Tag: MI5

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China’s swimmers are aquatic Kamila Valievas and their students are Mata Haris
China’s swimmers are aquatic Kamila Valievas and their students are Mata Haris
May 2, 2024

Though those Chinese students MI5 expels might miss out on Paris 2024, they can look forward to happier and less paranoid meets in Russia, China and allied countries in the years ahead.

Can Zelensky, the Klitschkos & MI5 Overcome Russia’s Maskirovka Where Napoleon and Hitler Failed?
June 28, 2023

The future of Russia and of Ukraine hinges on the Crimean Peninsula, Declan Hayes writes.

Can Zelensky, the Klitschkos & MI5 Overcome Russia’s Maskirovka Where Napoleon and Hitler Failed?
MI5’s BBC Institutes Orwell’s Ministry of Truth
MI5’s BBC Institutes Orwell’s Ministry of Truth
May 29, 2023

The British people do not want to hear the BBC. That is why their viewing numbers are so dire and why they must terrorise vulnerable grandmothers with their courts and their gulags.

From King Charles’ Coronation to the Birth of Europe’s Fourth Reich
May 3, 2023

Let us, who walk on two legs and not four, salute those unsung legions who fell to make this knock-off Caesar appear to be great.

From King Charles’ Coronation to the Birth of Europe’s Fourth Reich
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Anglican Leader Tours Ukraine
Anglican Leader Tours Ukraine
December 3, 2022

Though it is not easy to fill The Shoes of the Fisherman, Pope Francis need not be the total klutz or MI5 muppet all Welby’s ineloquent speaking in tongues, is.

Iran’s Female Football Fanatics
October 10, 2022

Speaking of Iranian headscarves, MI5 have plumbed new depths by taking up the cause of Iran’s female football fanatics, those comely Iranian women who want to have the craic at football matches.

Iran’s Female Football Fanatics
NATO’s Xinjiang and Related Problems
NATO’s Xinjiang and Related Problems
August 30, 2022

Because China is bigger game, a bison rather than a hare, she needs much more firepower, many poison-tipped arrows to bring her and her Russian pal down to be bear rugs under America’s feet.

Journalists Hijacking Planes for Performing Bears
August 5, 2022

Recent revelations that MI5 outlet Bellingcat was involved in a Keystone Cops plot to hijack Russian planes should give their primary targets pause for thought regarding MI5’s Ukrainian machinations.

Journalists Hijacking Planes for Performing Bears