Tag: Protests

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“7 countries in 5 years”: Regime change in Iran coming soon?
“7 countries in 5 years”: Regime change in Iran coming soon?
December 17, 2024

The removal of Assad from power signifies that a dramatic push from the West and Israel to enact regime-change in another long-time target may now be imminent – that target being Iran.

Hacia un Extremo Oriente proyanqui plagado de dictaduras
December 14, 2024

La intentona golpista del presidente de Corea del Sur, el 3 de diciembre, no fue improvisada ni aislada. Ese hecho debe evaluarse en relación con el enfrentamiento físico entre parlamentarios que se vio en mayo en la sede del parlamento de Taiwán y, sobre todo, con la designación en Japón de un primer ministro militarista y negacionista. Como en Ucrania y en Israel, los nostálgicos de la Segunda Guerra Mundial trataron de tomar el poder en Seúl.

Hacia un Extremo Oriente proyanqui plagado de dictaduras
South Korea’s martial law fiasco: Legitimation crisis in the imperial vassal state
Editor's Сhoice
South Korea’s martial law fiasco: Legitimation crisis in the imperial vassal state
December 8, 2024

In the wake of South Korean President Yoon Suk Yeol’s 6-hour coup, Western pundits have opined that this was an affirmation of South Korean democracy’s robustness and resilience, its institutional maturity and strength.

The Irish and Georgian protests – A comparison of reactions
December 4, 2024

In spite of the brutality on display, no mainstream media descriptions of crackdowns on peaceful protesters were ascribed to the scenes in Newtownmountkennedy and Coolock earlier this year.

The Irish and Georgian protests – A comparison of reactions
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Occidente se enfurece por el fracaso de la segunda revolución de color en Georgia
Occidente se enfurece por el fracaso de la segunda revolución de color en Georgia
November 5, 2024

Occidente amenaza con consecuencias para Georgia después de que sus ciudadanos votaran a favor de unas relaciones pacíficas con Rusia y de los valores morales tradicionales.

Unleashing chaos
November 4, 2024

The responses to the first crisis of U.S. hegemony unleashed forces that ultimately eroded its power

Unleashing chaos
West sees red over failed second color revolution in Georgia
West sees red over failed second color revolution in Georgia
November 1, 2024

The West is threatening consequences for Georgia after its citizens voted for peaceful relations with Russia and traditional moral values.

Conduc et impera: Evolving the narrative from divisive identity politics and dehumanisation towards understanding and unity
October 30, 2024

Demonisation of “the other” amongst humanity is perhaps one of the most dangerous of ideas to be indoctrinated, Kayla Carman writes.

Conduc et impera: Evolving the narrative from divisive identity politics and dehumanisation towards understanding and unity