Tag: Napoleon

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Napoleon, Austerlitz & NATO’s Apparent Dearth of Grand Strategy
Napoleon, Austerlitz & NATO’s Apparent Dearth of Grand Strategy
December 1, 2023

To NATO, all its battles are black and white, and grand strategy is a matinee cowboys and Indians movie where they get to munch their popcorn

O Complexo de Napoleao dos EUA
September 19, 2023

A psiquiatria prefere ignorar a possibilidade da insanidade em massa e concentrar-se em perturbações individuais, apesar de existir uma grande quantidade de provas históricas de que sociedades e nações inteiras podem ser dominadas por perturbações mentais de um tipo ou outro.

O Complexo de Napoleao dos EUA
Today, as 200 Years Ago, C’est Toujours la Même Chose
Today, as 200 Years Ago, C’est Toujours la Même Chose
December 28, 2018

Today, like two centuries ago, anyone who deviated from the received wisdom must be echoing Russian falsehood!

World War I Homage – A Triumph of Lies and Platitudes
November 12, 2018

While the empty, self-indulgent rhetoric was ringing out, one couldn’t help but recall some of the most glaring contemporary contradictions that were blocked out with awesome Orwellian efficiency.

World War I Homage – A Triumph of Lies and Platitudes
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When the US Invaded Russia
Editor's Сhoice
When the US Invaded Russia
July 23, 2018

Amidst the backdrop of increased U.S.-Russian tensions and even talk of war, long forgotten is the time the U.S. actually invaded, explains Jeff Klein.

American Empire Demands a Caesar
June 26, 2018

The Constitution will be reborn only if the American people reject their Empire in favor of a republic where individual liberty is the summum bonum. The odds of that happening are not good.

American Empire Demands a Caesar
Editor's Сhoice