraine and the U.S. mineral deal
February 24, 2025

New elections in Ukraine could pave the way for a government that prioritizes the interests of its people. But that is probably a utopia in the current circumstances.

Ukraine and the U.S. mineral deal
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Some notes on the construction of an ultranationalist Ukraine
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Some notes on the construction of an ultranationalist Ukraine
February 24, 2025

Without a distancing from the causes of the conflict, no peace can ever be lasting, because the West will still try to subvert the Eurasian order.

“Líderes” europeus querem salvar o jackpot militar multimilionário
February 23, 2025

As crianças deslocaram-se à Eurodisney a Paris, os adultos foram a Riade, à Arábia Saudita.

“Líderes” europeus querem salvar o jackpot militar multimilionário
The fantasy of British defence
Editor's Сhoice
The fantasy of British defence
February 23, 2025

British party politics has in recent decades become an exercise in evading reality, only dealing with the world — and our country’s material conditions — as our leaders would wish them to be. Westminster’s chaotic reaction to Washington’s abrupt, if long-telegraphed, about-turn on the Ukraine war and European security reveals that our rulers are belatedly discovering the cost of inhabiting a dreamworld.

Mattarella, la Russia e quello squallido teatrino politico
February 23, 2025

Il Presidente della Repubblica italiana Sergio Mattarella ha paragonato la Russia di Putin al Terzo Reich. A rispondere per le tristi parole del Presidente ci ha pensato una bella fetta del popolo italiano, che ha preso ufficialmente le distanze ed espresso sostegno alla Federazione Russa.

Mattarella, la Russia e quello squallido teatrino politico