Tag: Protests

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A “Balkan Spring” is in the making
A “Balkan Spring” is in the making
February 18, 2025

Pieces of the puzzle of Serbian student protests, which are acquiring the character of a full-scale social rebellion, are finally falling into place.

Serbia: Twilight of a Balkan regime
January 30, 2025

The Serbian people will once again have to pay the price for their foolish naiveté, Stephen Karganovic writes.

Serbia: Twilight of a Balkan regime
One of the largest protests in Bucharest: What’s behind it?
One of the largest protests in Bucharest: What’s behind it?
January 16, 2025

In the absence of a genuine center-left, these discontented masses are turning to far-right figures and parties as a solution.

Non-violent revolution in Serbia gains traction and raises questions
January 12, 2025

Unless convincing evidence of foreign interference emerges coincidental similarities with classical colour revolution methods should not be given excessive credence.

Non-violent revolution in Serbia gains traction and raises questions
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Social unrest in Serbia portends changes
Social unrest in Serbia portends changes
December 29, 2024

The situation that is developing in Serbia brings to mind a different yet eerily similar upheaval in Tunisia in 2010.

Os europeus amam energia cara ou estão sendo censurados?
December 26, 2024

O Estado tem um papel salutar na promoção da liberdade de expressão, pois permite que causas e opiniões populares atinjam o seu público sem precisarem do aval dos grandes empresários.

Os europeus amam energia cara ou estão sendo censurados?
“7 countries in 5 years”: Regime change in Iran coming soon?
“7 countries in 5 years”: Regime change in Iran coming soon?
December 17, 2024

The removal of Assad from power signifies that a dramatic push from the West and Israel to enact regime-change in another long-time target may now be imminent – that target being Iran.

Hacia un Extremo Oriente proyanqui plagado de dictaduras
December 14, 2024

La intentona golpista del presidente de Corea del Sur, el 3 de diciembre, no fue improvisada ni aislada. Ese hecho debe evaluarse en relación con el enfrentamiento físico entre parlamentarios que se vio en mayo en la sede del parlamento de Taiwán y, sobre todo, con la designación en Japón de un primer ministro militarista y negacionista. Como en Ucrania y en Israel, los nostálgicos de la Segunda Guerra Mundial trataron de tomar el poder en Seúl.

Hacia un Extremo Oriente proyanqui plagado de dictaduras