Tag: Malta

Bluntly put, Odessa is a Russian city, just as Valletta, the jewel of the Mediterranean, is a beautiful Maltese city.

Europe must prepare for the deluge that is coming its way, and all because NATO’s Lithuanian satrap thinks she is a Moses, who can hold apart two parts of sovereign Russia to support the world’s richest clown who has NATO’s Kiev gig.

NATO, although bound to expand with the addition of Sweden, Finland, Austria, and Malta as members, is essentially a giant chunk of Swiss cheese. When one considers that NATO membership is not popular with many opposition parties within its member states or with several sub-national regional governments, the Western alliance more resembles the pseudo-secure French Maginot Line.

The on-going events reflect the fact that the Catholic Church goes through crisis today. It has failed to stand up to the process of dechristianization spreading up in the Western society. Actually it is the collapse of the very institution of Papacy. A Pope’s resignation is usually outstanding news, but this time it was taken in stride by the world. It was perceived as an ordinary resignation, something that undermined even more the image of Pope as «God’s Lieutenant on earth» after a number of down to earth, mundane scandals shook Vatican…