Tag: Le Pen

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Macron’s idiotic Ukraine policies have paved way for triumph of the french right
Editor's Сhoice
Macron’s idiotic Ukraine policies have paved way for triumph of the french right
June 24, 2024

The foreign policy establishment in both Europe and Washington fears that large-scale joint initiatives like ramped-up military spending and the new push to fund Ukraine’s defense for years to come could also be in question, given Macron had long become among Kiev’s top cheerleaders.

In Europe, people said “no” to war and woke culture
June 14, 2024

Electoral results reflect popular dissatisfaction with the advancement of Western agendas on the European continent.

In Europe, people said “no” to war and woke culture
Na Europa, o povo disse “não” à guerra e à cultura woke
Na Europa, o povo disse “não” à guerra e à cultura woke
June 12, 2024

Resultados eleitorais refletem insatisfação popular com avanço de pautas ocidentais no continente europeu.

The Blind Alleys of European Politics
May 2, 2022

The crises are running, faster and faster, well beyond the abilities of EU rigid structures and mindsets to respond.

The Blind Alleys of European Politics
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The French Election: End of an Era?
Editor's Сhoice
The French Election: End of an Era?
April 24, 2022

“Optimism is cowardice,” said Oswald Spengler. We shouldn’t have false hopes. French President Emmanuel Macron will probably win this Sunday’s runoff election against the National Rally’s Marine Le Pen.

EU Dirty Trick Against Le Pen to Block Her Becoming President May Well Backfire
April 19, 2022

The French will see right through the latest dirty trick of the EU to smear Le Pen

EU Dirty Trick Against Le Pen to Block Her Becoming President May Well Backfire
Be Prepared for a Smear Campaign Against Le Pen Whose Ideas Threaten the EU as We Know It
Be Prepared for a Smear Campaign Against Le Pen Whose Ideas Threaten the EU as We Know It
April 11, 2022

Le Pen’s politics are clever, relevant and well-timed. And like Macron, she also wants France to run the EU. What could possibly go wrong?

French Military Flocking to Le Pen’s RN Party
July 23, 2019

A French study on the electoral behavior of soldiers and gendarmes which examined the votes in several municipalities where their presence is significant, found that the National Rally is growing on Republicans party voters.

French Military Flocking to Le Pen’s RN Party
Editor's Сhoice