Tag: Transcarpatia

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Zelensky owes Orban an explanation
Zelensky owes Orban an explanation
July 5, 2024

In addition to persecuting Russians in the east, the neo-Nazi regime in Kiev also promotes ethnic cleansing against Hungarians in Transcarpathia.

Zelensky deve uma explicação a Orban
July 4, 2024

Além de perseguir os russos no leste, o regime neonazista de Kiev também promove limpeza étnica contra os húngaros da Transcarpátia.

Zelensky deve uma explicação a Orban
Erkin Öncan: “¿Por qué los gagaúzos están en contra de la UE?”
Erkin Öncan: “¿Por qué los gagaúzos están en contra de la UE?”
April 1, 2024

Hubo una peculiar reunión en Moscú entre la representante de los gagaúzos de Moldavia y el presidente ruso, ¿qué hay detrás?

Assessing UN Vote on Russian Troops Withdrawal from Transnistria
June 24, 2018

The Transnistrian democratically elected leadership supports the Russian military presence. Nobody calling for Russia’s withdrawal offered any alternative to guarantee peace in the region.

Assessing UN Vote on Russian Troops Withdrawal from Transnistria
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Europeans are defending themselves against Right Sector
Europeans are defending themselves against Right Sector
July 20, 2015

After the recent firefight between Right Sector militants and the police in Mukacheve, Ukraine’s neighbors are taking steps to beef up their own security…

Will Carpathian Sich Kill Hungarian Activists?
May 13, 2015

The relationship between nationalities in Transcarpathia is delicate enough – reckless steps can break the peace. Taras Deyak, the commander of Carpathian Sich, a battalion of punishers, threatened to eliminate the activists of Hungarian minority… By threatening to take actions against representatives of Yobbik and HVIM in Transcarpathia the Carpathian Sich crossed the red line dividing the killings of dissenters inside the country (Oleg Buzina, Oleg Kalashnikov, others) from physical threats directed against the citizens of neighboring state…

Will Carpathian Sich Kill Hungarian Activists?
The Hungarian Issue in Transcarpathia
The Hungarian Issue in Transcarpathia
March 19, 2015

In his book Ukraine at the Crossroads (2015), former Ukrainian Prime Minister Nikolai Azarov writes: «Essentially, Ukraine has never been a mono-national state. The Donetsk and Luhansk regions were different from the Kharkiv region, and the Zaporizhia and Dnepropetrovsk regions were different from the Sumy and Chernigov regions. And I am not even going to talk about Galicia and Transcarpathia. Ukraine as a unitary state is a constant source of conflict» . The fact that the unitary state structure of Ukraine has started to create a permanent civil conflict is confirmed by recent events. Yet the Ukrainian authorities are still obstinately insisting that «Ukraine was, is, and will be a unitary state»…

The Situation in Transcarpathia Intensifies
October 27, 2014

Fears that Kiev is in a position to try and repeat the ‘Donbass Scenario’ in Transcarpathia do not seem to be without grounds. Consequently, those behind the Carpathian Mountains are talking about federalisation increasingly emphatically… The demands of the Rusyns and Hungarians in Transcarpthia are based on a solid legal foundation, and they share a common goal and a common threat. The common threat is Ukraine, and the situation is intensifying. There have been repeated instances of the destruction of Ukrainian state symbols in Uzhhorod and Mukachevo, explosions in the local offices of PrivatBank, and demonstrations by Transcarpathian residents against mobilisation for war – everything is leading to the fact that the issue of granting Transcarpathia the status of an autonomous federal entity could come to a head… 

The Situation in Transcarpathia Intensifies