Tag: Poroshenko

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What 10 years of U.S. meddling in Ukraine have wrought (spoiler alert: not democracy)
Editor's Сhoice
What 10 years of U.S. meddling in Ukraine have wrought (spoiler alert: not democracy)
June 12, 2024

Above, a map of Ukraine in green, with territory occupied or annexed by Russia in light green to the right — i.e., the eastern Donbas and the Crimean peninsula in the southeast. President Biden vows a fight for democracy, but recent history calls that into question.

Is Ukrainian Democracy Worth War With Russia to Save?
January 1, 2022

Former Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko is now under investigation for high treason. His predecessor was convicted for it. Is this unstable democracy worth risking war with Russia to protect? The answer is a resounding no.

Is Ukrainian Democracy Worth War With Russia to Save?
Editor's Сhoice
From RussiaGate to UkraineGate: Route to Apocalypse
Editor's Сhoice
From RussiaGate to UkraineGate: Route to Apocalypse
April 16, 2021

Corruption and supposed efforts to reduce it have become a neoconservative weapon of choice with which to operate the controls on the funding sluice gates to acolytes of the U.S.-led international neoconservative empire.

U.S. Empire: Biden and Kerry Gave Orders to Ukraine’s President
May 28, 2020

Whether or not there are already ongoing negotiations between the Trump team and the Obama team regarding how America will be run (or how America’s ‘elections’ will be run), is even less certain.

U.S. Empire: Biden and Kerry Gave Orders to Ukraine’s President
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Biden Should Be Named in Criminal Probe in Ukraine, Judge Rules
Editor's Сhoice
Biden Should Be Named in Criminal Probe in Ukraine, Judge Rules
May 25, 2020

Joe Biden should be named as an alleged perpetrator in a criminal investigation in Ukraine over the firing of former Prosecutor General Viktor Shokin, a Ukrainian judge has ruled. Shokin has alleged that Biden was illegally behind his dismissal in 2016 by threatening to withhold a $1 billion IMF loan to Ukraine if Shokin wasn’t dismissed.

Trump Takes on Biden’s Corruption in Ukraine: Upside-Down World Establishment Media Attempts to Flip the Script
September 27, 2019

If Obama set the legal precedent in creating a bullet-proof way to use the Justice Department against then candidate Trump that wasn’t ‘Watergate’ levels of illegal, then maybe Trump is all lawyered up and aiming to do the same with Biden.

Trump Takes on Biden’s Corruption in Ukraine: Upside-Down World Establishment Media Attempts to Flip the Script
Another Day, Another Scandal. What the ‘Trump-Ukraine Collusion’ Is Really About
Another Day, Another Scandal. What the ‘Trump-Ukraine Collusion’ Is Really About
September 25, 2019

Democrats have been searching for the scandal “that’s going to finally bring Donald Trump down” – and now at last they found it.

Sanctions or Sucking Up? US Grovels in Ukraine
May 24, 2019

Just like the empty threats against Chinese state oil companies for buying Iranian oil, the US knows there is a limit to who and what they can sanction without collapsing the world economy.

Sanctions or Sucking Up? US Grovels in Ukraine