Tag: Tucker Carlson
The Assange case now having been settled, Pavel Durov is certain to become the new global privacy and freedom of expression icon.
And the MIC can’t have any dissident media voices like TikTok expressing skepticism about the ongoing sacrifice of the nation of Ukraine, the upcoming sacrifice of Russia, and eventually, China and Iran.
Former Fox News host says he approached interview from ‘position of ignorance’.
The great beauty of Russian President Vladimir Putin’s interview with the famous American journalist Tucker Carlson is that there is something in it for almost everyone — be it historians who memorialise the past; diplomats who isolate history and take it out of context; spymasters who were cold warriors with adrenaline flowing still; politologists who contrived to create false narratives; and even an American president or two and one colourful British Prime Minister most certainly, who may have blood on their hands.