Tag: Mark Milley

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American military planners declare: “War is peace”
Editor's Сhoice
American military planners declare: “War is peace”
May 12, 2024

In a roundtable discussion Wednesday, former Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman Mark Milley and Palantir CEO Alex Karp defended Israel’s massacre of Palestinian civilians by advocating military brutality as a general principle.

The Armchair General Takes a Seat
October 2, 2023

Mark Milley ended 43 years of service Friday with little fanfare and less awareness of the extreme dishonor with which he conducted his military career, especially the final years in which he served at the nation’s highest uniformed post.

The Armchair General Takes a Seat
Editor's Сhoice
VIDEO: U.S., Russia Top Generals Hold Critical Talks Amid Dangerous Tensions… Can Pentagon Chiefs Call Out Politicization of Intel Inciting War?
VIDEO: U.S., Russia Top Generals Hold Critical Talks Amid Dangerous Tensions… Can Pentagon Chiefs Call Out Politicization of Intel Inciting War?
November 29, 2021

It behooves the Pentagon chief and his aides to scrutinize the alleged U.S. intel and to weigh up the political games of who is playing who.

U.S., Russia Top Generals Hold Critical Talks Amid Dangerous Tensions… Can Pentagon Chiefs Call Out Politicization of Intel Inciting War?
November 26, 2021

It behooves the Pentagon chief and his aides to scrutinize the alleged U.S. intel and to weigh up the political games of who is playing who.

U.S., Russia Top Generals Hold Critical Talks Amid Dangerous Tensions… Can Pentagon Chiefs Call Out Politicization of Intel Inciting War?
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U.S. Supremacy by Any Other Name
U.S. Supremacy by Any Other Name
November 15, 2021

The world balance has changed qualitatively, and not just quantitatively, Alastair Crooke writes.

Baffling: American General Already Admits Defeat Against Russians and Chinese
November 10, 2021

General Milley’s address at the Aspen Security Forum is a major piece of news and food for thought.

Baffling: American General Already Admits Defeat Against Russians and Chinese
General Milley Strikes Out Demonstrating What Is Wrong With the American Military
General Milley Strikes Out Demonstrating What Is Wrong With the American Military
September 30, 2021

There is no solid evidence, only innuendo, that Trump ever seriously contemplated war with China, Philip Giraldi writes.

Reason Not Treason… General Pulled Rank on Trump to Avoid China War
September 18, 2021

General Milley was taking reasonable precautions to avert any miscalculation for war with China, Finian Cunningham writes.

Reason Not Treason… General Pulled Rank on Trump to Avoid China War