Tag: United Kingdom

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Who REALLY started the Heathrow fire?
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Who REALLY started the Heathrow fire?
March 25, 2025

The most logical way of looking at the fire at the busiest airport hub in the world, is to ask who benefits the most from it. Clue: it isn’t Russia

UK aided Trump’s deadly bombing of Yemen
March 20, 2025

The Starmer government provided aerial refueling for U.S. jets during airstrikes on Yemen last weekend that killed 53 people, including women and children, Iona Craig reports.

UK aided Trump’s deadly bombing of Yemen
Editor's Сhoice
Book Review: ‘Justice for my father’
Book Review: ‘Justice for my father’
March 17, 2025

Stack’s book paints Kevin Mallon, Gerry Adams, Nicky Kehoe, Dessie Ellis, Martin Ferris and Pat Doherty as the massive blight on humanity that they are

Posteo doble: Los franceses, a pesar de las claras advertencias, trajeron el Campamento de los Santos a Francia y ¿Qué debe hacer Trump?
March 16, 2025

Francia se está muriendo. Es una muerte gradual. Un distrito comercial a la vez. Un barrio a la vez. Un restaurante, un negocio, un teatro, un hotel aquí y allá. Cada muerte es tan triste, pero se puede sobrevivir. Pero a medida que las muertes graduales se acumulan, se convierten en un todo, y ahora Francia se está muriendo. 

Posteo doble: Los franceses, a pesar de las claras advertencias, trajeron el Campamento de los Santos a Francia y ¿Qué debe hacer Trump?
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Did Trump Just Fall Into a UK Trap?
Editor's Сhoice
Did Trump Just Fall Into a UK Trap?
March 13, 2025

Finian Cunningham, long-time journalist and writer joined me to discuss the outcome of the Jedda declaration which included the EU in future “peace” negotiations. Finian pointed out that this was an irreconcilable suggestion because the EU and the UK are protagonists and are demanding a continuation of the war against Russia, the aggressor, and not peace.

All the pressure is now on Zelensky after ceasefire offer – don’t believe the British spin
March 12, 2025

The basic maths show a significant net loss to Zelensky over the past six months.

All the pressure is now on Zelensky after ceasefire offer – don’t believe the British spin
Chainsaw the paper-passers
Editor's Сhoice
Chainsaw the paper-passers
March 9, 2025

In the 1950s, a mild-mannered British naval historian named Cyril Northcote Parkinson stuck a devastating blow against bureaucracy. His crucial analysis is even truer today than when The Economist published it in 1955.

The Greatest Show must go on
March 9, 2025

The United States of America is the greatest theatre in the world. Stand-up comedy in an open sky.

The Greatest Show must go on