Tag: Regime Change

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2025, Iran is back in the U.S. crosshairs for regime change
2025, Iran is back in the U.S. crosshairs for regime change
January 4, 2025

A new American president and a new Middle East configuration have brought Iran back into the crosshairs for regime change with an intoxicating vengeance.

I tentativi di “rivoluzione colorata” in Georgia sono destinati a fallire
December 29, 2024

La Georgia continua a essere un punto caldo nelle dinamiche geopolitiche, con il governo di K’obakhidze che resiste alle pressioni occidentali, mantenendo buone relazioni con la Russia e difendendo l’indipendenza del Paese. Le recenti elezioni e l’inaugurazione del nuovo presidente Kavelashvili segnano un ulteriore capitolo in questa lotta per la sovranità.

I tentativi di “rivoluzione colorata” in Georgia sono destinati a fallire
“7 countries in 5 years”: Regime change in Iran coming soon?
“7 countries in 5 years”: Regime change in Iran coming soon?
December 17, 2024

The removal of Assad from power signifies that a dramatic push from the West and Israel to enact regime-change in another long-time target may now be imminent – that target being Iran.

With Trump’s re-election, a Venezuela invasion could be on the cards
December 11, 2024

The re-election of Donald Trump to the presidency of the United States has many in Venezuela extremely concerned. From assassinations, terror campaigns, sanctions and coups, the first Trump administration tried everything short of a full-scale invasion of the country. With a cabinet full of hawks, MintPress assesses the potential for a future U.S. intervention in Venezuela.

With Trump’s re-election, a Venezuela invasion could be on the cards
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The Irish and Georgian protests – A comparison of reactions
The Irish and Georgian protests – A comparison of reactions
December 4, 2024

In spite of the brutality on display, no mainstream media descriptions of crackdowns on peaceful protesters were ascribed to the scenes in Newtownmountkennedy and Coolock earlier this year.

La strategia del caos
November 26, 2024

Le risposte alla prima crisi dell’egemonia statunitense hanno scatenato forze che hanno finito per erodere il potere degli Stati Uniti.

La strategia del caos
EE.UU. refuerza el control sobre Perú
EE.UU. refuerza el control sobre Perú
November 16, 2024

El 7 de junio de 2021 se produjo un terremoto político en Perú. Un outsider de la política, el maestro rural Pedro Castillo, fue electo presidente de la República con la promesa de transformar un sistema político y económico construido sobre grandes abismos entre la población peruana.

Will they ever learn? Kiev déjà vu in Tbilisi
November 15, 2024

Good governance promotes the exercise of the widest possible spectrum of liberties, but the practice of those liberties must be tempered.

Will they ever learn? Kiev déjà vu in Tbilisi