Tag: Palestine

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CNN’s reporting reaches new level of farce. What should its new CEO do?
CNN’s reporting reaches new level of farce. What should its new CEO do?
December 19, 2024

Where was the tipping point for CNN which now no longer has any credibility as a decent news outlet on the world stage, it once had in the early days?

Una nuova mappa geopolitica si sta delineando: la fine della Siria (e della “Palestina” per ora)
December 18, 2024

Gli israeliani in genere festeggiano le loro “vittorie”. Questa euforia peserà con le élite imprenditoriali statunitensi?

Una nuova mappa geopolitica si sta delineando: la fine della Siria (e della “Palestina” per ora)
A new geo-political map is unfolding – The end of Syria (and of “Palestine” for now)
A new geo-political map is unfolding – The end of Syria (and of “Palestine” for now)
December 16, 2024

Israelis generally are celebrating their ‘victories’. Will this euphoria weigh with U.S. business élites?

How the U.S. and Israel destroyed Syria and called it peace
December 14, 2024

American interference, at the behest of Netanyahu’s far-right Israel, has left the Middle East in ruins, with over a million dead and open wars raging in Libya, Sudan, Somalia, Lebanon, Syria, and Palestine, and with Iran on the brink of a nuclear arsenal.

How the U.S. and Israel destroyed Syria and called it peace
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La autopsia de Siria: Terror, ocupación y Palestina
La autopsia de Siria: Terror, ocupación y Palestina
December 14, 2024

La cábala OTAN-Israel que alienta la caída de Damasco obtendrá más de lo que esperaba. Luchas de poder y luchas intestinas entre las milicias extremistas y la sociedad civil, cada una respaldada por diferentes actores regionales y extranjeros que quieren un trozo del pastel.

Segundo Israel Shahak, o próprio judaísmo é supremacista
December 6, 2024

Dado que o pensamento supremacista baliza o judaísmo, e o judaísmo baliza o Estado de Israel, só por aí já dá para saber que a conversa de dois Estados é enrolação, pois, no que depender de Israel, os palestinos não terão nenhum Estado.

Segundo Israel Shahak, o próprio judaísmo é supremacista
They lied about Gaza, and they’re lying about Syria
Editor's Сhoice
They lied about Gaza, and they’re lying about Syria
December 2, 2024

If you saw through the lies about Gaza, don’t stop there. Keep going. Keep pulling on threads. Keep learning. Stay curious. They lied about Gaza, they lied about Iraq, they lied about Libya, they lied about Ukraine, and they’re lying about Syria too.

Israel and U.S. display the demographic problem of liberal democracy
December 1, 2024

The right to vote makes certain communities seen as enemies to be physically fought. Democracy, therefore, establishes a war of all against all, which supposedly precedes the social contract.

Israel and U.S. display the demographic problem of liberal democracy