Tag: Mike Pence

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The Truth About January 6 – and Where We Should Go From Here
Editor's Сhoice
The Truth About January 6 – and Where We Should Go From Here
January 9, 2021

January 6th’s events are being seized on as a game-changer, leading to calls to invoke the 25th Amendment; calls to impeach and remove President Trump; and efforts to discredit Trump, his supporters, and conservatism.

A Pence Presidency and an Iran War? Why Does John Bolton Really Want Trump Out?
January 30, 2020

Bolton and Pence are much more in sync than Bolton and Trump. Pence might well take a militarily more aggressive stance against Iran, whereas Trump steps back from the brink of all-out conflict.

A Pence Presidency and an Iran War? Why Does John Bolton Really Want Trump Out?
Editor's Сhoice
Onward Christian Soldier: Imagining a Pence Presidency
Editor's Сhoice
Onward Christian Soldier: Imagining a Pence Presidency
October 7, 2019

As Congress lurches towards impeachment, complete with Cabinet-level subpoenas, the specter of a Mike Pence presidency looms larger.

Bolton’s Firing Opens a New Potential for a Russia-China-USA Alliance
September 17, 2019

With President Trump’s long overdue firing of John Bolton on September 10th, a window into the battle between neocon zombies infesting the White House and Donald Trump was made visible once more.

Bolton’s Firing Opens a New Potential for a Russia-China-USA Alliance
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The Untold Story of Christian Zionism’s Rise to Power in the United States
Editor's Сhoice
The Untold Story of Christian Zionism’s Rise to Power in the United States
July 20, 2019

Many of influential members in the Trump administration — especially top Trump advisers Jared Kushner and Jason Greenblatt, and U.S. Ambassador to Israel David Friedman — also share and actively promote this extremist religious Zionist ideology that seeks to rebuild a Third Temple.

Bolton Losing Ground on Venezuela, Iran – But Far From Down and Out
July 7, 2019

The key takeaway from the events that did – and more importantly did NOT – happen between the United States, Iran and Venezuela over the past three months is that the senior generals in the Pentagon, especially in the US Army – resisted the neocon super-hawks led by Bolton and his allies.

Bolton Losing Ground on Venezuela, Iran – But Far From Down and Out
Pence Goes to War: America Will Be Fighting Forever
Pence Goes to War: America Will Be Fighting Forever
June 13, 2019

Pence believes that a war or wars must take place and one must have to wonder what scenarios are envisioned by Pence, and also presumably by his boss and colleagues, regarding precisely how war against other nuclear powers will play out.

Brainwashing in Action: Pence Hails Virtue of ‘Certain War’
June 1, 2019

US soldiers are sent to wars to kill, die or be maimed for the sole purpose of making money for elite bankers, corporate executives or rich shareholders who send their non-serving scions to fancy private colleges like Pence and Trump went to.

Brainwashing in Action: Pence Hails Virtue of ‘Certain War’