Tag: Morsi

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Obama’s Egypt Policy Breeds Terrorism
Editor's Сhoice
Obama’s Egypt Policy Breeds Terrorism
July 30, 2015

President Obama has gotten in line behind the Israeli-Saudi preference in Egypt for the brutal dictatorship of Gen. al-Sisi over the elected (but now deposed) Muslim Brotherhood government of President Morsi, a posture so shocking that even some U.S. neocons object, writes Jonathan Marshall.

Egypt at Crossroads: Reckoning with Reality
August 21, 2013

…Egypt is the largest Arab state and has all the resources and opportunities to become the driving force for the economic development of the entire region… The interim government should be given a chance, it does not exclude the Brotherhood from the process (rather the Brotherhood excludes itself) and the international community may and should play a positive role. Egypt is going through hard times and it needs a helping hand, not rebukes and sanctions. It has announced the intention to cede power to elected officials. This option is much more preferable than prolonged chaos and civil war in the country with the population exceeding 80 million people.

Egypt at Crossroads: Reckoning with Reality
The Escalation of the Crisis in Egypt
The Escalation of the Crisis in Egypt
August 20, 2013

…The defeat of Islamists in Egypt is evidence of the collapse of Western policy in the Arab world with its support of Islamism. Such support only seems absurd at first glance; in reality, it is pursuing strategic objectives, including the removal of undesirable regimes and entire state formations. The nationhoods of Iraq and Libya have virtually been destroyed, while attempts to destroy Syria are still going on. The media is reporting on the seizure of maps during searches of a number of Egyptian NGOs financed by the US showing Egypt split into four parts. The old political formula of «divide and rule» is still going strong…

Egypt’s Junta Has Nothing to Lose
August 16, 2013

The appointment of Robert Ford as the new American ambassador to Egypt was indeed an ominous sign that the Obama administration expected civil war conditions to arise in Egypt. Ford’s forte during his hugely successful «diplomatic» assignment in Baghdad in the middle of the last decade was to organize the notorious death squads, which tore Mesopotamia apart and destroyed Iraq almost irreparably… Ford is the living embodiment of the stunning reality that between the George W. Bush and Barack Obama administrations, there has been no real shift in the United States’ policies in the Middle East aimed at perpetuating its regional hegemony…

Egypt’s Junta Has Nothing to Lose
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Great Game Around Egypt
Great Game Around Egypt
August 15, 2013

Egypt has declared the state of emergency  because the "security and order of the nation face danger due to deliberate sabotage, and attacks on public and private buildings and the loss of life by extremist groups," as the presidency said in a statement. Vice-President Mohammed El Baradei has announced his resignation from the interim government disagreeing with the use of force…Whatever it is, the period of uncertainty in Egypt is over. The country on the Nile with the population of 85 million has stepped into an open conflict on August 14. Now a lot will depend on the Egyptian government which should take decisive and well-calculated actions to prevent an Islamist revolt…

Egypt: The First Defeat of Political Islam Since the Start of the «Arab Spring»
July 18, 2013

The defeat of the Islamists in Egypt has great international significance and changes the balance of power in the Middle East. The position of political Islam in the Arab spring zone and among the forces supporting the Islamists has been seriously shaken… And while Islamism which makes use of terror will continue to operate, its revenge, even with the support of the West, is unlikely…

Egypt: The First Defeat of Political Islam Since the Start of the «Arab Spring»
Neither Coup nor Revolution: Egypt’s US-Backed Deep State Reasserts Control
Neither Coup nor Revolution: Egypt’s US-Backed Deep State Reasserts Control
July 10, 2013

The numbers and claims are conflicting, but it seems that the Egyptian army has indeed committed a cold-blooded massacre – killing between 30 and 54 people and wounding hundreds more, including children, in the capital, Cairo, according to various media sources. The bloodshed pushes the North African country to the brink of civil war, already roiled by weeks of violence, with dozens dead in street clashes between opposing political factions, that culminated last week in the country’s army deposing the elected Islamist president, Mohamed Morsi…

Turkey and Israel: Back in the Saddle Again and Aiming at Syria
July 9, 2013

…The Sunday Times of London reported that an unnamed Israeli official told the paper that the long-term goal of Washington and Jerusalem is the creation of a Sunni bloc in the Middle East composed of Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, and a Sunni-controlled Islamic state in Syria that would have Israel as a de facto member. The Shi’a-led government of Iraq would be checked by its autonomous Kurdish north also joining the Sunni bloc since relations between the Kurdish Autonomous Region of Iraq and Turkey are relatively good. The actions of the Obama administration, which has decided for the first time in American history, to take sides in a religious war between Sunnis and Shi’as, point in the direction of the creation of a new version of the old Cold War-era Central Treaty Organization (CENTO)…

Turkey and Israel: Back in the Saddle Again and Aiming at Syria