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PACE Rejects Resolution on Reform: No Legitimate Decisions Are Possible If Russia Is Excluded
PACE Rejects Resolution on Reform: No Legitimate Decisions Are Possible If Russia Is Excluded
October 12, 2018

If PACE is to serve as a platform for exchanging opinions and launching initiatives, no member’s rights can be restricted. The CoE along with PACE needs Russia as much as Russia needs it.

Moscow to Leave the ECHR: Pursuing a ‘Russia First’ Policy
March 4, 2018

As a member of the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE), Moscow does not need the podium of the PACE to make its views known. But will the CE enjoy the same clout without Russia?

Moscow to Leave the ECHR: Pursuing a ‘Russia First’ Policy
Russia, Council of Europe: Impending Crisis in Relationship
Russia, Council of Europe: Impending Crisis in Relationship
October 11, 2017

No Russian official has made a statement that Moscow is going to leave the organization but the idea is in the air.

Russia Not to Attend PACE Session
January 16, 2016

The Russian delegation will not attend the winter session of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) unless the organization signals its readiness to fully restore all delegation’s rights prior to the session…

Russia Not to Attend PACE Session
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Why PACE has turned its gaze toward post-Soviet conflicts
Why PACE has turned its gaze toward post-Soviet conflicts
May 30, 2015

As has been reported, last April the Monitoring Committee met during the spring session of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe.  A special subcommittee was created at that meeting – the Ad hoc Sub-Committee on Conflicts between Member States of the Council of Europe.  This new entity, which will be directly responsible for looking into so-called «frozen conflicts» in the former Soviet Union, should have official status and begin its work in June.  It met for the first time in Paris on May 27…

Does Russia Need PACE?
June 21, 2014

Having stripped the Russian delegation to the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe of its rights, PACE President Anne Brasseur then asked State Duma Speaker Sergey Naryshkin for the Russian delegation to participate in the organisation’s June session. Russia has been invited to take part in the session with limited powers. In response, Naryshkin declared the need for the Russian delegation’s rights in PACE to be restored in full as a prerequisite for Russian parliamentarians to resume their work with the organisation. In the meantime, the resultant break in relations with the Council of Europe allows the usefulness of Russia’s participation in this international forum to be examined…

Does Russia Need PACE?
NATO Steps Up Activities to Counter Russia and Justify its Reason D’etre
NATO Steps Up Activities to Counter Russia and Justify its Reason D’etre
April 12, 2014

This week NATO marks a triple anniversary: 15 years since Poland, Hungary and the Czech Republic joined the Alliance; 10 years since the accession of Bulgaria, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Romania, Slovakia and Slovenia joined; and five years since Albania and Croatia acceded. This is the time NATO seems to find a reason to justify its existence. That’s where the crisis in Ukraine comes in handy…

NATO Sets PACE of Aggression towards Russia with ‘Fogh’ of War
April 11, 2014

When asked on the foundational purpose of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, its first Secretary General, Britain’s Lord Ismay, famously said: “To keep the Russians out, the Americans in, and the Germans down”…Today NATO seems to be fulfilling its original mission more than ever by isolating Russia and giving Washington a new lease of life in European political affairs…The latest expulsion of Russia from the Parliamentary Assembly of the European Council (PACE) following a resolution condemning Moscow for “annexation of Crimea” and “military occupation of Ukraine” is an unfortunate example of how NATO’s Cold War zero-sum logic is once again manifesting…

NATO Sets PACE of Aggression towards Russia with ‘Fogh’ of War