Tag: Nationalism

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A glorificação do nazismo deve ser condenada ou não?
A glorificação do nazismo deve ser condenada ou não?
January 27, 2025

A Rússia interveio militarmente na Ucrânia para desnazificar o país. Mas, segundo os ocidentais, não há nazistas na Ucrânia. A Rússia quer invadir e anexar este país. Esta incompreensão mútua fez com que a operação especial russa degenerasse em guerra aberta.

¡Salvemos a los niños ucranianos del adoctrinamiento nazi!
January 27, 2025

Los niños ucranianos necesitan ser salvados, pero salvados de las propias autoridades ucranianas.

¡Salvemos a los niños ucranianos del adoctrinamiento nazi!
La Turchia si struttura per diventare una nuova potenza globale
La Turchia si struttura per diventare una nuova potenza globale
January 22, 2025

Il “nuovo ottomanismo” del presidente Erdogan è in crescita. La Turchia sta modernizzando le sue forze armate e la sua marina per difendere i suoi interessi, per quanto tempo il presidente turco potrà continuare con politiche così aggressive?

Who, after all, speaks today of the annihilation of the Alawites?
January 19, 2025

Though Syria is today what Rome was when St Augustine penned The City of God, the question we face is what can and will we do to help John of Antioch.

Who, after all, speaks today of the annihilation of the Alawites?
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The Muslim Brotherhood’s IRA stooges target Ireland’s top footballers as part of their BDS propaganda
The Muslim Brotherhood’s IRA stooges target Ireland’s top footballers as part of their BDS propaganda
January 13, 2025

The Sinn Féin knuckledraggers launched an online campaign against Keane’s wife, a former catwalk model, who has proved herself well able to put these thugs in their place.

Oligarch Elon Musk posts torrent of far-right content backing Nigel Farage and Tommy Robinson in the UK
January 5, 2025

American oligarch Elon Musk made another concerted effort this week to boost the far-right in the UK, demanding the release from prison of Britain’s most prominent fascist, Tommy Robinson. He called for the electorate to back Nigel Farage’s Reform UK party for the imprisonment of Labour government MPs.

Oligarch Elon Musk posts torrent of far-right content backing Nigel Farage and Tommy Robinson in the UK
Editor's Сhoice
Despite Chrystia Freeland’s denials, her grandfather was complicit in the Nazi genocide
Editor's Сhoice
Despite Chrystia Freeland’s denials, her grandfather was complicit in the Nazi genocide
November 22, 2024

A new book provides the most authoritative study of Mykhailo Chomiak and the history of Ukrainian Nazis in Canada

When Israel becomes unbearable, the blame will be on the “far-right”
November 9, 2024

Anyone who wants to find out what is happening in the Middle East already knows that the Netanyahu government is guided by the goal of Greater Israel, which is so cherished by religious Zionism.

When Israel becomes unbearable, the blame will be on the “far-right”