Tag: Rosneft

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Reuters Bites Off Tongue in US War Against Venezuela – Rosneft Forces Withdrawal of News Fabrication
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Reuters Bites Off Tongue in US War Against Venezuela – Rosneft Forces Withdrawal of News Fabrication
April 26, 2019

The Reuters news agency has published a retraction of an “exclusive” report on operations between the Venezuelan and Russian state oil companies, PDVSA and Rosneft, after disavowing the US-supplied source. Reuters has also acted after Rosneft applied for a criminal investigation of the media company’s operations in Russia by Moscow prosecutors.

‘The Biggest Player in the History of the World’
May 1, 2018

The world which Xi envisions is wholly incompatible with Washington’s priorities. Xi is not only more powerful than any predecessor other than Mao, he knows it, and intends to make his mark on world history.

‘The Biggest Player in the History of the World’
Russia’s New Energy Gamble
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Russia’s New Energy Gamble
April 22, 2018

Russia aims to position itself as a leader among energy-producing equals in Eurasia. Since 2015, Russia has sought to play a more active role in the Middle East, setting its sights on the region’s energy resources to achieve this strategic goal.

King of Saudi Arabia to Visit Russia: Bringing Relationship to New Phase
July 9, 2017

The blossoming relationship between Russia and Saudi Arabia signals yet another sea change in the ever-evolving global order. King Salman is to become the first Saudi monarch to visit Russia. The trip is expected this month with talks on the way to specify the date. The visit acquires special importance as the King has taken a decision not to attend the July 7-8 summit of the G20 summit in Hamburg, Germany.

King of Saudi Arabia to Visit Russia: Bringing Relationship to New Phase
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Gauging the Energy at SPIEF 2016
Gauging the Energy at SPIEF 2016
June 26, 2016

The state of the global oil market and the future of Russian gas-sector projects were the focus of the discussions at the 20th St. Petersburg International Economic Forum 2016 (SPIEF 2016). The substance of the discussions once again suggested that Russia will continue to remain a key player in the global oil industry and in Europe’s energy security…

Russia – Iran: Western Sanctions as a Stimulus for Development of Relations
May 14, 2014

Relations between Russia and Iran are experiencing a stage of dynamic development. Both parties are making significant efforts to reach a qualitatively new level of cooperation in all areas of interstate relations. Great expectations are attached to the upcoming visit of Russia's president to Iran. This could very well take place in the first half of this year. The schedule for Iranian president Hasan Rouhani's participation in the Caspian summit in Astrakhan in September 2014 has also been fully coordinated… 

Russia – Iran: Western Sanctions as a Stimulus for Development of Relations
The FIRST REAL Russian Retaliation for US-led Sanctions: Far More Harmful to…
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The FIRST REAL Russian Retaliation for US-led Sanctions: Far More Harmful to…
April 8, 2014

It starts: Rosneft has recently signed a series of big contracts for oil exports to China and is close to signing a “jumbo deal” with Indian companies. In both deals, there are no US dollars involved. Reuters reports, that Russia […]

Economic Cooperation Prevents Conflict of Interests in the Arctic
February 20, 2013

New technologies and climate change have significantly raised the profile of Arctic resources for the global economy. According to the Economist, the Arctic is warming twice as fast as the rest of the planet. Many experts quoting Alfred T. Mahan’s work «The Influence of Sea Power Upon History” agree that seaborne commerce in the High North will become an important geopolitical factor over the next several decades. Prospects of political dominance in the Arctic provoke heated debates sometimes overdramatised by the media. But realpolitik dictates that all states concerned should rely on existing legal and institutional framework enabling peaceful cooperation…

Economic Cooperation Prevents Conflict of Interests in the Arctic