Tag: Tymoshenko

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The Ukrainian Election: Poroshenko Loses, the Regime Survives
The Ukrainian Election: Poroshenko Loses, the Regime Survives
April 3, 2019

Even if Poroshenko leaves office, his legacy will prevent Ukraine from ending the war anytime soon. The warfare in eastern Ukraine is the fruit of  NATO’s eastward expansion that was launched by Washington and Brussels in the mid-1990s without buy-in from Moscow.

Chaining America’s Destiny to the Chaos of Ukraine
March 31, 2019

The three leading candidates in this election, current President Petro Poroshenko, former Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko and literal clown Volodymyr Zelensky outdo each other in their expressed hatred of Russia.

Chaining America’s Destiny to the Chaos of Ukraine
New Conflict in Kiev: Ochlocrat Timoshenko against Oligarch Poroshenko
New Conflict in Kiev: Ochlocrat Timoshenko against Oligarch Poroshenko
May 12, 2014

As the Ukrainian pseudo election on May 25 is drawing near, one more conflict adds to the mess the country is in. The two leading candidates loyal to the regime have clashed. Billionaire Peotr Poroshenko, the leader of the race, is opposing Ukraine’s former Prime Minister Yulia Timoshenko who said that she was the only politician in Ukraine capable of conducting political reforms the country badly needs. Speaking at a news conference in Nikolayev, Timoshenko put it quite straight: if the country elects other candidate, there will be no avoiding a «third round of revolution…

Alle-Yulia! Redemption of Western Regime Change in Ukraine
April 20, 2014

Convicted embezzler and former Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko was on a tour of east Ukraine this Easter weekend talking about finding «compromise» and «national unity». She said she wanted to hear the grievances of the people in cities like Donetz, Kharkov and Slavyansk… Only a few weeks ago, Tymoshenko was caught saying in a private phone call how she wanted to turn pro-Russia eastern Ukraine into ash from a nuclear attack. In the same leaked phone call – which Tymoshenko confirmed as authentic – the disgraced politician also called for ethnic Russians opposed to the Kiev junta to be «whacked in the head» by death squads…

Alle-Yulia! Redemption of Western Regime Change in Ukraine
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From Merkel to Tymoshenko: NSA spied on 122 world leaders, Snowden docs reveal
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From Merkel to Tymoshenko: NSA spied on 122 world leaders, Snowden docs reveal
March 30, 2014

The NSA’s data base contains information obtained during the surveillance of over a hundred world leaders, new leaks by NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden revealed. Der Spiegel has looked through a top secret presentation by NSA's Center for Content Extraction, which is responsible for automated analysis of all types of text data. 

Hatred Towards Russians Boiling Over or Yulia Timoshenko «Gone Fishing»
March 25, 2014

Yulia Timoshenko is back into politics. Her phone conversation with Nestor Shufrych, former deputy secretary of the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine (their close personal ties are an open secret), was uploaded  on YouTube on March 24. A part of the recorded talk was devoted to Crimea… She spoke Russian (her native tongue) and suggested that it was “about time we grab our guns and go kill those damn katsaps» (katsap is a Ukrainian word used to refer to the Russians in a negative tone). The conversation leaves no doubt about the fate of Russians if Timoshenko is elected President. Shufrych told her about his fellow MP asking him, “What should we do now with the 8 million Russians that stayed in Ukraine? They are rogues!» Timoshenko, who is known in the West as a “beacon of democracy» and a «prisoner of conscience», says, “Use nuclear weapons against them»…

Hatred Towards Russians Boiling Over or Yulia Timoshenko «Gone Fishing»