Tag: Trade War

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European Union joins U.S. economic war against Chinese electric vehicles
Editor's Сhoice
European Union joins U.S. economic war against Chinese electric vehicles
June 16, 2024

The European Union has decided to join the US-inspired trade war against Chinese exports of electrical vehicles (EVs) despite deep divisions within its own ranks with the opposition led by Germany.

Biden’s tariffs are another nail in the dollar’s coffin
May 28, 2024

President Biden recently raised taxes on American consumers and businesses and may have hastened the end of the dollar’s world reserve currency status. President Biden did this by increasing tariffs on Chinese imports.

Biden’s tariffs are another nail in the dollar’s coffin
Editor's Сhoice
Foreign Affairs article lays out path for war against China
Editor's Сhoice
Foreign Affairs article lays out path for war against China
May 13, 2024

An article published May 7 in Foreign Affairs, one of the most prominent mouthpieces of the US political establishment on international relations, lays out what amounts to a blueprint for escalating economic warfare against China, integrated with planning for a military conflict.

Minerva Foods, la empresa que está poniendo a Rusia a comer carne Colombiana
April 21, 2024

Además de carne, los rusos también se volvieron consumidores de café colombiano y amantes de las rosas y claveles cultivados en Bogotá y Medellín

Minerva Foods, la empresa que está poniendo a Rusia a comer carne Colombiana
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Red Sea Crisis Is Opportunity for U.S. to Weaken Europe & China
Red Sea Crisis Is Opportunity for U.S. to Weaken Europe & China
January 28, 2024

No wonder the Americans ultimately treat their European vassals with contempt. Because they are utterly spineless and clueless.

Attacking Yemen Is a Waste of Time, Money and Resources
December 22, 2023

Although diplomacy would seem an obvious candidate to help resolve matters, NATO, in its wisdom, long ago discarded that card.

Attacking Yemen Is a Waste of Time, Money and Resources
Red Sea’s Gateway of Tears… As Usual, Uncle Sam’s Euro Vassals Pay the Price
Red Sea’s Gateway of Tears… As Usual, Uncle Sam’s Euro Vassals Pay the Price
December 19, 2023

The major European states are finally making some noises calling for a ceasefire to Israel’s genocide in Gaza. What’s taken them so long?

Open Questions on the War: The Black Sea, Out-of-View ‘War’
August 14, 2023

Does the West’s despairing of Ukrainian military prospects imply a coming draw-down on the war? Or alternatively, a western strategic shift towards a different mode of attritional war against Russia?

Open Questions on the War: The Black Sea, Out-of-View ‘War’