Tag: Maidan

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In Serbia vedremo una nuova Maidan?
In Serbia vedremo una nuova Maidan?
March 24, 2025

Le proteste che durano da mesi in Serbia sembrano avvicinarsi a un punto di svolta.

Serbia between political destabilization and a new military front in the Balkans
March 24, 2025

In Europe, there has been a saying since the time of the First World War that “the Balkans are the powder keg of Europe”. Unfortunately, those words still contain some truth.

Serbia between political destabilization and a new military front in the Balkans
Will we see a new Maidan in Serbia?
Will we see a new Maidan in Serbia?
March 17, 2025

The protests that have been going on for months in Serbia seem to be approaching a turning point.

Foreign policy without diplomacy will be Freeland’s legacy
March 15, 2025

A new biography promises unvarnished access to the real Chrystia Freeland. Instead, it offers the same old mythmaking.

Foreign policy without diplomacy will be Freeland’s legacy
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Alcune note sulla costruzione di un’Ucraina ultranazionalista
Alcune note sulla costruzione di un’Ucraina ultranazionalista
February 28, 2025

A tre anni compiuti dall’inizio della Operazione Militare Speciale in Ucraina, occorre ripercorrere alcune tappe dell’evoluzione nazionalista dell’Ucraina, elemento che ancora oggi continua a giocare un ruolo centrale nella propaganda del conflitto.

Some notes on the construction of an ultranationalist Ukraine
February 24, 2025

Without a distancing from the causes of the conflict, no peace can ever be lasting, because the West will still try to subvert the Eurasian order.

Some notes on the construction of an ultranationalist Ukraine
Serbia: Twilight of a Balkan regime
Serbia: Twilight of a Balkan regime
January 30, 2025

The Serbian people will once again have to pay the price for their foolish naiveté, Stephen Karganovic writes.

¡Salvemos a los niños ucranianos del adoctrinamiento nazi!
January 27, 2025

Los niños ucranianos necesitan ser salvados, pero salvados de las propias autoridades ucranianas.

¡Salvemos a los niños ucranianos del adoctrinamiento nazi!