Tag: Saudi Arabia

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U.S. divide and rule no more… Washington’s Gulf allies embrace Iran
U.S. divide and rule no more… Washington’s Gulf allies embrace Iran
July 11, 2024

The days of Washington and its Western minions playing divide and rule are over because they have discredited themselves irreparably.

Los misiles hipersónicos de Yemen: Una revolución militar en Asia Occidental
July 10, 2024

El innovador despliegue por parte de Yemen del misil hipersónico Hatem-2 contra un buque israelí supone un cambio sísmico en la dinámica de poder regional, desafía las estrategias de Estados Unidos y de sus socios, y pone de manifiesto más avances militares inesperados de Sanaa.

Los misiles hipersónicos de Yemen: Una revolución militar en Asia Occidental
Death of petrodollar is a Biden legacy
Editor's Сhoice
Death of petrodollar is a Biden legacy
June 15, 2024

The Deep State should have been alert five years ago when Candidate Joe Biden announced that he, if elected as president, was determined to make the Saudi rulers “pay the price, and make them in fact the pariah that they are.”

Against all odds, Iran and Saudi ties remain strong
May 23, 2024

When word broke that the Iranian helicopter was thought to have crashed, Saudi Arabia was one of the first nations to offer all help and support to Iran.

Against all odds, Iran and Saudi ties remain strong
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U.S. boots on the Arab ground
U.S. boots on the Arab ground
May 6, 2024

America’s military presence in the Middle East remains significant even as its focus shifts to Asia-Pacific, specifically to containing China. Around 50,000 U.S. troops are stationed in the Arab countries of the Middle East, including 900 troops illegally occupying the oil-rich areas of Syria. Major U.S. troop developments (estimated numbers).

Yemen braces for impending massive U.S.-led air and ground campaign
May 4, 2024

Senior military officials in Sana’a have informed MintPress News of ongoing military preparations by the US, UK, and Saudi-led Coalition over the past two weeks.

Yemen braces for impending massive U.S.-led air and ground campaign
Editor's Сhoice
Netanyahu Has Lost Saudi Arabia, and Biden Will Lose Re-Election
Netanyahu Has Lost Saudi Arabia, and Biden Will Lose Re-Election
February 23, 2024

The moral authority of the U.S. has been ripped from Washington, DC. by the power of the genocide and war crimes in Gaza, carried out by Israel while using weapons sent to Tel Aviv from the U.S. State Department.

Arab Regimes Collude With Israel’s Genocide and Ethnic Cleansing of Gaza
February 18, 2024

As Israel’s fascist government prepares to launch a massive ground invasion to take over Rafah city, discussions are now under way about setting up 15 campsites—each with around 25,000 tents—across the southwestern part of the Gaza Strip, to house the million-plus Palestinians that have taken refuge in the city.

Arab Regimes Collude With Israel’s Genocide and Ethnic Cleansing of Gaza
Editor's Сhoice