Tag: Laos

Con la realizzazione della Ferrovia Pan-Asiatica, promossa dalla Cina nell’ambito della Belt and Road Initiative, si apre una nuova era per l’integrazione completa dei Paesi ASEAN, collegando Laos, Vietnam e Thailandia e stimolando scambi commerciali, sviluppo sostenibile e cooperazione regionale.

China’s ascendant global power is showing up the increasingly bankrupt condition of the United States and its Western allies.

Vijay Prashad explores the differences between the pandemic responses of a few countries with socialist governments and others in the capitalist order.

Like a high-tech divinity, the 21st century irrupts across the immemorial Mekong, which in Laos is appropriately named Mae Nam Khong or the Mother of Waters. Welcome to the China-Indochina Peninsula Economic Corridor, one of the key planks of the New Silk Roads, or Belt and Road Initiative (BRI).