Tag: Lewis

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Iran: Preparing the ‘Battle Space’
Iran: Preparing the ‘Battle Space’
May 13, 2019

Mostly, Trump acts in foreign policy as a New York real-estate mogul, with care only for ‘the deal’ and his image, and with zero emotional or moral engagement. But is this so for Iran?

Bernard Lewis: The False Prophet of the Big Lie
June 19, 2018

Lewis’s real heritage is clear: It lies in more than a million dead in Iraq since 2003, more than 600,000 killed in Syria and in the continuing specter throughout the region of wars without end.

Bernard Lewis: The False Prophet of the Big Lie
Why Assad Believes That Syria Would Not Survive a Transition to a Federal System
Why Assad Believes That Syria Would Not Survive a Transition to a Federal System
December 11, 2017

The bulk of the opposition groups that take their cues from Riyadh fully agree with the Syrian president’s approach per se. They are also opposed to a federal system being foisted upon the country and make their arguments from a position of pan-Arabism. But Assad views this principle in a more secular light.

Has Israel Effectively Colonized the United States?
September 9, 2016

We normally think of colonizers as large countries, and the colonized as smaller and weaker nations. But this is not always the case. Colonization does not require occupation. It merely requires the subjugation of the colonized. With ambition, superior information and calculation, and the right mindset, smaller nations can (and have in the past) colonized and dominated larger and nominally more powerful countries..

Has Israel Effectively Colonized the United States?
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Syria, Iraq: Should Borders Be Redrawn to Partition Sovereign States?
Syria, Iraq: Should Borders Be Redrawn to Partition Sovereign States?
March 16, 2016

The article titled «It’s Time to Seriously Consider Partitioning Syria» published recently by Foreign Policy raises serious concerns…

Charlie Hebdo Slaughter: Tragic Lesson for Europe to Learn
January 11, 2015

A great number of information warfare experts work hard to shape the image of enemy among Europeans. Charlie Hebdo, the Paris-based weekly satirical publication, has a special role to play in this campaign. Its main instrument is anti-religious provocation disguised as freedom of expression. Founded in 1970 by left-wing journalists as an outlet of «revolutionary criticism», it folded to be resurrected in 1992 when Philippe Val became its editor-in chief… Since then Charlie Hebdo has been mocking the religious feelings of Muslims and Catholics… Stéphane Charbonnier (Charb) became the chief editor in 2009. He continued the policy of inciting hatred and anti-French feelings among Muslims. The war in Libya was raging. Charb mocked those who suffered as a result of merciless and cynical attacks delivered by NATO… The January 7 attack gave rise to immediate and charged reaction in the West… The terrorist act was described as a barbarian crime… But nobody in the West has clearly defined the attitude towards the perverse perceptions of freedom of expression that engender irresponsibility threatening human lives and undermining civil peace…

Charlie Hebdo Slaughter: Tragic Lesson for Europe to Learn