Tag: Tillerson

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Rex Tillerson: The Pointless Secretary of State
Editor's Сhoice
Rex Tillerson: The Pointless Secretary of State
March 15, 2018

For those who decried Rex Tillerson’s 14-month tenure as secretary of state, who wanted a more aggressive advocate in foreign affairs and more of the empty slots at Foggy Bottom filled, be careful what you wish for. Because you now have Mike Pompeo.

As Trump Reshuffles His Team, Fears Grow About America’s Unpredictability
March 15, 2018

The firing of Secretary of State Rex Tillerson and his replacement by Mike Pompeo surprised no one in Washington as rumors to that effect have been circulating for more than six months. He is known for his hawkish positions on Iran and other issues, but perhaps more disturbing is Trump’s designation of Agency Deputy Director Gina Haspel as the new Director of the CIA to replace Pompeo.

As Trump Reshuffles His Team, Fears Grow About America’s Unpredictability
Tillerson Out, Pompeo In: Where Are We in the US Foreign Policy?
Tillerson Out, Pompeo In: Where Are We in the US Foreign Policy?
March 14, 2018

Rampant anti-Russia, anti-Iran, and anti-North Korea hawk, Mike Pompeo is expected to be tough on key foreign policy issues. With him holding reins in State Department, the Iran nuclear deal has a slim chance to survive in its current form.

Tillerson Takes ‘Great Power Competition’ to Africa
March 13, 2018

Last week, Rex Tillerson’s tour of Africa gave practical expression to what this “great power competition” looks like in the modern era. The top US diplomat seemed more interested engaging in schadenfreude and shadowing with regard to China and Russia, rather than in supposed “partnership” with African states.

Tillerson Takes ‘Great Power Competition’ to Africa
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Gang of Four: Senators Call for Tillerson to Enter into Arms Control Talks with the Kremlin
Editor's Сhoice
Gang of Four: Senators Call for Tillerson to Enter into Arms Control Talks with the Kremlin
March 12, 2018

Four United States senators are urging a new approach to U.S.-Russian relations based on renewed arms control efforts, but you probably haven’t heard about it from the mainstream media, Gilbert Doctorow and Ray McGovern report.

Rex Tillerson: Neocon
February 2, 2018

In case it is not clear, the Secretary of State, Rex Tillerson, is a neocon. Strong evidence of this unfortunate fact is his speech on January 17, 2018 at Stanford’s Hoover Institute. After warmly acknowledging his debt to Dr. Condoleezza Rice and George Shultz, Tillerson goes into his “Remarks on the Way Forward for the United States Regarding Syria”.

Rex Tillerson: Neocon
Editor's Сhoice
Toxic Agenda Redux – US Blames Russia Over Chemical Weapons
Toxic Agenda Redux – US Blames Russia Over Chemical Weapons
January 29, 2018

Washington and its allies may think their political agenda over chemical weapons is smart subterfuge to smear Russia. It’s not. It’s just downright stupid, transparent and toxically self-incriminating of Washington.

The US Syria ‘Strategy’ – Recipe for Continued Disaster Even for the US
January 20, 2018

Most media covering the speech that US Secretary of State, Rex Tillerson, gave at the Hoover Institution on January 17, 2018 merely points out that he said that the United States would stay in Syria – open-ended – in the future and until President Bashar al-Assad has left the scene. Read the full speech here.

The US Syria ‘Strategy’ – Recipe for Continued Disaster Even for the US
Editor's Сhoice