Tag: Sharp

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Cómo la CIA utilizó los métodos de Gene Sharp para ejecutar revoluciones de color en todo el mundo
Cómo la CIA utilizó los métodos de Gene Sharp para ejecutar revoluciones de color en todo el mundo
May 10, 2024

En 1983, Gene Sharp llevó a cabo investigaciones sobre la posibilidad de utilizar la desobediencia civil en Europa en caso de una hipotética – y obviamente imposible – invasión de las tropas del Pacto de Varsovia.

¿Qué es una “revolución de color”?
May 5, 2024

El concepto de “revolución de color” fue desarrollado por Gene Sharp en el libro “De la dictadura a la democracia”, un manual escrito en 1993.

¿Qué es una “revolución de color”?
Self-liberation in NATO-Occupied Belgrade
Self-liberation in NATO-Occupied Belgrade
March 22, 2023

Gene Sharp would not be pleased to see his teachings posthumously hijacked by an unyielding, pesky Serbian Orthodox cleric.

Gene Sharp: The Passing of a False Guru
February 8, 2018

Not that there are any genuine or harmless gurus, of course. Still, governments are unlikely to mourn the recent passing of Gene Sharp, widely reputed to be the father of the tumultuous "color revolutions" of recent memory.

Gene Sharp: The Passing of a False Guru
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Soros Disruption: American-Style
Soros Disruption: American-Style
March 20, 2016

Eastern Europeans and Arabs are all-too-familiar with the political street hooliganism sponsored by global «provocateur» George Soros and his minions. Lately, middle-class Americans have had a taste of the type of violent protest provocations during the current US presidential campaign that have previously been visited upon governments from Macedonia and Moldova to Syria and Libya…

Migrant Invasion of Europe from Same U.S. Policy Cauldron as «Color Revolutions»
November 6, 2015

The same U.S. policy cauldron, centered in the academia centers of the Boston region and which provided the template for «color revolutions» in eastern Europe and the Middle East, is also responsible for the current «weapon of mass migration» chaos sweeping throughout Europe…

Migrant Invasion of Europe from Same U.S. Policy Cauldron as «Color Revolutions»
Another Attempt to Organize «Orange Revolution» in Ecuador
Another Attempt to Organize «Orange Revolution» in Ecuador
July 9, 2015

Ecuadorian President Rafael Correa is blowing the whistle. The country may face another coup attempt. There is solid ground to support this allegation. In his March weekly address to the people the President said the protests in Ecuador were staged by enemies of «citizens’ revolution»as the opposition was implementing the strategy of attrition…

Coup and Anti-Coup. Gene Sharp Amended
March 1, 2014

According to Gene Sharp, «A coup d'état is a rapid seizure of physical and political control of the state apparatus by illegal action of a conspiratorial group backed by the threat or use of violence. The members of the previous government are deposed against their will. Initially the coup group rapidly occupies the centers of command, decision-making, and administration, replacing the previous chief executive and top officials with persons (military or civilian) of their choices». That is exactly what is happening in Ukraine. The steps taken by incumbent Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, which are supported by Pravy Sector, a new version of «White Al Qaeda», perfectly fit the scenario described by Gene Sharp… Closing the Gene Sharp’s book I start to think about how life makes amendments to what the classic has written in his works. These days the parliament of Ukraine’s Autonomous Republic of Crimea has found a way out of the crisis spread across the nation. A referendum on «improving the status of autonomy and expanding its powers» slated for May 25, 2014 is the step in this direction…

Coup and Anti-Coup. Gene Sharp Amended