Tag: Labour Party

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Keir Starmer faces renewed scrutiny over allegations he protected Jimmy Savile
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Keir Starmer faces renewed scrutiny over allegations he protected Jimmy Savile
July 7, 2024

As the UK’s new, MI6-aligned prime minister takes power, questions are resurfacing about how key files on infamous British pedophile Jimmy Savile disappeared under his watch.

UK: Labour wins major majority, but lacks popular support
July 6, 2024

The real momentum lies behind Reform.

UK: Labour wins major majority, but lacks popular support
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Labour’s Business Conference Promises Government of, by and for the Banks and Corporations
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Labour’s Business Conference Promises Government of, by and for the Banks and Corporations
February 5, 2024

The Labour Party held its flagship business conference Thursday, “Britain’s Future”, attended by more than 400 people including executives from Goldman Sachs, Google, AstraZeneca and Airbus, each paying £995 for a seat.

Israel – Palestine: Labour Party Sees Massive Drop in Muslim Support
October 27, 2023

Keir Starmer’s endorsement of the deadly war and siege on Gaza has resulted in 66 percent drop in the Muslim community’s support for Labour, according to a recent poll

Israel – Palestine: Labour Party Sees Massive Drop in Muslim Support
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Israel-Palestine War: Starmer’s Gaza Betrayal Shows He Is Failing as a Leader
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Israel-Palestine War: Starmer’s Gaza Betrayal Shows He Is Failing as a Leader
October 25, 2023

Starmer is set on making Britain complicit in what could easily become a genocide. This is the first time Britain has been complicit in a direct Israeli military action since the Suez Crisis in 1956

Israel-Palestine War: UK Leaders Are Paving the Way for Ethnic Cleansing in Gaza
October 13, 2023

Let’s look at the shocking display from Labour leader Keir Starmer on LBC radio on Wednesday. He said that Israel had the “right to defend itself” against the Hamas attack. Then Starmer went a step further when asked about Israeli Defence Minister Yoav Gallant’s grim announcement of a “complete siege” of Gaza, in which Gallant said: “There will be no electricity, no food, no fuel, everything is closed” – adding for good measure that Israel was fighting “human animals”.

Israel-Palestine War: UK Leaders Are Paving the Way for Ethnic Cleansing in Gaza
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UK Labour Backs Israel’s Bloody Reprisals Against Palestinians, Supports NATO Military Escalation Against Russia and China
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UK Labour Backs Israel’s Bloody Reprisals Against Palestinians, Supports NATO Military Escalation Against Russia and China
October 11, 2023

Speaking at a fringe event at the conference over the weekend, Shadow Foreign Secretary David Lammy echoed Starmer’s declarations, stating that if a similar act of “terrorism” took place in Britain, “we would be approaching that on a war footing”. Lisa Nandy, Shadow Secretary of State for International Development, said Britain should review all aid given to Palestinians after Saturday’s attack.

The Framing of Jeremy Corbyn
June 9, 2023

On Sunday I spoke alongside Jeremy Corbyn and others at a packed meeting in Oslo to discuss freedom in the modern world, with particular reference to Julian Assange and to Guantanamo. It was a truly inspirational event.

The Framing of Jeremy Corbyn
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