Tag: Robert O’Brien

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Trump’s Anti-China Hysteria Goes Nuclear
Trump’s Anti-China Hysteria Goes Nuclear
May 29, 2020

Going nuclear over the pandemic is a sure sign that the Trump administration is desperate to replace rational argument with reckless rhetoric.

Threat of Peace – Revised
April 20, 2020

The United States has chosen to respond to Covid-19 by encouraging international conflicts that cause it to spread.

Threat of Peace – Revised
Trump Frees Himself From Bolton – but Robert O’Brien Will Be Just as Bad
Trump Frees Himself From Bolton – but Robert O’Brien Will Be Just as Bad
September 26, 2019

O’Brien might well have been ranked among the worst possible choices for the National Security Advisor position, Philip Giraldi believes.

The Invisible Man: Trump’s New National Security Adviser
September 22, 2019

President Donald Trump’s decision to appoint O’Brien as his fourth national security adviser to replace despised, discredited and down, plain hapless John Bolton has generated endless megabytes of confused debate.

The Invisible Man: Trump’s New National Security Adviser
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Trump’s New National Security Advisor Is Dangerous, but He’s the Current Norm
Editor's Сhoice
Trump’s New National Security Advisor Is Dangerous, but He’s the Current Norm
September 21, 2019

So: the differences between Robert O’Brien, and Graham Allison, and Barack Obama, and Donald Trump, and G.W. Bush, are, actually small, when it comes to international relations. They’re all fascists. They’re all normal U.S. experts on topics of international relations.