Tag: Roman Empire

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Caesar Trump’s Wehrmacht legions trundle ever onwards
Caesar Trump’s Wehrmacht legions trundle ever onwards
March 23, 2025

With the Caesars past and present, it is always offence and never defence.

A Spaniard’s paean to Trajan, Romania, and Latin civilization
October 1, 2024

In the age in which we live, basic terms of reality are undermined, words are subverted, and their meaning changed. We are almost daily assailed by ugly neologisms.

A Spaniard’s paean to Trajan, Romania, and Latin civilization
Editor's Сhoice
Ahora todos deberíamos ser estoicos
Ahora todos deberíamos ser estoicos
May 14, 2024

Navega. Sé Estoico. El antídoto completo contra la locura actual

We should all be Stoics now
May 12, 2024

Sail away. Be Stoic. The complete antidote to the current insanity.

We should all be Stoics now
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the Strategic
Culture Foundation
Life at the End of an Empire With St Augustine
Life at the End of an Empire With St Augustine
August 14, 2022

It isn’t often that a generation lives through a systemic breakdown crisis.

American Civil War: Of Roman Plagues, Handmaid’s Tales & the Real Geopolitics of Fiction
December 23, 2021

Biden’s foreign policy and his attitude to the EU seems to be a clone of Trump’s. Which oddly and incredibly, lends more to the Handmaid scenario than it does Black Mirror.

American Civil War: Of Roman Plagues, Handmaid’s Tales & the Real Geopolitics of Fiction
Rome Fell and It’s Probably Your Fault
Rome Fell and It’s Probably Your Fault
September 24, 2021

Next time you read someone pontificating that the Roman Empire fell because it did something he doesn’t approve of, just smile.

COVID-19: How 3 Prior Pandemics Triggered Massive Societal Shifts
October 12, 2020

Andrew Latham begins with the Antonine and Cyprian twin plagues, which ravaged the Roman Empire and gave rise to Christianity.

COVID-19: How 3 Prior Pandemics Triggered Massive Societal Shifts
Editor's Сhoice