Tag: South Stream

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Energy Wars and European Interests (II)
Energy Wars and European Interests (II)
January 17, 2016

The worsening situation on the fronts of the energy wars is forcing those directly involved and all other interested parties to revise their previous approaches. Signs that Bulgaria intends to resume construction of the South Stream gas pipeline project are a good example. In a New Year interview, Bulgarian Prime Minister Boyko Borissov admitted that the South Stream gas pipeline project was in the interests of his country, but had been halted as a result of interference by the US and the European Union, even though both the US and Europe knew that the project would be beneficial to Bulgaria, according to Borissov…

Turkey and Gazprom. The geopolitics of pipelines
February 4, 2015

…The year 2019, when Russian gas will bypass Ukraine and go through Turkey, will be here soon. Somewhere that is well understood. In particular, in Hungary. The prime minister of that country, Viktor Orban, stated that anti-Russian sanctions «were in conflict with Hungary’s interests,» and that he intends, in his words, «to come to terms with Russia on a gas agreement» during a meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin in Budapest. Putin arrives in the Hungarian capital on February 17th. 

Turkey and Gazprom. The geopolitics of pipelines
Russia and Turkey’s Gas Deal Can Save Europe and the World?
Editor's Сhoice
Russia and Turkey’s Gas Deal Can Save Europe and the World?
December 13, 2014

The status of South Stream and the newly announced Russia-Turkey gas deal is much more than it seems.  It is primarily about putting the brakes on what has slowly been developing into the next world war.

South Stream 2.0: The Energy Wars Continue (I)
December 13, 2014

In the next few years, Russia’s decision to put a stop to the South Stream project will become a deciding factor in how the energy situation develops not just in Europe, but in the whole of the Eurasian continent… European players in the gas market are looking for ways to expand their energy cooperation with Russia, despite attempts by the European Commission to sabotage their aspirations. The Slovak gas transmission system operator Eustream is planning to build a pipeline from Slovakia to the Bulgarian-Turkish border, so is hurrying to join a new plan for the transportation of Russian gas to Europe through Turkey. It is the first specific consequence of revised plans to build the South Stream pipeline…

South Stream 2.0: The Energy Wars Continue (I)
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South Stream to Change Direction. Russia Cannot be Squeezed Out of Energy Market
South Stream to Change Direction. Russia Cannot be Squeezed Out of Energy Market
December 8, 2014

During his trip to Turkey Russian President Vladimir Putin announced the decision to give up the South Stream pipeline project in favor of a new route redirected to Turkey. An important event preceded the statement. Israel proposed that EU countries invest in a multi-billion euro pipeline to carry its natural gas to the continent. At the international conference «Building Euro-Mediterranean Energy Bridge» that ended in Rome in mid-November Israel's Minister for Energy Silvan Shalom described a project for transportation to Europe of gas produced in the Eastern Mediterranean to Vice-President of the European Commission and Commissioner for Energy Union Maros Sefcovic. Shalom ensured Sefcovic that the gas resources in the huge offshore deposits Tamar and Leviathan (240 and 480 billion m3, respectively) may be directed to Europe through Cyprus and Italy at a «special price». He openly stated that the project may lessen the EU’s dependence on Russian gas supplies…

Russia Scraps South Stream: Who the Message is Sent to?
December 5, 2014

The Russia’s decision to abandon the South Stream project has become one of the major events in 2014. This is a message to the leadership of the European Union… The EU has failed to come up with an alternative project of its own to provide Europe with gas supplies from the Caspian Sea and Central Asia. Nabucco was doomed from the start while the estimated capacity of TAP (Greece-Albania-Italy) is only 10 billion cubic meters a year – six and a half times less in comparison to the South Stream. The population of Europe has become a hostage of this policy…

Russia Scraps South Stream: Who the Message is Sent to?
Brussels Sabotages EU Energy with South Stream Politicking
Brussels Sabotages EU Energy with South Stream Politicking
December 4, 2014

The European Union’s ruling elite just hammered another nail into its creaky coffin this week with the critical loss of the South Stream gas project. Russian President Vladimir Putin may have been the one to formally pull the plug on the project while on an official visit to Turkey, but most observers can see that it is EU politicking that lay behind the collapse. Putin said that continual obstruction to the South Stream project from Brussels had made it unviable… Gerhard Roiss, the chief executive of Austria’s top oil and gas firm OMV… told Austrian media: «It is a regretful development for Europe since it needs Russian gas, it cannot do without Russian gas. But pipeline facilities are needed to ensure secure energy supplies». The OMV boss added: «The problem today is that possibilities of supplying southeastern Europe with gas are reduced and dependence on one supplier and one route via Ukraine is high»… The energy security of millions of Europeans, involving higher market prices, is also being jeopardised by the failure to complete a strategically important addition of gas infrastructure for the continent.

If Europe Does Not Want to Carry Out South Stream…
December 2, 2014

…Now let’s sum it up and see who lost and who gained as a result of Moscow’s decision to change the gas transit routes. No doubt the agreements reached meet the interests of Russia and Turkey. Now the Russian gas will not flow to the European Union across the territories of Bulgaria, Serbia, Hungary and Austria. Instead it will be transported through Turkey. Simultaneously all alternative pipeline projects are blocked. Russia squeezed out all competitors from the South European market and did it in a much more effective way than building the South Stream pipeline. Turkey is able to ensure its energy security. The two parties also agreed to build large underground gas storage facilities in Turkey near the Greek border to protect the country against interruptions in gas supplies. As a result, Turkey will turn into a world gas hub for many years to come. It will strengthen the Turkey’s clout in the Eastern Mediterranean and the Balkans…

If Europe Does Not Want to Carry Out South Stream…