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Donald Trump, the Most ‘Dangerous’ U.S. President Ever
Donald Trump, the Most ‘Dangerous’ U.S. President Ever
January 6, 2023

If Trump were by any chance the thing of the past, why is the System so brutally after Trump again?

How Liberal Elites Detest Middle America
September 10, 2022

Speaking at a San Francisco fundraiser in 2008, Barack Obama sought to explain the reluctance of working-class Pennsylvanians to rally to his cause. “You go into these small towns in Pennsylvania and … the jobs have been gone now for 25 years, and nothing’s replaced them.”

How Liberal Elites Detest Middle America
Editor's Сhoice
Why Did They Even Bother Ousting Trump Just to Continue His Foreign Policy?
Why Did They Even Bother Ousting Trump Just to Continue His Foreign Policy?
October 16, 2021

Biden’s foreign policy is surprising, while his domestic policy, which is much easier to control, is completely in line with what we would expect. Millions of Americans are going to get the LGBTGreat Reset that they voted for.

Polls Show ‘No Confidence’, ‘Stolen Elections’: Provocations in Post-Republic America
July 24, 2021

Election fraud effects all Americans, but what’s often not considered is the particularly negative impact it has on the historically disenfranchised black community, Joaquin Flores writes.

Polls Show ‘No Confidence’, ‘Stolen Elections’: Provocations in Post-Republic America
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Trump Voters After Trump
Editor's Сhoice
Trump Voters After Trump
May 22, 2021

While denied reelection, Trump hauled in a whopping 74,222,958 votes, the second highest total of any U.S. presidential candidate ever. The significance of that figure, which exceeds Hillary Clinton’s 2016 popular vote by nearly ten million, can scarcely be overstated.

Rival Governments Are Often Recipes for Violence and Regional Warfare
November 10, 2020

But Trump’s prospects for leading a rival U.S. administration for any significant length of time are dim.

Rival Governments Are Often Recipes for Violence and Regional Warfare
Trump’s ‘Alternate History’ and Rejection of Facts
Trump’s ‘Alternate History’ and Rejection of Facts
June 27, 2020

Future historians will scratch their heads when researching the annals and archives of the Trump administration. Trump and his administration often seize on erroneous information and turn them into, in what is in their minds, irrefutable facts.

Mixed Messages and Confusion in U.S. Policy Regarding Europe and Russia
June 23, 2020

For the sake of the world as a whole it must be hoped that Americans understand that Trump’s mixed messages and confusion do not contribute to MAGA.

Mixed Messages and Confusion in U.S. Policy Regarding Europe and Russia