Tag: PYD

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U.S. Defenseless to Stop Turkish Ground Invasion in Syria
U.S. Defenseless to Stop Turkish Ground Invasion in Syria
November 25, 2022

Many see the brewing war on the Kurds in Syria as a distraction manipulated by Erdogan in his effort to boost nationalist sentiments ahead of the election.

Playing ‘Kurdish Card’ in Syria Backfires on US As Turks Move In
January 25, 2018

What the result will be of Turkey’s offensive against the Kurdish-held enclave of Afrin in northwest Syria may not be clear for a while, but two things are already certain. Bad decisions in Washington provided the trigger, and Washington’s regional position will suffer as a result of Ankara’s Orwellian-named “Operation Olive Branch.”

Playing ‘Kurdish Card’ in Syria Backfires on US As Turks Move In
The Secrets of the Syrian War: the Kurdish Factor
The Secrets of the Syrian War: the Kurdish Factor
July 24, 2017

…The leaders of the Syrian Kurds must now grapple with the enormous responsibility of making a fateful decision for their people. They can either refrain from throwing obstacles in Damascus’s way, helping to build a new version of the state in which they will have far more rights than they used to have in Syria, or they can choose the opposite path, doing the bidding of what Robert Ford has called the «immoral» foreign politicians and embark on adventures that will end with them losing everything they have gained.

President Trump Orders to Arm Syrian Kurds
May 13, 2017

The US Defense Department announced on May 9 that President Donald Trump had authorized arming the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF), a coalition of rebel fighters led – by the United States in Syria, which includes the Kurdish People's Protection Units (YPG) as its main element. The package is to include small arms, machine guns, construction equipment and armored vehicles among the provisions. The decision was taken to boost the SDF firepower before the offensive to retake the Syrian city of Raqqa – the unofficial capital of the Islamic State (IS) group…

President Trump Orders to Arm Syrian Kurds
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How to read Trump’s blow to Turkey on Syrian Kurds
Editor's Сhoice
How to read Trump’s blow to Turkey on Syrian Kurds
May 13, 2017

There should be no doubt that President Donald Trump’s approval of a plan to directly arm Kurdish forces in Syria is a severe, devastating blow to President Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s obstinate efforts to undermine the relationship of the Syrian Kurdish Democratic Union Party and the People's Protection Units (YPG) with Washington.

Why Nato’s Future Is Far from Certain
May 9, 2017

At the upcoming May 16-17 meeting between US President Donald Trump and Recep Tayyip Erdogan, his Turkish counterpart, and the May 25 Nato summit, serious issues relating to the status of Nato will need to be addressed — namely defense expenditures reform, clarification of the alliance’s approach to new security threats, and the status of Turkey’s membership.

Why Nato’s Future Is Far from Certain
Editor's Сhoice
Turkey’s PM Makes Game Changing Statement: Syria’s Land Must Belong to Syrians
Turkey’s PM Makes Game Changing Statement: Syria’s Land Must Belong to Syrians
March 8, 2017

Turkey has made clear its position – Syria’s land should belong to the people of the country. Ankara does not oppose establishment of the Syria’s army’s control over the northern city of Manbij as this land must belong to the Syrians, Turkish Prime Minister Binali Yildirim said on February 5…

Erdogan Comes Face to Face with US, Russia in Syria
December 1, 2016

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has been promising since September to liberate the northern Syrian town of al-Bab from the Islamic State (IS) and move east to Manbij to rid it of the Kurdish People's Protection Units (YPG). Turkey claims that the YPG — the core of the US-supported Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) fighting IS — and its parent organization, the Democratic Union Party (PYD), are terrorist groups linked to the outlawed Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK), but it has failed to generate international support for this position. Recent developments on the ground also point to increasing difficulties for Erdogan's efforts to fulfill his promises…

Erdogan Comes Face to Face with US, Russia in Syria
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