Tag: May

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Operation Surprise: Leaked Emails Expose Secret Intelligence Coup to Install Boris Johnson
Editor's Сhoice
Operation Surprise: Leaked Emails Expose Secret Intelligence Coup to Install Boris Johnson
May 18, 2022

Leaked emails reviewed by The Grayzone reveal possibly criminal plot by pro-Leave elites to sabotage Theresa May’s Brexit deal, infiltrate government, spy on campaign groups, and replace May with Boris Johnson.

A Taste of Their Own Medicine: the Politicians Who Robbed Iranians and Libyans Fear the Same for Brexit Britain
September 21, 2019

Despite government claims to the contrary; Operation Yellowhammer was not a worst-case scenario but contingency plans for likely outcomes of a no-deal Brexit.

A Taste of Their Own Medicine: the Politicians Who Robbed Iranians and Libyans Fear the Same for Brexit Britain
Editor's Сhoice
UK’s May Takes Parting Shot at Putin in Desperate Diversion From Failure
UK’s May Takes Parting Shot at Putin in Desperate Diversion From Failure
July 22, 2019

Western states are fundamentally broken down because “liberalism” is an empty term which conceals rapacious corporate capitalism and the oligarchic rule of an elite political class. The advocates of “liberalism” like Britain’s May, Johnson, Hunt or Tusk are the ones who are anti-democracy, anti-human rights and anti-law.

Britain Is Stumbling to Disaster and Boris Johnson Will Accelerate Its Fall
July 2, 2019

The government would be better advised to concentrate on getting the country back on its tracks rather than indulging in the fantasy that, as Johnson wildly claims, exiting the European Union will mean that Britain can “have our cake and eat it”. Disaster is not far off.

Britain Is Stumbling to Disaster and Boris Johnson Will Accelerate Its Fall
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The Return of Sammy Glick
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The Return of Sammy Glick
June 30, 2019

Within only weeks of being fired by Prime Minister Theresa May for flagrant irresponsibility and security leaks, former UK Defense Secretary Gavin Williamson is now a leading ally of Boris Johnson in his drive to become prime minister.

Trump UK Visit: The Winners and Losers of That Not-So-Special Relationship
June 5, 2019

Historically, the special relationship between the UK and the US is really nothing more than an urban myth which has new life forced into it when both Washington and Westminster concurrently need it to serve their political purposes.

Trump UK Visit: The Winners and Losers of That Not-So-Special Relationship
Britain Is out of Control
Britain Is out of Control
June 4, 2019

Johnson and Gove are Britain’s main contenders to become Britain’s prime minister. One is a lying libertine, a lecherous adulterer who sneers at coloured people; and the other is a cheap trickster who has all the charm, attraction and talent of a sock full of wet spaghetti.

Theresa May’s Unbearable Lightness of Being
June 2, 2019

May deserves to be a subject of endless fascination for historians and students of popular history for centuries and millennia to come. Her fascination will come not from any positive qualities or negative vices but from her astonishing lack of both.

Theresa May’s Unbearable Lightness of Being