Tag: Emmanuel Macron

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New report exposes unprecedented levels of corruption in France
Editor's Сhoice
New report exposes unprecedented levels of corruption in France
February 13, 2025

Since the beginning of Emmanuel Macron’s presidency, 26 ministers have been involved in political and legal scandals.

Can Bayrou’s government survive?
January 18, 2025

Only a month into his tenure, Francois Bayrou, the fifth French Prime Minister in three years, is already facing the first of doubtless many attempts to bring his government down. The great survivor may have clung on for decades in French politics, but he may only last a few months as Prime Minister. Right now, the fate of his government hangs on the flimsiest of threads.

Can Bayrou’s government survive?
Editor's Сhoice
Macron assiste impotente alla fine della Françafrique
Macron assiste impotente alla fine della Françafrique
January 13, 2025

La Françafrique, simbolo delle relazioni neocoloniali tra Francia e Africa, è ormai al tramonto, mentre assistiamo ad una svolta storica verso l’indipendenza economica e politica dei paesi africani, accelerata da nuove alleanze globali e dal crescente sentimento antioccidentale nel continente.

France is gradually losing its influence in Africa
January 4, 2025

Macron is witnessing the erosion of France’s once-dominant influence in Francophone Africa, a region long considered Paris’s geopolitical ‘backyard’ even after the breakup of French Empire

France is gradually losing its influence in Africa
Editor's Сhoice
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Macron e Rutte, i più pericolosi lacchè europei
Macron e Rutte, i più pericolosi lacchè europei
December 22, 2024

Macron e Rutte stanno cercando di coinvolgere maggiormente la NATO e l’Europa nella guerra in Ucraina a causa della loro obbedienza senza spina dorsale a Trump.

Macron and Rutte, the most dangerous European lackeys
December 18, 2024

Macron and Rutte are striving to get NATO and Europe more involved in the Ukraine war because of their spineless toadying to Trump.

Macron and Rutte, the most dangerous European lackeys
Macron slapped down for cheap talk on Israel arms ban
Macron slapped down for cheap talk on Israel arms ban
October 9, 2024

Netanyahu is a despicable brute. But his slapping down of Macron is a priceless demonstration of how much of a non-entity the French leader is.

NATO, Mussolini 2.0, is always right
September 5, 2024

Fascist Italy is a much more appropriate metric by which to gauge today’s creaking NATO empire than were either Germany or Japan.

NATO, Mussolini 2.0, is always right