Tag: Maidan

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Serbia: Twilight of a Balkan regime
Serbia: Twilight of a Balkan regime
January 30, 2025

The Serbian people will once again have to pay the price for their foolish naiveté, Stephen Karganovic writes.

¡Salvemos a los niños ucranianos del adoctrinamiento nazi!
January 27, 2025

Los niños ucranianos necesitan ser salvados, pero salvados de las propias autoridades ucranianas.

¡Salvemos a los niños ucranianos del adoctrinamiento nazi!
Twenty years on… how the U.S.-backed Orange Revolution set Ukraine on the path to war with Russia
Twenty years on… how the U.S.-backed Orange Revolution set Ukraine on the path to war with Russia
January 24, 2025

The resource of history is there to help resolve the Ukrainian conflict. Are Trump and his aides prepared to learn and act accordingly?

One million dead claim justice
January 7, 2025

The Maidan coup is behind the loss of about a million human lives and will have to be the basis, the starting point for a necessary and fair trial of everyone associated with it.

One million dead claim justice
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Um milhão de mortos reclamam justiça
Um milhão de mortos reclamam justiça
January 6, 2025

O golpe de Maidan está na origem da perda de cerca de um milhão de vidas humanas e terá de ser a base, o ponto de partida para um julgamento necessário e justo de todos os que a ele estão associados.

The Irish and Georgian protests – A comparison of reactions
December 4, 2024

In spite of the brutality on display, no mainstream media descriptions of crackdowns on peaceful protesters were ascribed to the scenes in Newtownmountkennedy and Coolock earlier this year.

The Irish and Georgian protests – A comparison of reactions
Will they ever learn? Kiev déjà vu in Tbilisi
Will they ever learn? Kiev déjà vu in Tbilisi
November 15, 2024

Good governance promotes the exercise of the widest possible spectrum of liberties, but the practice of those liberties must be tempered.

Ukraine racing towards peace talks in a car with no driver, no breaks and a dead satnav
September 11, 2024

Nuland’s admission shows just how disingenuous everything that western politicians tell their voters about Ukraine is.

Ukraine racing towards peace talks in a car with no driver, no breaks and a dead satnav